
The shells whizzed down from the sky, instantly lifting the soil on the ground. The air wave was like an unstoppable wall, crushing against mountains and seas, making it difficult to breathe!Mud and shell fragments mixed with blood fell from the top of their heads, wet Duan Ying and Cheng Tianlei's military uniforms!

This is the devil's last round of shelling, which is extremely violent. When this round of shelling stops, the infantry's charge is about to start!

That's when the fierce battle officially begins!

The sound of the shell explosion suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened, but the large pits all over the ground and the messy camp clearly told people that this place had been baptized by shells.

Suddenly freed from the sound of continuous explosions, people felt a little uncomfortable, shaking their heads buzzing from the shells, and poking their heads out from behind the bunker to look outside!

That is to say, less than a minute and a half after the shelling stopped, there were noisy footsteps from a distance, and occasional sounds of rifles hitting the ground, and the direction of advancement was right here!

Duan Ying raised his arms and let out a loud roar, then threw himself behind the first bunker, his eyes fixed on the outside of the camp gate, where a bright area was shot out with searchlights, not to mention that the Japanese devils passed by there, even if they ran past one Rabbits will also be seen clearly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and people waited anxiously. Although only a few minutes passed, in people's feeling, it seemed that several years had passed, and they had passed the addiction of living like years.

Finally, the figure flickered in the darkness, and the iconic yellow military uniform of the Japanese devils appeared in people's sight, which made everyone nervous!

"This little devil is really well-trained, not easy to deal with!" Duan Ying glanced at it, and felt that the fighting power of the Japanese devils was not weak!

Although the charging Japanese devils were aggressive, they were actually very cautious, and their movements were completely in accordance with the infantry drills they had trained at the beginning.

The Japanese Kwantung Army is the elite of the Japanese army, and its combat effectiveness is also among the best in Japan. Although the Seventh Brigade is the ace unit of the Northeast Army, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is even worse than the Kwantung Army!

More than a dozen machine gunners of the Japanese army rushed to the gate of the camp about 500 meters away holding crooked machine guns. They set up the machine guns behind a few low earth walls. After entering, the main shooter pulled the bolt, loaded the bullet, leaned the body of the gun against his cheek, and was ready to shoot.


Following the shout of the Japanese commander, seven or eight light machine guns shot out fire snakes, and the bullets drew arcs of light in the night sky and flew towards the gate of the Beida Camp.

"Bless the Emperor, the martial arts will last forever, go!" The Japanese soldiers who had been lying on the ground got up one after another, shouting, bending forward and charging forward, and the [-] rifles in their hands kept firing bullets!

There are three bunkers at the entrance of the North Camp, arranged in order from low to high, forming a three-layer firepower network. At this time, light and heavy machine guns and rifles fired together, forming a death belt more than 100 meters outside the camp gate. All the Japanese soldiers who tried to rush over were knocked down to the ground.

Corpses of Japanese soldiers fell in disorder on the open space outside the camp gate, glowing pale white under the searchlights, while the surviving devils were lying on the ground moaning in pain, trying to move themselves to a safe place. Some chance of survival.

"Da da da!"

Cheng Tianlei was holding a Czech-style light machine gun in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun kept changing positions, knocking down one by one the Japanese devils who were trying to break through. Devil's machine gun.

The bullets whizzed past him, but he didn't pay any attention to it, he continued laughing and shooting wildly, until Duan Ying pushed him behind the cover, "Be careful, the devil's grenadier!"

"Tom tom" sounded repeatedly, and the unique muffled sound of the devil's grenadier rang behind the devil's stormtrooper, followed by a scream like a whistle, and shells whizzed towards them, covering the entire area in an instant. The position at the gate of the camp.

The smoke and dust covering the sky and the sun rose up, covering the positions of the Northeast Army in an instant, and the rising and falling gunpowder smoke wrapped in shrapnel and raged in the air. Soldiers were constantly hit by the shrapnel and fell to the position!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Guizi Bing got up from the ground and moved forward quietly, bending over one by one and lowering their bodies as low as possible, running faster than mice!

Getting up from the bunker, shaking the dirt on his head, Duan Ying pushed Cheng Tianlei beside him, and shouted, "Crazy Cheng, get up, the devils are coming up!"

"Old Duan, what are you arguing about, they are still far away, don't worry!" Cheng Tianlei got up from the ground without any haste, patted the dirt on his body, and yelled at the soldiers beside him, "Give me refreshment!" Point, wait for the devils to enter 50 meters before shooting, the bullets in your hands are bought from the food of the common people, save me some!"

The soldiers responded in unison, then put their guns on the bunker, and waited with bated breath!

The devil soldiers were very careful, with their heads lowered one by one, taking advantage of the terrain on the ground to move forward in a roundabout way, and approaching the gate of the camp little by little. The two 92-type heavy machine guns brought great trouble to Duan Ying and Cheng Tianlei!

The Type [-] heavy machine gun is one of the heavy firepower output weapons standard in the Japanese Army. It has the characteristics of high hit rate and small muzzle flame, but it also has some other disadvantages!

Four soldiers of the Japanese army lifted the Type [-] heavy machine gun up from behind, found a relatively flat place, opened the bracket of the heavy machine gun, and then adjusted the shooting direction, pointing to the camp gate of the North Camp.

With a click, a plate of yellow-orange bullets was loaded on the heavy machine gun. The main shooter then held the figure-of-eight grip with both hands, and locked the machine gun position of the Northeast Army behind the bunker at the camp gate through the optical sight.

Duan Ying's first battalion originally had two heavy machine guns and twelve light machine guns, while Cheng Tianlei's special agent battalion had 24 light machine guns. As a result, they were all placed at the gate of the Peking University Camp. It was much stronger and made the Japanese army suffer a lot!

"Thu, chug, chug!" The characteristic woodpecker sound of the Type [-] heavy machine gun sounded, and the bullet plate flew across the machine gun, and bright white bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun, flying towards the Northeast Army's position on the opposite side like a torrential rain. !

Dust was flying on the sandbag used as a cover, and the bag was riddled with bullets. Blood spurted from the shooter behind the two heavy machine guns, and he fell forward on the machine guns and did not move.

The devil's two [-]-type heavy machine guns fired so fiercely that they suppressed the machine gun position of the Northeast Army for a while, greatly reducing the pressure on the charging Japanese soldiers. They jumped up from the ground and shouted at the Northeast Army. rushed to the ground.


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