Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 367 The Big Sweep: The Traitor Exposed

"Mishima-kun, tonight we must take a good look at what good things are in the warehouses of these Chinese people." A sneaky black figure poked its head out from the top of the wall, looked into the wall, and then He turned over and jumped in. Behind him, another figure seemed to move much faster than him, and he could see that he was good at it.

Tang Tianhao, who was hidden in the dark, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, because this scene was exactly the same as the movement of the Fifth Company Commander climbing over the wall just now, it was a pure copy.

"This little devil and the traitor are really brothers and sisters. They even think about the same thing." Shunzi squatted beside Tang Tianhao, couldn't help laughing, but Tang Tianhao rolled his eyes, "Hold down, if you scare our guests away , I can’t spare you.”

Shunzi stuck out his tongue when he heard the sound, and stopped talking, although he also knew that the leader was just talking.

Jumping over the wall, Mishima's feet landed on the ground, and immediately his body rolled, and he flashed into the shadow by the wall. His movements were so quick and skillful that Tang Tianhao, who was watching him not far away, couldn't help but sigh, "This little devil The skill is really good."

If they hadn't known in advance that they were coming, it would be very unlikely for the patrol to find Mishima and the others.But now, Tang Tianhao had already laid a net, and was just waiting for the little devil to jump in by himself.

Hiding in the dark for a while, Mishima observed the movement around him and saw that there was nothing unusual, so he waved his hand behind him, then slid forward against the wall, all the way straight to the direction of the playground.

Shunzi watched with binoculars not far away, and found that the two boys were heading straight for the warehouse, so he knew their intentions, and cursed, "You two bastards, I knew you were planning on the warehouse. "

Tang Tianhao smiled slightly and said, "Let them go, anyway, the things inside have already been moved away, and a big meal has been prepared for them."

Everyone smiled heartily and watched the devil's actions motionlessly.

Unaware that he had become the clown performing in front of Tang Tianhao and the others, Mishima was still sneaking cautiously, quite proud in his heart, "Yaoxi, it seems that the stealth technique that was specially practiced back then is really easy to use, these Chinese soldiers didn't realize it at all not me."

While thinking this way, he looked back at Yitian who was following him, and said with contempt to himself, "This idiot, Yitian, moves clumsily like a pig, if he is not for the brother-in-law of Itatsu Naoen, I would not Will carry this burden."

While thinking, the two gradually approached the playground, and the warehouse was already in sight.

Mishima looked left and right, and saw that the two were in a forest, he turned his head and whispered to Yitian, "Yitian-kun, wait for me here, I will go to the opposite warehouse to check, and I will take you back together .”

Yitian looked at the soldiers of the security forces standing in front of the warehouse with guns, and couldn't help but feel apprehensive. When he heard that he was not allowed to go, he immediately became happy and nodded repeatedly, "Yaoxi Yaoxi, Mishima-kun, you What a good man, my brother-in-law and I will definitely say good things to you when we go back."

"Idiot, I, Mishima, rely on my own ability to do everything. I don't need you to say nice things." Mishima cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything in his mouth. Instead, he pretended to be very happy. "Thank you very much, Yitian-kun."

After the two discussed it, they moved separately. With the cover of the trees around the playground, Mishima sneaked in to the warehouse, while the rest of them, Yitian, squatted in the woods, waiting for Mishima's return in fear.

Seeing Mishima's back disappear into the darkness, Yitian felt that there were countless ghosts hidden behind the trees around him, as if they would pounce on him at any time, and he couldn't help wrapping his clothes subconsciously.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of anything, I'm the invincible Imperial Japanese Army." Yitian cheered himself up, but he could hear his voice trembling.

The woods were very quiet, except for the occasional screams of night owls, and the rustling of the wind blowing through the treetops, but this very ordinary silence made his hair stand on end, and he felt his hairs stand on end.

"His Majesty the Emperor bless you, His Majesty the Emperor bless you!" Yitian clasped his hands in front of his body and kept praying so that he would not lose the courage to stay here.

Time passed very slowly, only 5 minutes had passed, but it made Yitian feel as if five years had passed, and he couldn't help but turn around and run away several times.

"Mishima, you bastard, you didn't leave me behind to claim credit, did you?" Yitian regretted it to death at this time. You know, he wouldn't have come to participate in this operation even if he was killed in the first place.

At first I thought it was a fat job, and I could get a lot of oil and water from it, but who would have thought that it would be like this. Yitian regretted it and wanted to slap himself a few times, but he raised his hand and tried, but he still couldn't do it.

Just as the small drum was beating in his heart, a breath was suddenly blown on the back of his neck, which made his body stiff and he did not dare to move.

There was no movement behind him again, Yitian held his breath, and turned around slowly, only to find that there was nothing behind him, which made him terrified.

"What's going on, is there a ghost?" This thought suddenly appeared in Yitian's mind, making him feel as if something with green face and fangs would jump out from behind him at any time, this feeling made him short of breath, and his heart beat at any time It's like popping out of the chest cavity.

Suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder from behind, the real feeling made him almost cry out, and he turned his head suddenly, "Who, who is it?

There was still no one behind him, only the leaves swaying in the night, as if being pushed by an invisible hand.

Yitian licked Tian's dry lips, and couldn't help but backed away, completely unaware of a figure standing not far behind.

The back slammed into an object, that real feeling, especially this time.

"There must be nothing this time." Yitian seemed to be a little immune, or to comfort himself, he turned his head and looked behind him.

With just one glance, Yitian's hair almost stood on end, and then he uttered a terrific scream, rushed out of the woods, and ran towards the outside of the playground.

Behind him, in the shadow of the forest, Peng Yun, dressed in white, took off a mask from his face with his right hand. On it was Bai Wuchang's terrifying white face with a ferocious smile, and the long tongue protruding from his mouth was scarlet. , more than two feet long.

"Hey, little devil, I can't scare you this time, you're schizophrenic. I'm not called Peng Yun." Peng Yun shook the long-tongued mask in his hand, ran away from Yitian with a smirk, and picked it up. The walkie-talkie said, "Commander, everything is going well, and the plan has been successfully completed."

"Good job, you rush to the warehouse immediately and cooperate with the second company commander there to catch another Japanese." Tang Tianhao directed him over the phone.

Peng Yun responded, and then rushed towards the warehouse.


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