Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 360 The Big Sweep: Tensions

"This sweep is divided into four directions, east, west, north, south, from Crouching Tiger Ridge, Bailang River, Qipan Mountain, and Jiutiao River to encircle the line of Zanglong Mountain and Huxiaoling, so as to wipe out all the anti-Japanese forces in China and prevent them from slipping through the net." Ozawa continued to issue combat orders, "The first sweeping group is the 16th regiment of the second division and the first regiment of Zang Xuecheng of the public security army. The first and second battalions of the independent garrison are also placed under the command of the 16th regiment. The mopping up began in the Bailangchuan area, aiming to reach the Dabangzi Mountain area to the east of Huxiaoling within three days." Ozawa stretched out his hand to draw on the map, and he outlined the battle route of the first mopping up group, and waited for the 16th regiment to fight. After the team's new captain Hato Sakamura stood up and signaled, he continued, "The second mopping up group is an independent and mixed 8st and 1nd regiment of the 2th brigade, advancing from the two wings of Qipanshan respectively. Arrive at the southern foot of Huxiao Ridge within three days."

"Yes, I promise to arrive on time!" The two captains bowed together and shouted loudly.

Ozawa set his sights on the remaining Japanese officers, and continued, "The third mopping up group is an independent mixed 38st and 1nd regiment of the 2th Brigade, and the second regiment of the security force Ma Xueli, from Encircle from the west, reach the west of Huxiaoling within three days, and block their escape route; the fourth sweeping group is composed of the 8rd Wing of the 3th Brigade and the 38rd Wing of the [-]th Brigade. Tang Tianhao's regiment cooperated and surrounded the north of Huxiao Ridge to prevent the Chinese people from fleeing."

"The third and fourth brigades of the independent garrison, as well as the first and second squadrons of the Japanese Mukden Gendarmerie are in charge of cleaning up the surrounding area, mainly to deal with those who slip through the net, so as to ensure that no one is missed."

Having said that, Ozawa snapped the folder shut, looked at everyone in the room, and said, "This time, the elite Nobunaga Special Attack Team of the Empire of Japan will cooperate with our actions, and will first infiltrate the enemy Internally, decapitate the opponent and destroy the important facilities of the opponent to weaken the resistance of our attack."

"It turned out to be the Nobunaga Special Attack Team. With their help, I believe this operation will be much easier." Fujita Hikaru's Nobunaga Special Attack Team is well-known in the Japanese Kwantung Army, and many troops have heard of them.When they heard the news that they also came to fight, all the Japanese military officers were overjoyed.

"Everyone, you are all the best officers in the Empire of Japan, and your subordinates are the most elite soldiers. I believe you will be able to use your brilliant achievements to prove to His Majesty the Emperor that the Imperial Japanese Army is invincible." Men Erlang did not know when he came to the table again, his eyes sparkled, and he said loudly.

His high spirits infected the Japanese officers, and they all straightened their chests, and then shouted:

"Long live the Great Japanese Empire, the Kwantung Army will surely win."

"The Imperial Japanese Army is invincible!"

"Occupy China within three months!"

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the war room became heated. All the Japanese officers clenched their fists impassionedly, shouting while waving, and it could be seen that the emotions were mobilized by Domen Jiro.

In the corner, Tang Tianhao glanced sideways at the Japanese officers who seemed to have been bruised, and muttered in his heart, "This Duomen Erlang really has some tricks, he can fool these people and rush forward with a few words, as expected. Simple."

He was waiting for the meeting to end, so that he could send the news to Shanhe Teahouse, so that Luo Xiao could know it immediately.

During this period of time, Tang Tianhao has been developed into his own by Sun Dong and others, and the application for joining the party has been submitted, and he can join just waiting for Luo Xiao and the others to agree.

After knowing the Japanese's detailed battle plan, Tang Tianhao's first thought was to send the news to the intelligence station, and then let Luo Xiao know, so that he could prepare in advance.

The meeting continued. Although the major aspects have been determined, there are still many specific operational details that need to be studied. Therefore, the meeting lasted for three and a half hours, and the meeting was not adjourned until after noon.

As soon as the meeting was over, Tang Tianhao and a few other officers of the Security Force left the Marshal's Mansion, and rushed to their own homes to arrange their affairs.

Participating in the raid this time may take a long time, and the family must be settled properly.

"Teacher Tang, what do you think of this raid?" At the gate, Tang Tianhao met Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli again. Although the two of them were not at odds with each other, they were more polite to Tang Tianhao. It seemed that they wanted to make an alliance. .

Tang Tianhao laughed, and then said, "With the Japanese Imperial Army here, why do we have to worry about it, we just need to follow them and mop up the tail."

"I don't think so. I heard that Luo Xiao is the main target this time. You must know that boy is not so easy to provoke. Back then, a dozen or so people dared to make a scene in Fengtian City, so I'm afraid there will be a tough battle this time." Ma Xueli Kaka didn't even look at Zang Xuecheng, but said to Tang Tianhao.

The current Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli don't like each other as long as they see each other, and Tang Tianhao, who was not in their eyes at the beginning, has become a favorite now.

Tang Tianhao naturally knew what the two guys were thinking, and sneered secretly in his heart, but he kept his face calm and said calmly, "Tuan Zhang, Tuan Zhang Ma, this time the Imperial Japanese Army has mobilized so many troops, it can be seen that It's because of the ambition, and there are so many people this time, even if it's Luo Xiao who has three heads and six arms, it's not enough to kill so many troops, so I don't think there will be any problems this time."

"That's, that's, brother Tang is right, this time he will definitely catch Luo Xiao and avenge my son." As soon as he said this, Zang Xuecheng thought of his son who was killed by Luo Xiao again, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth with hatred.

Ma Xueli on the side reacted similarly to him, but he was a little more thoughtful than Zang Xuecheng, knowing how powerful Luo Xiao and the others were, so he still had a little worry in his heart.

After the three of them said a few words, Tang Tianhao said goodbye and left, saying that he wanted to go home to see his family, and arrange for them by the way. Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli also had people to arrange, so they parted at the gate and went about their own affairs something happened.

Tang Tianhao came under the tree next to the gate, untied the war horse tied to the tree, and said to the horse who was following him, "You don't have to follow me, I'll go home, you go to the barracks first!" gallop away.

Ma Bian didn't have to follow, so he was naturally happy, so he went directly to the barracks to rest.

Tang Tianhao left the gate and did not go home. Instead, he galloped along the street. He trembled several times in the nearby streets. After making sure that there was no one following him, he turned his horse around and went straight to the street where Shanhe Tea House was located. and go.


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