Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 398 The Great Sweep: The Destruction of the Armored Forces

"Long Live His Majesty the Emperor!"

"The Yamato samurai is undefeated!"


Devil's motorcycles, armored vehicles, and medium tanks roared forward. They tried to break through Chu Yifei's sniper attack, occupy a high ground in front of the mountain, and then defend there to organize a counterattack.

The location chosen by Chu Yifei and the others was very good. The mountain peak was in a blind spot where the Devils’ armored troops could shoot on the main road, which was far beyond the shooting elevation angle of their turrets. Therefore, the Devils’ armored troops could only circle around the mountain road. If they wanted to fight back, they had only tanks. The machine gun on the vehicle can do some work.

However, will Chu Yifei and the others let the devil's machine gun work?

As long as the devils dare to show their heads from the armored vehicles and tanks, what awaits them is a headshot. The corpse is hung outside the hatch, like a farmhouse hanging salted fish in the winter, shaking with the movement of the vehicle body. with.

The devils also tried to forcefully charge with motorized troops, trying to bypass the two armored vehicles and the armored truck that were blown up, but as soon as they got close to there, Chu Yifei's sniper rifle would blow them up with one shot. Let there be a big torch there.

In a short time, the devils already had 20 or [-] big torches there, and there were more than [-] dead devils.

After suffering one after another, the devils learned how to behave. They no longer sent them to the door in vain, but began to think of other ways.

After careful observation, they found that a hill not far away was very suitable as a position. When the tanks arrived there, they could shoot those annoying snipers on the mountain, which would at least ease the current predicament.

The telegram asking for help has been sent out long ago, and I believe that my reinforcements will arrive in a short time, so the armored soldiers of these devils are desperately resisting, intending to last until then.

Also because of this purpose, the devil's tanks followed one after another, and one after another was blown up, they still couldn't flinch, and they still launched a fierce attack on that position.

Chu Yifei couldn't remember how many bullets he had shot, but he knew that the bullet casings around him were all over the place.

Of course, the results of the battle were also brilliant. The devils fell in his hands. The number was astonishing. The number of armored vehicles and tanks alone reached seven, and there were eleven motorcycles.

The devil hated him to the core. He once organized some mortars and grenades to launch a fierce attack, but the distance was too far to reach him. Instead, he annoyed him. He knocked out many artillerymen and beat them. Hidden and dare not move.

"What should I do?" The ghost soldiers hesitated a little now. Now they have no way to go to heaven and nowhere, and it is impossible to move forward or back. It feels extremely uncomfortable.

The brigade devil who was in charge of protecting the artillery wing, after the captain was killed, three squadron leaders and a dozen small squad leaders were killed, and now only one squadron leader and two small squad leaders are left. The sergeant was even worse, and now there is not one left, all of which have been knocked out by snipers.

The commanders of the three devils shrank behind a boulder, temporarily avoiding Chu Yifei's sniping.The only remaining squadron leader organized the two squad leaders together, planning to discuss what to do next.

"Squadron leader, I think we should organize another charge. If you don't believe in that position, you won't be able to take it." A small team leader said, the position he was talking about was where Yue Feng and the others were defending.

In order to open the gap from there, the devils had organized eleven charges, but without a doubt, they were all beaten back, leaving dozens of corpses on the way.

Although they have a large number, they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of terrain, and Yue Feng and the others have amazing fighting power and excellent weapons and equipment. As long as the devil's heavy firepower is mobilized, Chu Yifei and the others will find it and knock it out. The devils want to rely on the infantry's rush to lay down a position, but there is little hope.

The side near the mountain in this area is full of cliffs, and the only gap up the mountain is where Yue Feng and the others are guarding. If the devils want to occupy the mountain and solve the problem of Chu Yifei's sniping, then they can only go up the mountain from here.

The squadron leader thought about it, shook his head after accepting it, and said, "It's impossible to go up like this. The opponent's firepower is too strong, and the terrain is very dangerous. We can only charge seven or eight people at a time. If we go up like this, we will die."

"Then what should we do, squadron leader?" Hearing what he said, the devil's other squad leader asked back.

The devil's squadron leader frowned, and he had nothing to do.

All three commanders were at a loss, unable to think of a good way to solve the problem.

At this time, the devil's armored force couldn't hold on anymore, they finally gave up fighting for the high ground, and retreated to a mountain depression by the roadside, temporarily avoiding Chu Yifei's sniper rifle.

Other people's sniper rifles are powerful for killing and killing, and they are not a big threat to armored vehicles, but Chu Yifei's sniper rifle combines the characteristics of an anti-material sniper rifle, and with special sniper bullets, it can easily destroy medium tanks of devils.

If these special bombs were not still in the experimental stage, and Mo Yanran only gave Chu Yifei a limited number of them, the armored vehicles and tanks of the devil would have become a pile of scrap metal, lying on the ground and burning.

The devil's motorized troops and armored troops stopped attacking for the time being, and Chu Yifei and the others became quieter for the time being. Anyway, there were three armored vehicles and a pile of motorcycles blocking them and they couldn't escape, so the members of the Stinger team began to move The guns turned on the devil's infantry.

As a result, the infantry casualties of the devil's brigade increased rapidly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the devil's squadron leader ordered the troops to retreat temporarily to slow down the attack.

In this way, the battle has obviously eased up a lot.

After the devils temporarily retreated, several commanders argued endlessly, discussing countermeasures.

Now their situation is very bad, the way forward is blocked by the destroyed armored vehicles, and the way back is also cut off by the mountain artillery that Yue Feng and the others blew up. So many teams have become the turtles of the Wengzhong.

On the opposite side of the mountain peak was a steep cliff. Let alone looking down, the devils felt trembling in their calves, so the plan to escape from there would not work.

As for the mountain, because it is a cliff, unless the devil turns into a monkey, it is possible to go up.

It can be said that today's devils have fallen into a desperate situation. If Chu Yifei and the others were not too small in number, they would have been able to fight a war of annihilation long ago.

It's a pity that Chu Yifei and the others together only have about [-] people. It's okay to use the terrain to block the attack, but the annihilation battle can only be thought about.

Both sides are pondering countermeasures, and the fighting situation has temporarily eased down.

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