Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 382 The big sweep: high mountains, dense forests and many guns


Mukai Jingming turned over from his lethargy, reached out and grabbed the pistol beside him, and looked out the door with lingering fear.

He had a nightmare just now. He dreamed that a person rushed in from the door with a gun aimed at his head and was about to pull the trigger.

As soon as he was anxious, Mukai Jingming woke up from his sleep, only feeling that his heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out.

Raising his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead, Xiang Jingming reached out to pick up the military blanket that fell on the ground, put it on again, and then curled up in the corner by the campfire.

The bonfire uses the doors and furniture of some residents in the village. Because they are all good wood, the flame is very strong, and even the air is filled with a faint fragrance of pine wood.

After calming down a little, Mukai Jingming found that he couldn't fall asleep. The nightmare just now seemed to be an unresolved nightmare, which made him feel heavy.

"What's going on, I'm a fearless Yamato samurai, an imperial soldier, how can I be so scared?" He was ashamed of his cowardice, and he was so scared that he couldn't sleep because of a nightmare.

It's a pity that sometimes a person's body is independent of a person's will. No matter how he cheers himself up, it's useless, and his eyes are still staring like buns.

Since he really couldn't fall asleep, Mukai Jingming had no choice but to turn over and sit up, then covered his signal soldier with the military blanket on his body, and then stepped out of the room, intending to check the duty status of the sentry post.

As soon as Xiangjing Jingming left the room where he lived, Chu Yifei touched the door silently. He hid the door and carefully peeked inside. He saw a person covered with a military blanket sleeping soundly, with a Something used by some commanders.

"It's him!" Chu Yifei rejoiced secretly, he reached out and drew out his pistol, pointing at the other party.

The shrill gunshots pierced the night sky and echoed in the mountain village, waking up all the sleeping Japanese soldiers. They turned over and ran out of the house, "Where, where, where was the gun fired?"

Chu Yifei looked at the four or five bullet holes on the blood-soaked military blanket, as well as the body that was no longer convulsed. He turned around with a smile and disappeared into the darkness.

When the devils in charge of protecting the squadron headquarters rushed over, they only saw a corpse that had been beaten into a sieve and a map that had been burned.

"What's going on here?" Mukai Jingming's military blanket was removed, revealing the face of the devil soldier below, and people discovered that it was not the squadron leader who was killed, but his signal soldier.

Just when the people were in chaos, Mukai Jingming's voice came from behind, "Whatever the chaos, go back and restrain the troops."

The people calmed down immediately, they turned around and saw the squadron leader standing behind him, with an angry expression on his face, he seemed very dissatisfied with their performance, "You are soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire, you should keep calm at all times , Don’t say I’m not dead, even if I die, you all have to stay calm and continue to complete the scheduled plan.”

"Hi!" All the commanders of the squadron at all levels bowed and saluted together, then turned and ran away, leaving only a part of the guards behind.

Jingming Mukai stepped into the room, and saw bullet holes on his military blanket, and the gushing blood had soaked most of it, he couldn't help but secretly startled, "Fortunately, that nightmare made me unable to sleep, otherwise, after a few shots It must have hit me."

He waved his hand and ordered the dead messenger to be carried down, then he sat down by the campfire again, reached out and picked up the burned map with only one-third of it left, and smiled wryly.

It seems that the purpose of this assassin is to stop his own progress, so that he cannot reach the predetermined position within the specified time.

Thinking of this, Mukai Jingming made up his mind to arrive on time.

The Japanese soldiers guarding him asked him to change his residence, but Jingming Mukai refused. He thought that since the opponent had already been assassinated once, he would not come here again, so this house was the safest.

After persuading him a few times, Mukai Jingming still insisted on his opinion, so those people had to agree with his decision, living in the original house could only increase the intensity of vigilance.

There was nothing to say all night, and when the squadron left in the morning, Jingming Mukai found that the sentry post of his team outside the village had also been killed, and the body was thrown behind a stone.

"Everyone, be vigilant, the Chinese people are too cunning, especially the guards at night must be more careful." Mu Jing Jingming looked at the sentry whose throat had been cut with a knife, and told the other soldiers.

Everyone nodded their heads in disapproval, thinking that this person was too dangerous and they had to be careful.

The team continued to move forward, because they didn't sleep well last night, so the devils and security forces didn't sleep well. They all yawned and kept their mouths open, so the speed was naturally greatly reduced.

The sun was over the top of the head, and Jingming Mukai's squadron had only traveled less than ten miles, and the distance was not as good as one-third of yesterday's. According to this speed, even after walking for three more days, they arrived at the scheduled place.

Anxious, he issued an order to the team leaders below, ordering them to urge the team to speed up, and must rush to Yangjiagou, [-] miles away from Huxiaoling, before the sun goes down.

In this way, under the urging of Jingming Mukai, the speed of the team increased a little, and they rushed forward along the rugged mountain road.

During the daytime of this day, Chu Yifei appeared beside them from time to time. Every time he shot, he would definitely hit the target. Important figures such as the commander and machine gunner of the devil kept getting injured. When Xiangjing Jingming sent people to chase him, People have disappeared, and sometimes it is not even known where the guns were fired from.

Mukai Jingming felt a headache for this kind of tactics that was very different from the previous tactics, but there was no way to solve it. He could only shrink the troops as much as possible and send more scout troops at the same time, so as to find the opponent earlier.But the effect is not great.

Chu Yifei is like a ghost, haunting and haunting around him, every time he appears, he will definitely take away the devil's life, as if he is the messenger of death.

So Gou Shuli and the others named him "Sura", and this nickname accompanied him through a life of ups and downs.

Of course, the current Chu Yifei still doesn't know the nickname the devil gave him, and he is still enthusiastically thinking about the idea of ​​plotting against the devil.

No, he was squatting beside the road that the devils must pass, and was working on a booby trap, designing the detonating device.

In a few minutes, he finished it, and after disguising the booby trap, he got into the woods beside him, chose a hillside as a sniper position, and set up his sniper rifle.

There were no snipers in Mukai Jingming's squadron, which Chu Yifei could confirm through previous trials, so he set up a sniper position with confidence.

Touching the improved Type [-] sniper rifle in his hand, Chu Yifei grinned towards the path down the hillside, "Little devil, grandpa is waiting for you, come on."


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