Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 389 The Great Sweep: Cavalry Battle

After the team was divided into left and right parts, the team adjusted their formation while galloping. After they were completely separated, the two teams became like two long snakes, and they stepped on the dust respectively, connected end to end.

"What's going on, what's going on here?" The devil's first cavalry brigade was a little stunned. The sudden change of formation just now cost them more than 20 cavalrymen, while the third column only sacrificed Three cavalry.

Before recovering from the blow just now, the opponent's formation changed again, and they rushed towards them from behind and flank like a whirlwind, which made them chaotic.

As the distance approached, the thirty cavalry on each side gradually formed a team of three, forming a triangular shape and charging towards the devil.

With one person at the head and two flanking to assist, the sharp trio pierced fiercely into the devil cavalry team that hadn't turned around yet, throwing their already chaotic formation into a complete panic.

"Crack!" A ghost cavalryman's head was cut off in half, and the body turned over and fell off the horse. The cavalry of the third column that killed him rushed past him and rushed straight to a ghost cavalryman.

The devil was turning his horse's head. At this time, he was still facing the cavalry rushing with his back, and suddenly panicked. He swung his saber and slashed at the cavalry, struggling to die.

With a bang, the cavalry on the flanks blocked his stabbing with their sabers, while the cavalry at the frontmost position chopped him off the horse with a saber.

The three rushed forward without stopping.

Ampere Thirteen's face was very ugly. The charge of the First Cavalry Battalion has completely failed so far, and it is estimated that no more than half of them will come back alive.

But at this time, if he sends troops to rush to support, it will only make the formation of the First Cavalry Brigade more chaotic, because now the two sides are fighting fiercely together.

Now he hopes that the captain of the [-]st Cavalry Brigade can be more energetic and know when to retreat to avoid losses.

Sure enough, seeing that the situation was not good, the captain of the First Cavalry Battalion immediately ordered the troops to retreat. Those Japanese cavalry soldiers who had been beaten by the third column and had no fighting spirit asked to listen, and they fled back like wind and clouds, as if they were pardoned. .

The third column did not pursue and kill them, because the opponent still had two brigades gazing at the rear. If they pursued and killed them, they would probably fall into the opponent's siege, and the gains would outweigh the losses.

"Brothers, go back!" The devil's blood on Zhu Hua's saber kept flowing, staining the sand and gravel on the ground red. He slashed his saber in the air and shouted, "If you dare to come again, little devils, this is what is waiting for them!" result."

"Ho ho ho ho!" The soldiers were all horse bandits at the beginning, and they still had a bandit spirit in their bones, so they all cheered and ran towards their team.

"Captain, we're back." Zhu Hua galloped to He Jian's side, and extended his hand to him as a military salute. It took him three full days to learn such a simple movement and address.

I was used to calling He Jian the head of the family. When I was first recruited, Zhu Hua felt that the restrictions were too strict, and I felt very uncomfortable. I gradually got used to it recently.

He Jian nodded with a smile, and then said, "Zhu Hua, you've done well, you've made progress."

Being praised by He Jian, Zhu Hua was very happy, he touched his head and smiled.

Unlike Zhu Hua's elation, the Ampere Thirteenth First Cavalry Battalion at this time can be described as dejected. They fled back like bereaved dogs. There were only 100 of the 47 people left, and many of them were injured. up.

The captain lowered his head and urged his horse to approach Ampere Thirteen, then bowed his head to him, "Co-leader, I failed in commanding the battle, please punish me." He was very disturbed, thinking that he was going to be in trouble this time.

Ampere Thirteen is very strict in running the army. This time he lost so many troops, I am afraid that the captain of the regiment will punish him severely.The captain of the first brigade lowered his head, waiting for the result.


Unexpectedly, Ampere Thirteen was not angry, but let out an oh, then waved his hand and said, "This time it was not your mistake, but the opponent's strength is too strong, you can command the retreat at the last moment, it is already considered good, punishment Will not."

The captain of the First Cavalry Brigade was overjoyed, he quickly responded and retreated behind Ampere Thirteen.

Raising his head and looking at the cheering cavalry on the opposite side, Ampei Shisan sighed inwardly, then pointed forward with his saber, "The whole army has them, charge."

At this point, the Japanese cavalry with comparable strength has no advantage at all. Ampere Thirteen understands this very well, so he simply used his advantage in strength to fight a war of attrition with He Jian and the others. Anyway, the one who came to support at this time The infantry brigade had already sealed off the mountain pass, and under the light and heavy machine guns, He Jian and the others were not allowed to escape.

Following Ampei Shisan's order, more than 200 cavalrymen of the devils pulled out their sabers, and then charged towards He Jian and the others on horseback.

Sitting on the horse, He Jian stared at the dark mass of devil cavalry on the opposite side, knowing in his heart that this head-on confrontation might be unavoidable.

"Are you afraid of death?" He Jian held two sabers in his hand, turned around and waited for the brothers behind him.

These people are all old subordinates who have been with him for seven or eight years. They have gradually grown from immature to mature cavalrymen, and they are as close as brothers to him.

So when he smelled it, everyone tapped their stirrups with their sabers and yelled with all their strength, "He Jiajun is no coward."

"Okay, after today's battle, the He Family Army will cease to exist and will be replaced by the First Cavalry Battalion of the Yanhuang Legion. I hope that by then we will be able to take over the military flag with our chests upright!"

"Invincible, invincible, invincible!" The fighting spirit of the soldiers was so high that they felt that the blood in their bodies was about to ignite, and brandished the sabers in their hands and roared, the sound almost turned the sky upside down come over.

Although they couldn't understand what they were shouting, those devil cavalrymen were still shocked by the rainbow-like momentum, and their attack stagnated involuntarily.

He Jian waved his sabers and roared, "Cavalry brigade, charge!"

"Come on, kill the devil!"

"What the hell, little devil, grandpa is here!"

"Kill kill kill!"


Shouts with different accents merged into an impassioned war song, which echoed among the mountains, and accompanied by the thunderous tremor of horseshoes, swept towards the devil cavalry rushing opposite.

At this moment, the cowardice and retreat in everyone's hearts disappeared without a trace. When the blood in the whole body was boiling to the point of almost burning, only three words filled the brain, "Kill the Devil"

An extremely fierce bloody battle broke out in an instant! ! !

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