Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 481 The Great Cleanup: The Monk Can’t Run The Temple

"Baga, you pigs actually let Yang Quanhai run away!"

In the Gendarmerie of Tieling County, the Captain of the Gendarmerie held up the phone and lowered his head to bear the anger on the other end of the phone.

After receiving the order from above, saying that Yang Shaofeng had assassinated Commander Duomen Erlang, he was ordered to take people there. Yang Shaofeng's father, Yang Quanhai, and his family should be arrested.

However, it was too late when he went, the old fox Yang Quanhai heard the news and hid, even the other servants also hid, leaving only one deaf and stupid old servant in the entire Yang residence.

Bite the bullet and return to the gendarmerie to call the mopping command. The captain of the gendarmerie knew that the scolding would not be avoided. Sure enough, after the call was connected, he was scolded and bloody.

Respectfully holding up the phone, the gendarmerie captain waited until the scolding temper subsided, and then he said, "Report to Major, I have already reported Yang Quanhai to be arrested from the city."

"Oh, is Yang Quanhai still in the city?" The person on the phone seemed to have calmed down a little, and asked back.

The captain of the gendarmerie nodded affirmatively, "Yes, Tieling County has enforced martial law since the mopping up began, and anyone who wants to leave the city has to go through inspections. I asked the soldiers at the gate of the city, and they said they didn't see Yang Quanhai leave the city, so he must be still there. In the city."

"Even if the city of Tieling County is turned over, I have to find him." The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a bit chilly, "Yang Shaofeng's assassination made the commander very angry. If you can't catch Yang Quanhai, then you have to do a laparotomy." Get ready." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sound of the phone being hung up on the other end of the phone, the captain of the gendarmerie held the phone in a daze for a moment, and then suddenly howled, "I dispatched all the gendarmerie and security forces to search the whole city, and I must find him." come out."

As soon as the order was issued, the Devil Gendarmerie in Tieling County became lively. Teams of military police wearing steel helmets were dispatched, breaking down doors and searching every house, causing chaos everywhere.

The security forces couldn't be idle either, they also participated in the process of searching the whole city and joined the ranks of torturing the common people.

The people in Tieling County are used to this, because since these beasts occupied this place, this kind of thing will happen once every three days, and everyone has gotten used to it after a long time.

Of course, this kind of search can't find anything at all, because this time it was the security forces who covered Yang Quanhai, and it was Cao Deli, the leader of the security forces.

In a luxurious mansion in the west of the city, Yang Quanhai sat on a grand teacher's chair with an angry expression on his face. Opposite him stood Nangong Wentian, the person who knocked him unconscious and took him out of the Yang mansion.

"Old man, put out the fire, it hurts your body!" Nangong Wentian said to Yang Quanhai with a smile on his face, "It's not impossible. If you don't leave, the devil is coming. I'm anxious and have no choice."

"If you are in a hurry, you can do that. Do you know how much effort I have spent on those things, my whole set of red sandalwood chairs, my blue and white porcelain from the third generation of the Qing Dynasty—" Yang Quanhai beat his chest and feet, sighed, with a look of heaven A posture about to collapse.

"Master, calm down, Mr. Nangong is also for your own good—" Xiaolan wanted to say something nice for Nangong Wentian, but Yang Quanhai stared back, "Shut up, Shaofeng hasn't married you yet, it's my turn to marry you here." I can't speak to you."

Xiaolan could only lower her head and retreat behind him.

At this time, Cao Deli wandered in from the outside. He heard Yang Quanhai's reluctance as soon as he entered the room, and immediately became angry and shouted, "Shut up."

This voice made Yang Quanhai tremble in fright, and immediately shut his mouth obediently, but he stared at Cao Deli, as if quite unconvinced.

"What are you looking at, old guy." Cao Deli scolded, "Malbazi, you think I owe you, if your son hadn't begged us to save you from Huxiaoling, we wouldn't bother to care about it, I didn't expect to be kind No good rewards, the fox didn't hit him, but caused a lot of trouble."

"you you you!"

Angrily, Yang Quanhai raised his finger and pointed at Cao Deli, unable to say a word.

Cao Deli stared bull-eyed, and leaned close to Yang Quanhai's nose, "Yang Quanhai, remember, your son owes us Huxiaoling's favor, so don't show your old man's score in front of us, and be careful that I will cut you."

Nangong Wentian saw that Cao Deli's words were getting more and more outrageous, so he interrupted hastily, "Yes, Cao Deli, when did you become our Huxiaoling, and you will be our Huxiaoling one by one."

Cao Deli immediately raised his hand and shouted, "I told Captain Yao that from now on, I will be a member of Huxiaoling, and I will not be ambiguous about going up the mountain of swords and down in the frying pan."

During this period of time, he has seen a lot of things with Yao Tianhua, knowing the unfathomable depths of Huxiao Ridge, he has strengthened his determination to join Hu Xiao Ridge.

After Cao Deli's torment, Yang Quanhai became much more honest, and it seemed that he had to use some tricks to deal with anyone.

The devil searched for a whole day and night, searched the whole city, but couldn't find Yang Quanhai, which made the captain of the gendarmerie go crazy.

He has issued a military order, if Yang Quanhai cannot be found, he will commit suicide by disembowelling, no one who is alive and well wants to do that.

Unwilling to give up, he ordered the gendarmes to start another big search. Now the captain of the gendarme can only hope that the first time the search was not careful, and hope to be rewarded this time.

It's a pity that things backfired, and the final search results were still nothing. All the mouse holes in the city were checked, but no one was found.

The captain of the gendarmerie also gave up. He knew that he could wash his belly, polish his command knife, and then give his own belly a little bit.

At this time, a sneaky guy sneaked into the gendarmerie and said that he had news about Yang Quanhai.This rekindled the flame of hope for the already desperate gendarmerie captain.

After listening to that person's information, the gendarmerie captain's expression became extremely ferocious, and he swept all the teacups on the table to the ground and smashed them to pieces.

"Security Army Brigade, Cao Deli!" The gendarmerie captain gnashed his teeth and drank in a low voice, then ordered all the gendarmerie to assemble, then boarded the car and rushed to the residence of the security army brigade captain Cao Deli in the west of the city.

According to the information provided by that person just now, Cao Deli hid Yang Quanhai in the villa in the west of the city, and he could be found as long as he went there.

The captain of the gendarmerie did not ask Cao Deli Xingshi for the time being, but led the gendarmerie secretly to Cao Deli's residence in the west of the city.

"No one has yet been able to deceive the imperial army and still be able to live in peace." The captain of the gendarmerie gritted his teeth fiercely, "Cao Deli, your head can hang on the top of the city."


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