Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 392 Big Crackdown: Blue Sword Project

A small town at the foot of Huxiao Ridge is now full of Japanese troops. The main force of this raid: the headquarters of the 18th Independent Mixed Brigade and the 8th Independent Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army are all located here.In addition, the second battalion of the independent defense team Masaichi Shimamoto and the third battalion of Itatsu Naoen are also located here.

Of course, the headquarters is located here, and not all the troops under him are here. Now most of them are distributed around Huxiao Ridge, some of them surround Huxiao Ridge, and the rest are pulling nets from the raided area. Type of suppression, and strive to eliminate all anti-Japanese forces.

In the past three days, the suppression has achieved certain results. Some anti-Japanese volunteers were found by the devils, or fought hard or fled, and most of them were wiped out by them.And some of those big mountains defected and surrendered, and became the lackeys of the devil.

Seeing the devils approaching menacingly, Li Jiagou and Bai Chengzi, who had been helped by Luo Xiao, gathered together to discuss, and finally unanimously decided to follow Luo Xiao in Huxiaoling, at least the chance of survival would be better.

This time the devils mobilized tens of thousands of troops. If they fought alone, there would only be two outcomes. One was to surrender and become a traitor, which they didn't want;

Luo Xiao's Huxiao Ridge's strength is now well known to them, not to mention those powerful special forces members, just the helpless helicopter of the devil, let them know exactly how strong Luo Xiao's strength is.

If there is such a big tree not to lean on, it is purely kicked in the head by a donkey.So everyone unanimously agreed to submit to Luo Xiao.

Perhaps the devils would never have imagined that their mopping up actually led to Luo Xiao's recruitment of these forces. It's really unpredictable.

After receiving the message from these forces, Luo Xiao didn't feel any surprise, because he had expected such a result when he got the news that the devils were going to carry out a sweep.

After all, banditry is not an aboveboard profession. If there is a better development, they certainly hope to be able to clean up their crimes and live a dignified life from then on.That's why there are so many cases of being recruited.

However, because the government at that time was too dark, they were often not ashamed to join forces with those corrupt officials, and they couldn't stand their jurisdiction, so they would rather gather in the mountains and forests, drink in big bowls, eat meat in big bowls, and live a carefree life.

However, now they can't get away with it. The Japanese implement a policy of either being incorporated or being wiped out for them, which makes their survival path encounter a very big crisis.

In desperation, coupled with envy of the treatment of the special forces members, these bandits chose Luo Xiao's side in order to have a better future in the future.

After confirming that they really agreed to be incorporated, Luo Xiao immediately arranged for people to take on political and ideological work, and believed that it would not take long to grasp the ideological dynamics of the team.

As for the possibility of the bandits' betrayal, Luo Xiao is not worried, because there were two groups of bandits who backtracked on their promises and massacred the staff they sent. As a result, Luo Xiao was furious and sent a team to chase them down for a month, and finally forced to kill them. The bandits who participated were killed and arrested, and the bandit leader was brought back and executed in public.

At this moment, all the gangsters knew Luo Xiao's protection, if anyone hurt him casually, they would not be able to escape even if they ran to the ends of the earth.

As a result, the working environment of the work team has obviously become much more stable. Even in many places, as long as the work team lives in the village, the bandits dare not pass by, fearing that there is something wrong with the staff and they will not be able to tell.

According to statistics, a total of 47 groups of bandits including Baichengzi, Lijiagou, and Shitouzhai were recruited this time, and the number reached 6000, which is not a small force.

For this group of people, Luo Xiao merged them into the Xuepeng team and arranged them in Hidden Dragon Mountain. I believe that with Xuepeng's fierce reputation in western Liaoning, it would be much easier to manage.

The last time Hikaru Fujita raided Hidden Dragon Mountain, Xue Peng was seriously injured, but after rest and treatment during this period, it has been greatly relieved.He is a person who can't stay idle, and he went back to Hidden Dragon Mountain arguing before his injury healed, saying that he was happy to see those boys, and went back to practice and train them.

"Hey, it seems that those bandits are going to suffer." Yan Beifeng looked at Xue Peng's leaving back, turned his head and said to Luo Xiao with a smile.

Luo Xiao nodded, deeply agreeing, "Yes, I'm afraid they will have a hard time this time."

The terrain of Hidden Dragon Mountain is dangerous, and it is very difficult for the devils to attack it. As for the bombing, Luo Xiao took out a batch of shoulder-mounted multifunctional missiles from the warehouse in advance, and it is absolutely easy to use them to fight the devils. , enough to protect the safety of Hidden Dragon Mountain.

As for the shelling, because of the terrain, large-caliber field artillery can't be transported at all. The devils can only use those small-caliber mountain artillery and the [-]-type infantry artillery, trying to find Xue Peng who can hide in the mountains and mountains. The team is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, the focus of the devil's raid this time was on Huxiao Ridge, and the other areas were all done easily. I believe that the pressure of attack will not be too great.

In the headquarters of Huxiaoling base, Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng stood in front of the three-dimensional map, carefully observing the situation on the map.

Through the miniature remote sensing satellites in the sky, together with the radars and detectors all over the mountain, every move of the devils around Huxiao Ridge is under the control of Luo Xiao and the others, which are clearly displayed on the electronic map.

The red dot on the map represents the Yanhuang Corps at Huxiao Ridge, while the blue dots represent the forces of the devils. The two are intertwined and intertwined in many places. It seems that there is a contact exchange of fire.

With the passage of time, the situation on the map is constantly changing, and at the same time, battle reports from various places are also coming in like flakes.

"Political commissar, the latest news received is that the entire Japanese squadron of Jingming Mukai who came via Heilangchuan was wiped out, and a cavalry squadron and an infantry squadron sent to support were also defeated by the Dragon Wing squadron. Now the cavalry squadron led by He Jian A large team has successfully returned to the temporary base to rest." A signal soldier reported the real-time battle situation through the electronic communication system.

If you don't know that this is 1931, I am afraid that those who entered the Huxiaoling Base Command will think that it is the information age of the 21st century.

Because a large amount of modern electronic equipment has been brought in, the informatization and dataization process of the headquarters and even the entire base has advanced by leaps and bounds. Now it has begun to take shape. I believe that with the resolution of energy, an important factor that restricts development, there will be a leap forward. of development.

In the secret base under construction in the mountains, the arsenal has been basically completed, and most of the various high-precision and precision production equipment brought in have been installed. It is estimated that production can start while dealing with the devil's raid.

As for the first weapon to be produced by the arsenal, it is the ak47 assault rifle, which was famous in the twentieth century.


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