Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 464 The Great Sweep: Blood Debt

Da da da, the sound of machine guns rang out, there were flames everywhere, gunshots and shouts everywhere.

Fujita Zhi was caught off guard. Although his special attackers fought hard to resist, they were in an unfavorable situation because of the terrain, so they were suppressed by Yao Tianhua and the others. They failed to charge several times and left behind. Dozens of dead bodies.

At this point, the devil also knew that he had been ambushed. Judging from the fighting power of the ambush, this should be the ace team of Huxiao Ridge - the Huya Special Battle Brigade.

For a long time, many special attack members have only heard of the Huya Special Forces Brigade, but they have never fought against them. This time, they know how powerful they are.

Needless to say, the marksmanship is accurate, and the combat awareness is amazingly strong, and the techniques and tactics are very skilled, and the coordination is also seamless. Whether it is a four-person, eight-person, or even 16-person, 32-person cooperation, they all look like one person. It is as flexible as using your own fingers, and you can sway freely.

Originally, after the beast traps and landmines at the beginning, the number of devils decreased by more than 100 people, and the subsequent machine gun fire caused the casualties of the devils to increase greatly. In this way, the gap in the number of the two sides widened rapidly, and the devils were crushed at once. In the valley, there is only hard support left.

Fujita Shi directed the special attack team to rush out several times, but they were all blocked back. He also knew that he could not rush out for the time being, so he ordered his soldiers to find a bunker on the spot and resist.Waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

At this time, he felt that it was a good thing for Hikaru Fujita to send people to follow him. At least those people could discover the situation here as soon as possible and report back to Hikaru Fujita, so that they could come to support immediately.

"I hope they can rush back as soon as possible and bring reinforcements in time." Fujita Shi thought silently, while pressing a shuttle of bullets into the submachine gun in his hand.

Originally, Fujita Shi thought that the German-made submachine gun was much stronger than the [-]-type rifle, but now he realized that the opponent's automatic weapon was many times stronger than the submachine gun in his hand.

No matter in terms of range, or the intensity and intensity of firepower, they were all suppressed tightly, leaving them without the strength to fight back.

Up to now, Fujita Shi and the others can only struggle to support themselves.

"Grenade launcher, quickly kill the enemy's machine gun on the cliff." Fujita Zhi realized that the machine gun on the cliff was too fierce, and the barrage suppressed them so much that they couldn't look up, and anyone who showed their head would bloom immediately.

Seeing what the squadron leader said, several grenadiers immediately rushed behind a few rocks, where the enemy's machine guns could not shoot, just allowing them to play a role.

Rolling and climbing all the way, after paying the price of four people's lives, the two grenadiers finally climbed behind the stone, then straightened up and began to fiddle with the grenadiers.

Holding the belts in their hands, the two devil's grenadiers aimed the grenade at the cliff. Although they couldn't see it, they were confident that they would hit it with one shot thanks to their skilled skills.

Just when the two were about to put the [-]-type grenade into the grenade, a white smoke roared from the jungle in the distance, and the stones were blown into pieces, with The devil behind flew into the air.

When they fell, the two devils had only half of their bodies left, and they hadn't let go of the grenades in their dying hands.

Under the power of the rockets, the devil's grenade launchers had no chance to play at all, not to mention the snipers had already locked their heads on the tree not far away, but the rockets took the lead.

The whoosh whoosh scream sounded again, and rockets shot through the air, washing the valley in an instant. After two salvos, the valley was already in a mess, surrounded by fire and gunpowder smoke.

"The first team is on the left wing, the second team is on the right wing. The third team is following me." Yao Tianhua roared, and rushed out with an automatic rifle in his hand, as swift as a leopard.

Behind him, a special forces member wearing a Kevlar helmet and an alloy body armor rushed down shouting with an automatic rifle, shooting while charging.

Fujita Shi and the others hadn't woken up from the explosion just now, and by the time they realized it, they had already seen the automatic rifle on their heads.

"Put down your weapon!" With a loud roar, Yao Tianhua threw half a bullet into his arms.

"Long live the Yamato samurai." A Nobunaga Special Forces member screamed, raised the submachine gun in his hand, and then there was a bullet hole in his forehead. Just like a chicken.

The special attack team members continued to resist, and then they heard a gunshot, and there were many devil corpses on the ground, and there was a warm one.

There are fewer and fewer special attack members alive, and the members of the Huya Special Forces Brigade seem to be deliberately indulging their resistance, and then killing them on the spot.

Fujita Shi and Matsuo were startled, they immediately shouted, "Don't resist, put down your weapons."

The special attack team members were all stunned. Unexpectedly, the squadron leader asked them to put down their weapons, but obedience is unconditional in the Japanese army, so although these people were extremely reluctant, they still put down their weapons.

The special forces members seemed to be somewhat regretful, but since they had already put down their weapons, it was difficult for them to shoot again, so they collected their weapons together and escorted them to the predetermined location.

But up to now, there are less than 50 special attack members of the Fourth Squadron who are still alive. More than 400 people were buried in the dense jungle.

"Fujita-kun, do you know what you are doing?" Matsuo and Fujita Shi walked together, they were handcuffed from behind their hands, and then handcuffed together again, surrounded by four special forces members holding automatic The rifle looked pressed down, and it was impossible to escape.

Fujita Zhi stared at the trees in the distance, and said after a while, "Matsuo-kun, if I don't speak, then these elites of the empire will be slaughtered by them, don't you see that the other party deliberately indulges them to resist? Then kill them."

Matsuo was silent, he knew what Fujita Zhi said was right, but if he was to bear the infamy of surrender to save those young soldiers, he knew he couldn't do it.

"Fujita-kun, do you know the consequences of doing this?" Matsuo asked in a low voice.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Fujita Shi's mouth, and then he said, "Of course I know, if I have the chance, I will apologize to the emperor by caesarean section."

Seeing what Fujita Shi said, Matsuo had nothing to say.

Yao Tianhua and the others wiped out Nobunaga's Special Attack Squadron cleanly and neatly. From the beginning of the operation to the end, it took a total of one hour and 43 minutes, fulfilling the promise they had made to Luo Xiao.

The next thing they waited for was the helicopter to arrive and transport them back.


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