"Da da da!"

The crisp Czech gunfire echoed in the mountains and fields, mixed with the unique sound of Japanese crooked machine guns. Against the background of the gunfire of these machine guns, there were chaotic rifle gunfire.

The weapons of those people were very messy. Even the soldiers in the uniform of the Northeast Army, the weapons in their hands were not uniform and varied. It seemed that the firepower was not too strong!

However, it can be seen that this Northeast Army team still has some basic military training, at least the charge formation, and knows a little bit about evasive movements. It really looks like an army.

Poor weapons and equipment, uniform military uniforms of the Northeast Army, and similar military training, this kind of team really makes Yan Beifeng a little puzzled!

"Is this the army of the Northeast Army? Why does it feel plausible!" Yan Beifeng raised his gun while thinking, firing without missing a shot, almost without aiming!

The distance of more than 100 meters is simply too easy for a top sniper like him holding the most advanced sniper rifle.

Crouching behind the bulletproof shields, the special forces members counterattacked calmly. They are all experienced fighters, and they can still remain calm and composed in this situation. As long as they shoot every time, someone on the other side will fall down.

More and more corpses fell on the mountain road, and the hillsides on both sides were covered with patches. Although there were 2000 people on the other side, due to the limitation of the terrain, there were only more than 100 people who could rush up each time. This kind of attack intensity can't reach the first line of defense of the Special Forces.

Although he had an absolute advantage, Yan Beifeng didn't dare to relax at all, because he didn't know what other tricks the other party had, so he had to be careful!

The two sides were sawing down the mountain road and the hillside. You came and I fought very lively. Some people fell down constantly, and then some people rushed up again!

It has to be said that the bulletproof shield designed by Mo Yanran is very easy to use. This seemingly thin and simple alloy wall can combine and divide energy, and can also change its shape to a certain extent according to needs. It is simply a multifunctional fortification. The special forces members saved a lot of energy, and the casualty rate was greatly reduced!

"Yaoxi, this is really a good thing!"

Hikaru Fujita, who was watching the battle with a binoculars on the hillside, looked straight at him, eyes full of greed and longing.

The power of the alloy bulletproof shield was so outstanding that he was so envious that he wished he could get a set immediately. He believed that as long as he had such a set of bulletproof shields in hand, his Nobunaga special attack team would definitely be able to leap to a higher level of strength!

Assuming that his team was equipped with bulletproof shields, Hikaru Fujita couldn't help being excited, but when he evaluated the strength of these mysterious fighters at that time, he found that there was still a big gap. The high emotions have cooled down a lot!

Hikaru Fujita's mind is now full of question marks. He really doesn't understand where these people come from, whose army is it, and which arsenal manufactures these extremely advanced weapons and equipment?

If he knew where the arsenal that manufactured these equipment was, Hikaru Fujita would definitely send a report to the headquarters of the Kwantung Army immediately, telling them to grab it at all costs, because if this equipment can be mass-produced, it is not impossible to conquer the world!

It's a pity that Hikaru Fujita never imagined that these equipments were not produced in that era at all, but hundreds of years later, he couldn't find them even if he was exhausted.

Oda Kazusuke was also watching the changes on the battlefield, and at this moment he said, "Fujita-kun, when are we going to attack!"

"It will be ready soon, wait for them to fight more lively!" Hikaru Fujita showed a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, while sticking out his tongue to lick Tian's dry lips, "Equipment, I must get these equipment!"

The battle is still going on on the battlefield. Although the attacker has the upper hand in terms of numbers, the battle is indeed one-sided. Under the powerful firepower of the special forces, no one can break through their fire blockade, and they all fall on the way to charge !

At the foot of the hillside, a gully was already full of corpses, filling up the not-so-deep gully, and the blood gathered at the bottom of the ditch to form a small stream, flowing forward along the gully, and everywhere it went was bright red.

After several times of onslaught, those people also learned how to behave, no longer rushing desperately, but a dozen people rushed forward in waves, trying to consume all the bullets of the special forces!

However, with the arsenal guarding behind them, it is not so easy for the special forces to run out of ammunition, but with these people, it is impossible to think about it. It would be almost the same if a few divisions of elite Japanese troops came!

Seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate, Teng Tianguang put down the binoculars, waved his hand behind him, and shouted, "Action!"

As he gave the order, the Nobunaga special attack team who had been waiting impatiently for a long time began to move, and walked down the mountain along the predetermined route!

In terms of route selection, Hikaru Fujita put a lot of effort into it. He cleverly took advantage of the terrain and the weakness of the special force's defense, and went straight to those multi-purpose personnel carriers that Mo Yanran and the others called!

At the same time, some of Nobunaga's special attackers quietly touched a truck in the weak defensive position of the special operators, ready to launch an attack!

Attacking the east and attacking the west, diverting the tiger away from the mountain, the essence of these tactics invented by the Chinese ancestors were all used very skillfully by these ambitious invaders.

Although it can't compare to the combat quality of the Special Forces, the Nobunaga Special Attack Team is indeed very good. They cleverly used the terrain to get close to the Special Forces convoy silently.

Because they were fighting fiercely with each other, the special operators didn't realize that a ferocious poisonous snake came to them silently, waiting with its sharp teeth, and would pounce up and bite once the time was right.

The battle was still going on, and it seemed to be developing towards a more intense situation. Although the opponent did not attack as fiercely as before, he was still determined to harass and wear down the patience of the special forces.

"Pay attention to saving ammunition, these people have very low combat effectiveness, so there is no need to waste bullets!" Yan Beifeng gave an order to the soldiers not to waste ammunition.

Although the truck behind him was loaded with a lot of ammunition and equipment, there was no supply after all, so he used a little less.I don't know how long it will take to fight. If the ammunition is exhausted by then, these advanced weapons will be useless!

The caliber of bullets used by the Ninety-five gun family is 5.8mm, which is not the same as the caliber of bullets at that time. That is to say, there is no way to replenish the bullets after shooting, unless the arsenal is built and you can produce it yourself!

However, although the arsenal has equipment and technical personnel, there is still a fatal problem that restricts the development of the arsenal, that is, energy and raw materials!

Making equipment requires a lot of coal and steel, and these Luo Xiao and the special forces don't have any, so they need to get a firm foothold and raise money!

Therefore, Yan Beifeng, who is good at calculating and calculating, started planning in advance, planning to make a long and steady flow, so that the existing weapons and equipment in his hand can be used for a longer period of time!


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