Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 379 The big sweep: high mountains, dense forests and many guns

Just after dawn, the fog had not dissipated, and the sound of hurried footsteps woke up the birds on the branches.

Opening his small round eyes, the little bird curiously looked under the tree, and found that there were groups of troops dressed in security army uniforms on the mountain road, walking forward along the mountain road where there were few pedestrians in the past.

The mountain road is not too wide, and it is a bit narrow for two people walking side by side. One side is a hillside covered with dense trees; the other side is a steep ravine. People feel terrified when they see it.

There are gravels everywhere on the mountain road. The big ones are about the size of peanuts, and the small ones are only the size of rice grains. They are densely packed all over the mountain road. People must be careful when walking on it, otherwise it is easy to slip and fall into the ravine among.

Once it falls into the ravine, even if those jagged sharp rocks cannot kill people, they will definitely bruise people all over.

Therefore, these security forces soldiers walked very carefully, keeping an eye on their feet every step of the way, for fear that they would fall into the ravine if they took a wrong step.

As a result, the speed of the security forces was obviously much slower, which made the Japanese soldiers behind them very unhappy.

Surrounded by teams of Japanese soldiers, Squadron Leader Mukai Jingming straddled a black horse, with binoculars hanging around his neck, and a command knife hanging obliquely on his waist, with his waist straight.He also had a serious look on his face.

The squadron he commanded seemed to be more disciplined. No one spoke during the march, and the people were all hurrying along. Apart from the clacking of leather shoes on the mountain road, no other noises could be heard.

In comparison, the discipline of the security forces was much worse. They laughed and laughed as they walked, whistled once or twice from time to time, or just got together with a few people and said a few nasty jokes, which made everyone laugh out loud.

"Crowd." Hearing the noise-like talking and laughing, Xiangjing Jingming frowned in disgust, and then turned his gaze to other places.

An officer saw that his squadron leader had been staring at the dense woods for more than ten minutes, and he still didn't look away. He asked a little strangely, "Squadron leader, why do you keep looking at those woods?"

Jingming Mukai smiled slightly. He raised his whip and pointed at the continuous forest, "Look at the terrain here."

People looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a hill in front of them. The mountain road wound up from the foot of the hill, and then fell down from the other side of the hill, and the road on the top of the hill suddenly narrowed and became much narrower. And in the distance on the side, the woods suddenly became denser.

Jingming Mukai continued, "Look, the terrain here, with high mountains and dense forests, and narrow roads, is very suitable for ambushes."

As soon as the words fell, a shrill sniper rifle shot rang out in the mountains, surprising a large group of mountain birds suddenly.

The devil's machine gunner who was walking in the front dropped his machine gun, turned over and fell in the middle of the mountain road. A bullet hole in his heart spurted out blood, as fierce as a spring.

"There is an ambush, there is an ambush!"

The security forces panicked all of a sudden. They pulled the bolts of their guns and fired randomly around them, shooting without any target at all.

With a wave of Jingming Mukai's hand, the soldiers of the squadron under him immediately dispersed and formed a battle formation. Light and heavy machine guns were deployed on the spot, and the muzzles of the guns were directed at places where there might be ambushes.

However, the forest was very quiet, except for the gunshot just now, there was no other movement.

The devils were lying on the cold stone ground, the wind was blowing, it didn't feel very good, but without the order of the squadron leader, no one moved arbitrarily, but watched closely where the enemy might appear.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was still no movement in the mountains and forests. This abnormal phenomenon made Mujing Jingming and others all puzzled.

"What do the Chinese people mean? Why did they run away after firing a shot?" Xiangjing Jingming looked at the movement, then waved his hand to call Gou Shuli, the commander of the first battalion of the first regiment of the Security Army who was cooperating with him.

Gou Shuli is less than one foot six tall, with the head of a mouse and two thin beards, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a big mouse. If you add his chattering eyes, it really has both form and spirit.

Hearing that Squadron Captain Mukai Jingming called him, he almost crawled over, and when he came close, he was still panting, and poked his neck and replied, "These diehards like to do this, shoot one shot and then die." You're being a jerk, but you don't even have the guts to actually fight."

As soon as the words fell, another sniper shot rang out in the forest on the right, and this time the unlucky one was a Japanese army squad leader whose head was regarded as a big watermelon, and he was beaten to death immediately. The mountain road rolled into a ravine.




The machine gun commander of the Japanese army commanded the light and heavy machine guns to shoot wildly in the direction where the gunshots might come from. The leaves there were flying around and the gravel was constantly splashing, but nothing was found.

"You guys, go and search." A small Japanese army leader pointed at the security forces led by Gou Shuli, and then pointed to the hillside on the right.

"Us?!" The soldiers of the security forces were all stupefied. They lost all the energy they had when they were talking and joking just now. The gunman at the place, these ghost soldiers have to get rid of them.

Frightened and trembling, they climbed up the hillside. While walking, the soldiers of the public security army prayed for the blessings of the gods and Buddhas in their hearts, and at the same time scolded the ghost soldiers, "The Jade Emperor Taishang Laojun Lord Earth Lord God Mountain Lord West Heaven Tathagata Bless all the gods who pass by I'm safe, the little devil of Gou Ri is too insignificant."

Climbing up tremblingly, more than a dozen security army soldiers safely climbed up the hillside. They walked through the dense forest while searching for enemies.

On the mountain road, Jingming Mukai quietly rode on the black horse, waiting for the return from the soldiers of the security forces.He has always been cautious when marching, as long as there is any disturbance, he will coil up his body like a frightened poisonous snake, holding his head high and waiting for the enemy's arrival.

Although the two gunshots had limited lethality, they also needed to be treated with caution to him. If he was ambushed by others because of his rash advance, then it would be too worthless.

Because of this, the Japanese army waited until the soldiers of the security forces had searched the mountain forest and made sure that there was no problem before continuing to advance.

With this delay, about an hour and a half passed, and Xiang Jing Jingming only walked less than a mile.


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