Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 351 Information Station No. 1

Ichiro Kawai's expression was serious, and putting his feet together was a military salute, "Captain Fujita, don't worry, we will definitely assist with all our strength."

Besides him, there are six other people in the No. [-] intelligence station, all of whom are Japanese agents. They have been lurking here for a long time, and there is no abnormality at all from their appearance.

In terms of military rank, Hikaru Fujita is now the Colonel, several ranks higher than Ichiro Kawai, so he naturally has to be respectful, which is also stipulated by Japan's strict military discipline.

Hearing Ichiro Kawai's swearing promise, Hikaru Fujita nodded with a smile, his expression was very calm, but his heart was full of worry.

He is worried about his sister Fujita Norika.

It was he who proposed the plan to let Norika Fujita enter the Huya Special Warfare Brigade, and in the process of implementing it, he even sacrificed the strength of a squadron for it. Will Xiang be able to return to him safely?

For the great cause of the empire, he can sacrifice many things, but this does not include Ji Xiang, his only relative in this world.

Because of this, Fujita rushed to Tieling County as soon as he received the information from Fujita Norika. He wanted to contact his sister in person to make sure that she was safe before he could rest assured. Moreover, he believed that through his sister, he would be able to obtain a lot of information about the Huxiaoling base. Information, this can play a big role in their attack on Huxiao Ridge.

Through the intelligence recently launched by Norika Fujita, Hikaru Fujita faintly noticed that Huxiao Ridge seemed to be very complicated. It should be equipped with a large number of fortifications and weapons. If you want to attack it, the Japanese army may pay a very high price.

Of course, according to his speculation, if the Huya Special Forces Brigade can be wiped out this time, the harvest will be huge, even super amazing, and it may have a qualitative change in the future military strength of the Great Japanese Empire, thus becoming The most powerful country in the world.

Today, the most recognized power in Europe is Hitler's German Empire. Its indomitable momentum and extremely powerful military power have indeed made it worthy of the title of European overlord.

The three Axis countries of Germany, Japan and Italy have been dominated by the German Empire since their establishment, and everything must obey Hitler's command. This makes the Japanese who have always regarded the Yamato nation as the best nation in the world quite unhappy, but they also They dare not show any dissatisfaction, because they still rely on Hitler's help now.

However, if it obtains the weapon technology in the hands of the Huya Special Forces Brigade, then Japan's military power will definitely develop by leaps and bounds, and it will rise to several steps at once, and it will hope to compete with other world powers.

Therefore, Hikaru Fujita must get what is in the hands of the Huya Special Forces Brigade, and he must get it at all costs. For this reason, he even used his dependent sister.

"Ji Xiang, you must complete the task I entrusted to you." Fujita Hikaru stood in front of the window, looking at the sky outside the window with his hands behind his back, which was the direction of Huxiao Ridge.


On the East Street, Yao Tianhua led a team of special forces walking silently. They all changed into casual clothes, and they looked like farmers farming in the nearby countryside.

This time, the search area of ​​Huxiao Ridge has been expanded to a radius of more than 20 kilometers, and Tieling County is within this range.

According to Luo Xiao's speculation, it is unlikely that the enemy's No. [-] intelligence station is located in the forest near Huxiao Ridge, because Huxiao Ridge implements strict militarized management, and it is not so easy to enter and leave Huxiao Ridge. Around Huxiao Ridge, there are their patrol teams, which can be said to be densely covered with spider webs. It is not ordinary difficult to penetrate into the area guarded by the special forces who have undergone strict jungle training.

Moreover, Huxiao Ridge specially trained hundreds of military dogs, patrolling with those patrols, as long as it is a stranger's breath, it is easy to find it.

Huxiao Ridge has set up such a tight defense network, I believe that the Japanese agents hidden inside Huxiao Ridge should also be aware of it, and the contact will not use the information station near Huxiao Ridge, but it is very likely to be an intelligence station in a nearby town.

Originally, the logistics staff had to go down the mountain to purchase once a month. Although other people had one day off every month, if they wanted to go out, they had to report to ask for leave first.Although the difficulty is still very high, at least there is still a little chance.

As for using the radio to directly send reports inside Huxiaoling, it is estimated that the parameter data of a weapon will have to be sent until dawn, which is enough time for the anti-monitoring room to catch it dozens of times.The traitor seems to be quite expert, so he wouldn't make such a basic mistake so stupidly.

Except for the Huya Special Forces Brigade brought from the original era, and several high-level commanders and fighters in Huxiao Ridge, the activities of other personnel in Huxiao Ridge are strictly restricted, and what they can learn is very limited, especially In some military restricted areas, except for Luo Xiao and a few people, the rest of the people are not allowed to enter at all.This also makes it quite difficult for people inside to make trouble.

After analyzing, Luo Xiao locked down several towns around Huxiao Ridge. He determined that the enemy's intelligence station should be in these towns.

According to his order, Yaotianhua soldiers divided into several groups, some of them went straight to these cities to secretly investigate suspicious places in the towns, and some continued to conduct careful investigations in and around Huxiao Ridge to rule out any suspicious places.

At the same time, the twelve miniature telemetry satellites originally stored in the warehouse were also launched into the sky, and spared no effort to monitor the movements within tens of kilometers of Huxiao Ridge.

These miniature telemetry satellites, which are only the size of bees, were developed by Mo Yanran's laboratory at the beginning. They were originally planned to be transported to the special warfare base for attachment and test their performance, but they were brought along with them during time travel.

It's not that Luo Xiao never thought of using them to monitor the surroundings of Huxiao Ridge, but these guys consume too much power. The power consumed by the data processor that controls them alone is enough to make Yan Beifeng's heart hurt.

However, now that the devil's mopping up is coming soon, and the internal Japanese spies are ready to move, Luo Xiao immediately decides to launch a micro-satellite to monitor the surroundings of Huxiaoling [-]/[-].

Fortunately, in a few days, the first generator set in the underground base will start operating, and the electricity it generates is enough to supply the operation of these miniature telemetry satellites.

While the inside of Huxiao Ridge was in full swing, a special warfare unit led by Yao Tianhua had also entered Tieling County, and his mission this time was to search for the most likely county that Luo Xiao had identified as the location of the intelligence station.


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