Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 357 Anti-sweeping plan

"Captain Yao, I just said it, this Yang San is a serious businessman, his shop will have no problems."

As the saying goes, "Eating people's mouths is short, and taking others' hands is soft." After getting so many things from Yang San's shop, Cao Deli, the captain of the security force brigade, naturally wants to say something good for him, let alone search Nothing was found.

Yao Tianhua was noncommittal, just walked towards the security army brigade headquarters, he decided to stay in the brigade headquarters for a few days until the opponent's intelligence station was completely dug out.For this reason, he also sent people back to the mountain, mobilized some of the troops of the affiliated corps, and gathered them in Tieling County to stand by, ready to destroy the opponent's intelligence station at any time.

There was always a question in Yao Tianhua's mind that he didn't understand, that is why the devil's intelligence station should exist secretly instead of setting it up in the Japanese Gendarmerie Headquarters in Tieling County, isn't it superfluous?

Tieling County has fallen into the hands of the Japanese since the Fengtian Incident. Here they are the managers on the surface, and they don't have to cover up at all, making them look like thieves.

This question lingered in Yao Tianhua's mind, and it also lingered in Luo Xiao's mind, making him unable to figure it out.

Luo Xiao guessed that the devil might have done this for the sake of secrecy, because it could protect the traitor hidden inside Huxiao Ridge to the greatest extent so as not to be discovered.


"This matter is a bit troublesome." Yan Beifeng was also sitting in the office of Huxiaoling Headquarters at this time, and he and Luo Xiao looked at the information Yao Tianhua sent from Tieling County, frowning.

According to the information from Yao Tianhua, a total of six targets were locked in this secret search. Yao Tianhua has sent people to secretly monitor around the clock, and report back immediately if there is any situation.

Although there are only six targets left, this is also the most suspicious one. If we want to finally determine which one is the devil's intelligence station, I am afraid that it will not take a day or two to have the result.

"Next, we can only wait for the traitors to send to the No. [-] intelligence station, and then we can capture them in one fell swoop." Luo Xiao thought for a while, and then said.

Yan Beifeng thought about it for a while, and then said, "Well, I'm just waiting for now."

Luo Xiao handed Yao Tianhua full responsibility for this matter, and they believed that Yao Tianhua's ability to handle this matter should not be a problem.As for them, there are more important things to deal with, and that is the mopping up of devils.

The hidden dragon mountain incident had to postpone the start of the devil's mopping up.

Originally, they planned to take down Hidden Dragon Mountain in one fell swoop, giving a good start to this mopping up and boosting morale by the way.But no one would have imagined that it would be destroyed by the special forces team led by Luo Xiao. Not only did they fail to take down Hidden Dragon Mountain, but they stole the chickens and lost the rice, and they were added to the two squadrons for nothing.

The devils from four squadrons were in charge of cooperating with Hikaru Fujita that time, all of them were field squadrons belonging to the 18th Independent Brigade. Their combat effectiveness was beyond doubt, but they couldn't hold back Luo Xiao. The multiple-barreled machine guns were so powerful that they ran away without a chance to fight back.

In this way, among the four squadrons that participated in the operation, only two squadrons were able to return to Tieling County smoothly. When they arrived at a small group, the entire army was almost wiped out.

That is, after this battle, the reputation of the Hippo armed transport helicopter spread throughout the Japanese independent mixed 18th Brigade, which made them change their colors.

After losing the first battle, the Japanese army could only adjust the plan, and wait for the second battalion of the 18th Independent Mixed Brigade of the Japanese army to support them to arrive before launching a sweep.

Before this, the four squadrons that were disabled could only hide in Tieling County, and they didn't have the guts to go out of the city for activities.

For this raid, Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng have already sorted out a whole set of plans. It can be said that as long as the devils come, what awaits them will be a blow like a storm, which will leave them with nightmare memories.

"Luo Xiao, is it appropriate to expose these weapons so early?" Looking at the anti-mopping plan that Luo Xiao came up with, Yan Beifeng pondered for a moment, and asked, "Even if we don't use these weapons, we want to crush the devil's mopping up." It's easy too."

Luo Xiao smiled and said, "I've thought about it, but we have fallen into a misunderstanding from the beginning. We always feel that the weapons in our hands should not be used lightly, so as to avoid exposure and reduce the possibility of us being taken over by other forces."

"" That's right, we were not on a firm footing at that time, if we were exposed rashly, I'm afraid we would immediately attract a large group of hungry wolves with red eyes. "

"It's understandable to do that before the foothold is stable; but now the situation has changed—" Luo Xiao stood up, walked to the window of the office, and pointed to the vast base outside the bright window, where construction was in full swing He said, "But now, we have enough strength to defend our achievements, so it is time for these weapons to show up and contribute to the resistance against Japan."

Yan Beifeng didn't speak, he came to Luo Xiao's side and looked out of the window as well.

In the spacious headquarters compound, the special forces in charge of security stood upright like poles, watching the movement around them vigilantly. Teams of heavily armed patrols walked past the window in neat steps. Zhang's young face is full of sunshine-like vigor.

Looking into the distance, a signal tower is rising from the ground. On a platform of tens of square meters at the top, a high-power multifunctional signal transmitter receiver has been erected and is entering the debugging stage. Next, the entire base will be Can realize mobile phone communication.

Of course, apart from this signal tower, the entire Huxiao Ridge is undergoing tremendous changes. Whether it is the secret base hidden deep in the mountainside or the ancillary facilities located outside, they are all expanding at an astonishing speed. Most of the peak of Huxiaoling is expanding towards the left and right peaks. I believe it won't be long before a modern base with a vast area will appear here, providing strong support for Luo Xiao and the others' development.

Luo Xiao pointed to the busy people on the hillside outside the window, and said, "Huxiao Ridge is no longer the simple cottage where the bandits gathered together. Now if anyone wants to come to harass him, then what awaits him will be a powerful punch." , two of his front teeth were knocked out, and he couldn’t find Bei.”

"Okay, since that's the case, then I support your plan!" Yan Beifeng let out a long sigh of relief, as if venting the depression in his heart, "It's really embarrassing to have so many good things that can't be used. This time, I can happily let the devil have a good taste."

"Hahahaha!" The two looked at each other and laughed knowingly.

At this time, a loud shout came from the headquarters, "Report!"

When Yan Beifeng heard this, he couldn't help smiling, and said, "Chu Yifei has come to look for me again, ha ha."

"What did he ask you for?" Luo Xiao was a little surprised. Chu Yifei was in charge of the Stinger team. He was usually not training or going out to perform missions. How could he have time to run to the headquarters.


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