Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 385 The big sweep: high mountains, dense forests and many guns


A gunshot sounded in the woods outside the mountain village, followed by a crackling machine gun sound, which was especially piercing in the silent night.

Mukai Jing who was sleeping soundly sat up, reached out to grab the knife and pistol, got up and rushed out of the room.

The courtyard was already full of ghost soldiers, most of them were awakened from sleep, rushed out without putting on clothes, holding only rifles in their hands, looking around nervously at this time.

"Squadron leader, what should we do?" Hearing the dense gunfire, a squad leader asked Jingming Mujing.

Jingming Mukai listened to it, and found it very strange, because he had never heard the sound of this kind of machine gun, and it was very strange. Thinking about the machine guns invented by various countries in the world, it seems that there is no such sound.

It was a bit strange at first, but when he thought of the weapons in the hands of the Huya Special Forces Brigade, he didn't think it was strange. He waved his hand and shouted excitedly, "The Chinese are attacking, this is a good opportunity to wipe them out , Outflank the past in three ways."

Under his order, the first and third teams made roundabouts from left to right and moved towards the place where the machine guns sounded, while the second team pushed forward, and he took the fourth team behind to prepare for support at any time.

Originally, he thought that this attack would encounter some troubles, but in fact his team advanced very smoothly, and did not encounter any resistance, but the sound of machine guns kept ringing, without stopping at all.

With deep doubts, the three squadrons surrounded, surrounded the jungle where the machine guns sounded, and then launched a storm.

The jungle is very dark, especially at night, it is surprisingly dark.With one foot deep and the other shallow, the devils groped forward among the vines and trees, tripped over their feet from time to time, and fell to the ground.

In this way, while cursing, they touched the place where the machine gun fired. The three devils' squad leaders were all dumbfounded, and couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

On the tree in front of them, there was a foreign iron bucket hanging with a bunch of firecrackers in it. It was still burning at this time, making a crackling sound. Through the echo of the iron bucket, it really sounded like Machine guns.

"Cunning Chinese people." The squad leaders of the three devils were all furious, and one of the squad leaders reached out and pulled out his command knife, and smashed the foreign iron barrel with it.


A violent explosion swept over the place where he was standing in an instant, and the booby trap hidden in the tree was detonated by his knife. The shrapnel made him a bloody man in an instant, and he collapsed on the ground like mud.

The sound of the mine seemed to be a signal, and the thunder sounded one after another in the entire forest, and the ghost soldiers who entered the forest were immediately devastated. There were explosions and deafening noises everywhere.

After a burst of violent explosions, the forest had turned into a raging sea of ​​flames, and Japanese soldiers rushed out of it, most of them wounded.

After working for more than ten minutes, finally no one came out from the woods. Jingming Mukai ordered the team to retreat back to the village and stay away from the woods.

Chu Yifei, who was hiding in a tree not far away, cried out inwardly that it was a pity, if it wasn't for the hasty arrangement of mines due to time constraints, the devil's loss would have been much greater.

Even so, Mukai Jingming was going to be mad with anger, he never expected that he would be calculated by someone after being cautious for a long time, and he was calculated so badly.

After the devils from the three teams went in, less than three-fifths of them came out alive.More than a hundred people were swallowed up by this jungle.

After this incident, Mukai Jingming fully understood how powerful Chu Yifei is. On the next journey, he was as cautious as a tortoise, shrinking when encountering any disturbance, leaving Chu Yifei helpless.

However, Chu Yifei's mission has been completed, because the pocket prepared for Xiangjing Jingming in front has been opened, waiting for him to plunge into it.

But at this time, Mukai Jingming didn't know that he was about to join the big army, and he was rejoicing that he could finally get out of this terrifying mountain journey.

Standing on the hillside, Jingming Mukai held up his binoculars and carefully observed the terrain in the distance: there was a flat open land with only some low undulations on it, so there was no way to ambush troops, and the peaks on both sides were still some distance away from the road , it is really difficult to lay an ambush.And on the opposite side of this open area is a mountain pass. After passing the mountain pass and walking three or four miles forward, it is the road leading to the round place. Once there, there is no threat.

"I'm finally getting out of this terrifying mountain road." Looking at the smoky mountain pass in the distance, Mukai Jingming actually felt as if he had passed away. For the past three days, he felt as if he had spent time in hell. The tormented feeling made him shudder just thinking about it.

"Squadron leader, do you want the team to rest?" Captain Xiao Yuan asked in a low voice, now one of the four squad leaders has died, and there are only three of them left.

Xiangjing Jingming thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, we have to get out of here as soon as possible, and have a good rest when we reach the meeting point."

Xiaoyuan was already a little allergic to this mountain road, so he was naturally eager to leave early. The reason why he wanted the troops to rest was because he saw that the ghost soldiers were too tired, and they were shaking a little when they walked.

But after thinking about the squadron leader's thoughts, he felt that it made sense. It was the best policy to leave here early, lest any accidents happen.

With an order, the remaining troops of the devils rushed down the hillside, heading straight for the open land, intending to march quickly through the mountain pass.

On a tall ancient tree, Chu Yifei leaned lazily on a thick branch, the branches and leaves covered the jungle camouflage on his body, so that the ghost soldiers could not see him.

The sniper rifle was by his side. Holding up the binoculars, he watched as the devil's troops set foot on the open ground and headed for the mountain pass.

After spitting out the grass roots in his mouth, Chu Yifei grabbed the walkie-talkie and said into it, "The fish has been hooked, and the net can be collected."

"Okay" Duan Ying's excited response came from the intercom.

Chu Yifei notified the Dragon Wing team of the news, and then he slid down the trees like a monkey and rushed into the woods.Such a lively event, how could he be missing.

This time the operation is mainly in charge of the Dragon Wing team. His task is to delay the devils, harass the devils, drag the devils down, so as to create conditions for the final annihilation battle.

Now his mission has been completed, and the Dragon Wing team will be on the field next. What awaits the devil will be a fatal blow.


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