Crazy lottery

Chapter 208 Annihilation of the Second Route Garrison

Kazuo Miyamoto divided the soldiers brought out this time into three groups. The first group was Chen Yuandong and his group. There were about a hundred people. Of course, these people also included Chen Yuandong and the others. The second group was Now the route that Chen Yuandong and the others want to annihilate, if there are no ambushes around, the number of soldiers on this route is about the same as that of Chen Yuandong and his group, there are also nearly a hundred soldiers, although Chen Yuandong and others dare not say that It was easy to wipe out all these Japanese soldiers, but if nothing unexpected happened, these people should have disappeared from this world within 2 minutes.

Of course, if there were no special requirements, it would be no problem for Chen Yuandong and the others to get rid of these 100 people in one go. However, it was a challenge for Chen Yuandong and others to get rid of these [-] people silently.

However, the Iron Wolf Special Forces are all militants, and what they are least afraid of is a challenge, and the more difficult the challenge, the more excited they are.

The Japanese garrison along this route divided the soldiers into ten patrol teams, each with about ten people, and the patrol team on the left that Chen Yuandong mentioned was the patrol team stationed on the left side of the valley.

The reason why Chen Yuandong asked his three sons to destroy that patrol team was because the patrol team on the left was a little farther away from the other patrol teams. If they acted a little more cautiously, the Japanese soldiers not far away should not be able to spot them. .

Besides, Sanzi and the others are still wearing Japanese military uniforms. If the patrol team is killed, Sanzi and the others can replace it and take the place of the patrol team. At that time, it will be convenient for Chen Yuandong and the others to act many.

"Understood!" The third son responded.Then he called the dozen or so Iron Wolf players around him to sneak around to the left.

And Chen Yuandong saw the third son leave.He wasn't idle either.He also led the other Iron Wolves quietly across the right side of the mountain road, and there was also a Japanese patrol team on the right side, and Chen Yuandong's purpose was to kill the patrol teams on the left and right sides, and then they would replace them directly. The position of the Japanese patrol team was determined, so that Chen Yuandong and others could justifiably approach other Japanese patrol teams.

In this way, it will be much easier for Chen Yuandong and others to deal with the more than 100 Japanese troops.Therefore, as long as the patrols on the left and right are silently killed, the next thing will be much easier.

Chen Yuandong divided the thirty Iron Wolves into two teams. One team was led by his three sons, and the other team was led by himself.

In the dark night, Chen Yuandong and his third son approached the Japanese patrols on the left and right silently, but the patrols on the left and right knew nothing about it. Their attention was on the top of the mountain. As long as the black phoenix on the top of the mountain As soon as they came down, they shot without hesitation.shoot it.

It is because these Japanese soldiers regard the Black Phoenix as their main target this time, so.They ignored the enemy behind them, but these Japanese soldiers knew nothing about the disaster they were about to face.

Chen Yuandong and the third son walked on catwalks and quietly came behind the patrols on the left and right, and then they slowly drew out their bayonets. The next moment, Chen Yuandong and others quickly walked around in front of these Japanese soldiers with their left hands, They suddenly covered the mouths of these Japanese soldiers, and at the same time, the bayonets in their right hands quickly slashed across the enemy's necks. In an instant, a line of blood appeared on the necks of these Japanese soldiers, followed by a scarlet Blood sprayed out, and Chen Yuandong and Sanzi finished their actions almost at the same time. About three to four minutes later, more than 4 Japanese soldiers died at their hands.

Generally speaking, it only takes ten seconds to cut off the artery in someone's neck, and it takes about two to three minutes to kill someone.

After doing all this, Chen Yuandong and others abruptly pulled the Japanese troops aside, and then they took their place.

Due to the dim sky, the Japanese soldiers in front did not see what happened just now. However, they saw that there were still people standing at the position of the patrol team, so they did not become suspicious.

After solving the two patrols, Chen Yuandong made a gesture to the third son, which meant to tell the third son to let him bring someone closer to the Japanese patrol in front, and he would come over later.

After receiving Chen Yuandong's instructions, the third son quietly approached the patrol team in front with his men.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing the third son approaching slowly, the captain of a patrol immediately stopped the third son and the others, and looked at the third son and the others coldly.

Although the third son couldn't understand what the patrol captain was saying, but seeing the patrol captain's expression, the third son could guess the general idea.

Immediately the third son smiled slightly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed one to the Japanese patrol captain, as if he wanted to borrow fire.

Seeing the cigarette in Sanzi's hand, the patrol captain's eyes softened a little. Looking at the expression of the Japanese patrol captain, Sanzi believed that he should understand what he meant.

The patrol captain looked left and right, and after seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he took the cigarette in the third son's hand with some salivation, then took out a set of matches from his pocket, lit it for himself first, and then handed it to the third son.

The third son was not polite, directly took the matchbox from the patrol captain's hand, and then lowered his head to light it for himself. When he lowered his head to light his cigarette, he gave the Iron Wolves behind him a wink, indicating that they could do something. up.

After seeing Sanzi's wink, the iron wolf team members behind them casually walked around behind the patrol leader, and then slowly approached the soldiers behind the patrol leader.

The patrol captain was not very wary of Sanzi and the others. After all, Sanzi and the others were all wearing Japanese military uniforms, so as long as there were no obvious flaws, the patrol captain would not suspect them. of.

Therefore, when the Iron Wolves approached the soldiers behind the patrol captain, they did not arouse the precautions of these Japanese soldiers.

After the third son smiled and lit the cigarette in his hand, he returned the matchbox in his hand to the patrol captain, and when the patrol captain took out the matchbox in the third son's hand, the smile on the third son's face suddenly changed. In an instant, the third son's right hand grabbed the arm of the Japanese patrol captain, and then, before the patrol captain could react, he pulled it suddenly, and the patrol captain's body inertially moved towards The third son rushed.

However, at the moment when the patrol captain rushed towards the third son, a sharp bayonet appeared in the third son's right hand at some point, and the bayonet in his hand slightly slashed into the air, slashing across the terrified gaze of the patrol captain. A line of blood spurted out from the patrol captain's neck.

The sudden scene stunned the Japanese soldiers behind the patrol leader, but they didn't react for a while. When they saw the patrol leader lying in the arms of the third son, their pupils shrank slightly, and their expressions changed drastically.

However, before they could react, a palm covered their mouths, and immediately a sharp bayonet was cut across their necks. At the moment these Japanese soldiers died, they couldn't figure out why their companions to kill myself.

After finishing all this, it took only a short time. After slaughtering these dozen Japanese soldiers, Sanzi and others deliberately blocked the corpses leaning on them with their bodies, and then they slowly moved the corpses of these Japanese soldiers to the mountain road next to.

After disposing of these dozens of corpses, Chen Yuandong also came to Sanzi and the others.

"Before the Japanese find out, let's do it!" Chen Yuandong looked at the Japanese patrol not far away with a cold gaze, and then whispered to the third son beside him.

"Okay!" Hearing this, the third son nodded slightly, and said, "In a few minutes, there will definitely be a patrol team coming over. At that time, we will kill that patrol team, and then deal with the front patrol team as quickly as possible." Lose."

After the third son finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yuandong. After all, among the 30 people, Chen Yuandong was the highest commander. Hearing what the third son said, Chen Yuandong nodded slightly and said, "Just do as you say!"

Saying that, Chen Yuandong led a dozen people back to the sides of the mountain road, while Sanzi led a dozen people to ambush on both sides of the third road just now. As long as a patrol team appeared, they could jump out from both sides of the mountain road , Directly hunted down the Japanese patrol team.



Sure enough, as Sanzi expected, about two to three minutes later, a Japanese army patrol slowly walked towards Chen Yuandong. Because it was too dark, Sanzi and others hiding on both sides did not see clearly what the Japanese army was doing. How many people are there in a patrol team, but the Japanese patrol teams here are generally a team of more than a dozen people.

The patrol team approached slowly, while Sanzi and the others hiding on both sides couldn't help clenching the bayonets slightly. It seemed that as soon as these Japanese patrol teams arrived, they would take action without hesitation and put the opponent on the ground. deadly.

In about half a minute, this Japanese patrol team appeared in the eyes of Sanzi and the others. The patrol team had about ten people, which seemed to be a bit larger than the patrol team just now. However, for Sanzi and the others , As long as there are not too many people, they will not back down in the slightest.

It may be that it was too dark, but these Japanese soldiers did not realize that there were other people on both sides of them.

Just when these Japanese soldiers walked past Sanzi and the others, Sanzi and others hiding on both sides suddenly rushed forward, and a dozen Japanese patrols were immediately thrown to the ground by Sanzi and others.

Because the situation was too sudden, the Japanese patrol had no time to react, and their necks were broken by Sanzi and others.

After confirming that the dozen or so Japanese soldiers were dead, the third son immediately waved slightly to Chen Yuandong who was not far away.

Soon, Chen Yuandong came to Sanzi with more than a dozen Iron Wolf players, and said, "There's no need to deal with the corpses here, hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Yuandong led the Iron Wolf team members to grope towards the patrol team in front.

When the third son heard Chen Yuandong's words, he followed Chen Yuandong's footsteps without saying a word.

(ps: please recommend, please subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (to be continued...)

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