Crazy lottery

Chapter 267 Dechuan

In August 1937, all Sichuan troops received orders from Liu Xiang and decided to go out of Sichuan to fight against Japan. Liu Xiang’s decision was immediately responded by people from all walks of life. At present, the country is in crisis, and the people who dare to fight against the war will support that army. Therefore, Sichuan Army It was decided to go out to fight against Sichuan, and people all over the country expressed their support.

The troops in Kaohsiung were also ordered to go to Taiyuan to participate in the battle. Gu Liuxiang said that this battle is related to the future situation of China. Therefore, no matter it is the Sichuan Army, the Communist Army, or the Communist Party, they must do their best in this Taiyuan battle. go all out.

On the day Kaohsiung received Liu Xiang's order, Gao Shitian had already made preparations. All the military supplies and bullets were ready. This time, not only Gao Shitian provided the firearms and ammunition for the assault battalion, but also the arsenal in Chengdu produced a large number of them. Firearms and bullets. Among them, Kaohsiung's troops are almost equipped with imitation Chinese rifles. Although they are imitations, the quality of the two is not much different.

Therefore, if Kaohsiung's current troops are estimated according to normal conditions, their equipment will not be too bad at all, and they will not be seriously short of firearms and ammunition as they said in history. Of course, this is only compared with ordinary troops in **. Compared with the field troops of *, that is not enough.

However, Kaohsiung is already very satisfied with this kind of equipment. Although he paid a lot of money, the price is not worth mentioning to him, because the most important thing their Gao family lacks now is money, so, as long as money can solve the problem The problem is not a problem for Kaohsiung.

However, what excited Kaohsiung the most was the two Type 59 130mm cannon howitzers that Gao Shitian gave him. When he saw these two cannons.Kaohsiung's eyes couldn't help but slightly dizzy.He has never seen such advanced equipment in his life for so many years.Although there are only two, Kaohsiung is happier seeing these two Type 59 130mm cannon howitzers than seeing a hundred submachine guns.

However, having said that, Gao Shitian really fulfilled his original promise. All the people in the 1000-person assault battalion were equipped with submachine guns, and they were the most advanced submachine guns.


When Kaohsiung got these submachine guns, he was completely stunned. He couldn't believe that Gao Shitian got so many. At the beginning, he was dubious about Gao Shitian's friend who sold arms, but now he firmly believes it.

When these 1000 people saw these submachine guns, let alone the excitement on their faces, they had never seen so many advanced weapons after serving as soldiers for so many years.

unimaginable.When these people enter the battlefield, how much deterrence will they cause.

For the sake of safety, Gao Shitian blocked the news of the entire assault camp.Although these 1000 people carried submachine guns, their submachine guns were all hidden, because Gao Shitian had given orders to these 1000 people, and the existence of these submachine guns was never allowed to be exposed unless necessary.

And these 1000 people obviously knew the value of the charge money, so they followed Gao Shitian's order and only carried a rifle as a cover.

More than 2 people drove to Shanxi in a mighty manner, and when they arrived in Shanxi, it was already September [-]st. The number of the second and fourth divisions was too many, but it was equivalent to an army. There are too many people, so they can only walk.

During the current war period, the reason for the tight time is that even after they arrived in Taiyuan, it took them nearly a month.

You must know that this Taiyuan battle belongs to the second war zone, and the commander-in-chief is Yan Xishan. Therefore, the second day after Kaohsiung arrived in Taiyuan, Kaohsiung received orders from Yan Xishan.

Order Kaohsiung to go to Tianzhen County to stop the advance of the Japanese army.

However, as Gao Shitian knew, the Japanese army only invested more than 1000 people in Tianzhen County, and it would be a bit overkill for more than 2 people from Kaohsiung to go to Tianzhen County to stop them.

However, now that China has united the front, Yan Xishan's order is the highest order, and no matter how big the opinions of Kaohsiung and Gao Shitian are, they must implement the order.

On the morning of September 1937, 9, Kaohsiung led troops to the front line of Tianzhen County, and the 3th Regiment of the 61st Army of the Communist Party of China guarding the area also received an order to retreat immediately. The front line of Tianzhen County was guarded by the Sichuan Army.

Similarly, Kaohsiung also received this order. As soon as Kaohsiung heard the news, Kaohsiung knew that Yan Xishan did this on purpose, using the hands of the Japanese to weaken Kaohsiung's troops.

However, since Kaohsiung decided to come to the war of resistance, he had already made such preparations, so Kaohsiung turned a blind eye to it.

On the second day after taking over the front line of Tianzhen County, the Japanese army led troops to slowly suppress the border, but the number of Japanese troops was not large, only about 1000 people, and Gao Shitian had known the number of soldiers for a long time, but Gao Shitian didn't know about this kind of thing at all. The method told Kaohsiung that he could only prepare the people in the assault battalion for combat.

However, this kind of battle does not require them to intervene at all. In case of emergency, Gao Shitian just asked them to be ready at all times.

With the current situation in Kaohsiung, dealing with these more than 1000 Japanese troops is nothing more than a matter of hand.

The oppressive sky and the atmosphere of the slowly suppressing Japanese army made Gao Shitian feel a passionate impulse in his heart. After a year, he returned to the familiar battlefield again, and this is the only place where he belongs.


Just outside the frontline combat room, a loud voice sounded in vain. Hearing this voice, Gao Xiong looked away from the combat deployment map, and then exchanged glances with Gao Shitian.

"Come in!" Gao Xiong said lightly, his voice full of majesty.

After receiving Kaohsiung's order, a young scout immediately walked into the war room, and the seven people in the war room looked at the scout with piercing eyes.

That's right, there are seven people. In addition to Kaohsiung and Gao Shitian, there are brothers Ye Zhenguo, Mo Feng, and Black Phoenix who have been standing coldly behind Gao Shitian in the war room. When Kaohsiung and others saw Black Phoenix, they were slightly surprised. They thought that Gao Shitian would bring a woman with him when he went to the battlefield, but when they saw the strength and marksmanship of Black Phoenix, they quickly shut their mouths.

"Reporter's seat, the Japanese army has been spotted in the White Canyon two kilometers away from us."

"How many are they?" Gao Xiong asked calmly with his hands on the table.

"There are only about 1000 people, but they seem to have two tanks and a lot of heavy weapons." The scout pondered for a moment and then said.

"1000 people? And tanks and heavy weapons? It seems that the Japanese army is bound to win Tianzhen County!" Kaohsiung touched his rough chin, smiled, and said softly.

Although these Japanese troops are bound to win the town and county of Tiantian, if the 61th Regiment of the 425st Army of the Communist Party of China were to guard it, I am afraid that these little devils will really succeed, and it will also prove history.

But it is different now, perhaps because of Gao Shitian, Tianzhen County temporarily changed generals, and Kaohsiung will guard this Tianzhen County, and the next result will be different.

(ps: Please recommend, please subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!) (To be continued...)

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