Wan Niu's Unstoppable Courage

Chapter 13 Fu Has Distant Relatives in the Mountains

& 【leaf*】【*】

The annual "Bodhi Puja" has just ended.

In Fanbaiyang's Lantern Palace, there are all kinds of wonderful fragrances such as ox head sandalwood, sorrel, tamoluo, sweet pine, rhizome, white sandalwood, turmeric, borneol and so on.

The 22 rookies who had successfully crossed the catastrophe were summoned by the Great Acharya of Chuandeng, and respectfully offered three-petal heart incense to the golden statue of "Ancient Buddha on the God Needle" in the center of the Lantern Palace.

"5000 years ago, the dragon and elephant came to the west, and Buddhism flourished. The patriarch of our sect, "Shenzhen Shanggu Buddha", had great ambitions. Who knew that it took less than three months to open a mountain and set up a cabinet in Xiaofozhou from Hezhou, Xiniu, and was swept away on average ten times a month. Three times, six senior brothers died within a year... After my master Buddha ascended to bliss, the two tribes of human monsters in the sect immediately split into two major branches, Mojia Mountain and Moha Wuliang Palace. My "Hongfu Temple" founder "Jie Tuo Tian" couldn't bear to kill each other, so he crossed the sea from Xiaofozhou to Nanzhanbuzhou to establish a separate orthodoxy! "Acharya Master Dashizhi finished the history of the revolutionary family, distributed tokens, wisdom beads and crescent headbands to the new tenders, and led a group of dazed and hungry rookies to the Zhaitang Temple for offering sacrifices to the five internal organs.

According to the practice in the field of self-cultivation, those sects of self-cultivation that do not have Fengshui Treasure Land or Dongtian Blessed Land as the place where the mountain gate resides are all first-class casual and field cultivators.No matter how great the background is, no matter how powerful the inheritance is, it must be recognized.

"Hongfu Temple" just falls under this standard.

The small school is naturally not as particular as the big school. As soon as the 22 rookies sat down, they found that there was something wrong with Luohanzhai. , like a skinned chicken neck.

"Shouldn't I be a vegetarian when I wait for Sangmen Buddha?" The new tenders whispered among each other, discussing in succession.

"These evil animals have created sins in the previous life, and have just fallen into the animal realm in this life. We have rescued them with great blessing power and great power of original vows, so that they can be reincarnated as human beings as soon as possible, which is considered a consummation of merit!" Da Shizhi The elder placed the wooden chopsticks in a very majestic manner, and said in a loud voice: "Eat!"

The rookies are also obedient, and they throw away their cheeks when they are asked to eat. There is that naughty ghost, who mutters while eating. This family is very rich. I bought so many chickens to eat live neck meat, and I don’t know the fat chickens. Whoever has cheap thighs, it would be a pity to lose them. [~]

Elder Da Shizhi waited until all Xinnen had eaten their bellies, then took out a teeth-picking stick made of tiger whiskers, fiddled with his teeth and said with an inarticulate smirk: "Hey, you must know that what you just ate was terrible. It's not a chicken item..."

The rookies were all hairy from his laughter, except for a fat young man who was white and tender, with big belly and big breasts, who was very good at it, and cheered from the sidelines: "Brother Fahai dares to ask the elder, then we just ate the vegetarian meal to the end. What is it?"

"Snake section." Master Ajali squeezed the gap between his teeth.

The faces of the rookies suddenly changed drastically. Several girls even vomited wildly on the spot, but there was also a bastard who slapped his lips with a lingering aftertaste.

"Don't be ignorant of blessings in the midst of blessings! Our Dongtu Datang is known as the location of the World Loose Cultivator Alliance, but there are a few casual cultivators outside who can be like us, and beginners can eat this piece of snake?" Dashizhi Elder stood up abruptly , walked swaggeringly to the center of the Buddha hall, picked up the sleeves, held the smiling master Buddha statue with two muscular arms and pushed hard with a "Hi", the heavy Buddha seat slid aside, revealing There is a huge black octagonal glazed well below.

The 22 rookies all crowded over curiously, but before they could get close, a snake head the size of a kangaroo was popping up from the mouth of the well, hissing and swallowing its red tongue, looking left and right.

The rookies were all frightened and froze in place as they were swept away by the faintly glowing black jewel-like lights and snake eyes. 【leaf*】【*】

"Hongfu Temple" is just a small shrimp in the cultivation world. It lacks sufficient manpower, financial and material resources to build a highly professional training system for young cultivators, so their mental quality of new seedlings is far inferior to those of those famous disciples. I really can't bear the big scene.

"Dare to ask the elder, what kind of snake is this? It should also be a monster?" The chubby Fahai who took the initiative to cheer up just now interjected again. He is the only new seed among the 22 young monks who can maintain calm and calm. .Not only was he not afraid, but he swaggered closer to Elder Da Shizhi and peeped at the giant snake in the well at close range.

This giant snake suddenly jumped out of the octagonal glazed well. Its body is as thick as an urn, and its scales are bluish white. A curled palm, covered in a hazy beige halo.Gu Pan didn't feel ferocious and ferocious, on the contrary, there was a bit of "spiritual horse".

Strange to say, it can only poke its head out of the well but cannot come out. Every time it makes a little bigger movement, it will be stopped by the halo of halo covering its body. The startled rookies gradually dispelled the urge to run away , bravely flocked to Fahai's side.They returned home, but at any rate they survived the tribulation of the world of mortals and gained a sense of aura. When Fa Hai mentioned it, most of them also sensed a faint, agile and restrained psionic tide from this giant snake. I am sure it must be a monster.

"Its scientific name is "White Snake", and it is a second-class monster snake with a thin lineage of true dragon. "Elder Da Shizhi saw the doubts of the rookies, smiled slightly, took out a fire pocket, took a photo under the hot fire at the mouth of the well, and called the rookies to come and take a closer look: "Come closer, come closer, don't be afraid, it Trapped by the relic circle, it won't hurt you! "

Under the leadership of Fa Hai, a group of young monks hesitantly dawdled to the mouth of the well, staring at the giant snake close at hand with horror, stretching their necks and resting their toes on their toes to look down the well.

Master Acharya opened his finger lightly, and the fire twisted and fell down, but the rookies who caught a glimpse of it could clearly see that the mossy and greasy smooth well wall was covered with snakes and snakes of all sizes. Sun, there are broken eggshells of various shapes floating on the sparkling well water.

"The snake section you just ate is the offspring of this "white scorpion".Hehe, this monster snake actually reproduces asexually, it can be called a natural meat warehouse. "Elder Da Shizhi held the glazed well fence filled with magic circle talismans with one hand, on which countless intersecting lines and mysterious runes encircled a Shariputra as big as a mulberry and blue in color like stars. Treasure, the rays of the sun are scorching, the white air is clear, the streamer is erratic, and it is dazzling.

A few girls who had just vomited once, vomited again when they heard this.

Master Acharya laughed again and grabbed it with his other hand. Immediately, a small snake as thick as a finger escaped from the wall of the well like a Kongming lantern and slowly floated up.

The giant snake struggled violently, but it didn't work. The beige halo covering its body would block it like a cage, making it move within a square inch, and it couldn't move beyond a thunderbolt.

Two clear water trails slowly dripped from the lamp-sized snake's eyes, like tears.

Elder Da Shizhi caught the little snake that was slowly rising up, flicked his fingers, and knocked the little thing out, and handed it over to the rookies to play with it carefully.

"I didn't expect that we actually ate the flesh and blood of a second-grade monster snake!" Fa Hai held the little snake and laughed from ear to ear: "It's still a "White Snake" with the blood of a dragon! "

"This is the blessing of the Buddha! Don't look at the well in front of you. It looks inconspicuous, but it is actually a "Dragon Palace" that was abandoned by the dragons many Yuanhui. Most of the reason why Nanzhan Buzhou settled down and built a temple here is because it happened to be discovered. "

"Jinglong Palace?" The rookies were stunned, what a great existence the Dragon Clan is, how could it be so painful that they wanted to dig a Crystal Palace in the well?How much chance and luck did the patriarch "Jie Jie Tian" have to find this legendary and mysterious spirit beast lair?

"Rare is more strange. The dragon is the leader of the world's aquatic tribes. Wherever there is a water source, it is its sphere of influence. Not only are there rivers, seas and rivers on the surface, but there are also rivers, seas and rivers underground, and the scope is even wider."

"Then our "Hongfu Temple" didn't publish it?This is a dragon palace! "The 22 rookies are all excited, no matter how ignorant they are, they still know how rich Dragon Palace is.

"It's abandoned!" Master Acharya coldly extinguished the fanaticism of his disciples: "The underground spiritual veins of this well Dragon Palace have been cut off, and there is not much spiritual energy left in the well, which is far from being called a blessed place in the cave—be sober. If the Jinglong Palace is intact, why would the dragon clan give up in vain? How many monks in the world can snatch food from them, and doves from magpies' nests?" After a pause, Elder Da Shizhi slowed down his tone again: "Of course! , the remnant aura in this octagonal glazed well may be nothing to the dragon clan, but to other monsters, it is a rare cultivation treasure. After all, no matter how thin a camel is, it is more than enough to feed a few fleas. There is still remnants of aura in it. Only after the patriarch subdued this "white scorpion" can he raise it in it, and use the "exquisite relics" left by the old ancestor Bukong Zhidharma after his death in Nirvana to build a magic circle of imprisonment. Suppress it ruthlessly, thus providing a steady stream of souls and flesh for us younger generations!It is inexhaustible, it is inexhaustible, and I don’t know how much money I saved for the pill..."

Before the words were finished, a group of monks wearing cassocks rushed into the hall in a panic. The leading elder monk with long eyebrows was half as tender as a baby, and half as dry as an old crocodile. His two burning electric eyes greeted him with sparks.

A group of Xinnen feel dizzy suddenly, Buddha is here!Looking around this group of monks who are impatient, the lowest rank is actually the master of the foundation period wearing a dipper hat, and there are three Jindan masters wearing a bancha hat. The hat is clearly the Dharma King of the Nascent Soul Stage—almost all the senior officials of our "Hongfu Temple" are here?

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