Crazy lottery

Chapter 308

The middle-aged man standing behind the two guards narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene. These two guards have followed him for many years and have rescued him many times. They trust the two middle-aged men very much. Well, he has seen this scene many times over the years, so when the two guards told him to back off, he vaguely felt the danger.

"My friend, I know you are all here. If you have anything to do, please come out, so I can talk to you face to face, okay?" The guard standing on the left of the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said loudly to the yard.

Speaking of which, they slowly moved the middle-aged man into the meeting room. They all knew that as long as they entered the meeting room and had their protection, the middle-aged man would be much safer.

However, not only they knew this, but Ma Teng who stood more than ten meters away also knew this truth. Therefore, when the two guards moved slightly, Ma Teng's voice suddenly sounded slowly.

"I advise you to stay still, otherwise, I can't guarantee that the guns in our hands won't go off and shoot the three of you into a hornet's nest~" As soon as Ma Teng finished speaking, their figures slowly appeared In the sight of middle-aged people. [

Suddenly seeing dozens of people appearing, the pupils of the two guards shrank violently. Not only Ma Teng and the others felt the strength of the two guards, but also the two guards also felt the strength of the two guards. Ma Teng and the others had a powerful aura.

The powerful aura on Ma Teng and the others is not much worse than letting them down. If it is one or two people, it will be fine. However, so many masters appeared all at once, which made the eyes of the two guards not far away show despair. color.

They really can't figure it out.Why are there so many masters here, and these people all have a submachine gun in their hands. Although they have never seen this kind of submachine gun, they crawled out of the dead, and they almost have a sense of foresight about dangerous things.Therefore, when these guns were aimed at them, they instinctively felt a terrible shadow of death enveloped them. This feeling never appeared even when they were fighting the enemy on the battlefield.

"I don't know where we have offended all of you friends, so that you are so motivating?" Leaning slightly, the guard on the left suddenly asked slowly.The tone was full of compromise. The reason why the guards did this was because they knew that in front of such a master, it was impossible for them to escape, let alone bring a middle-aged man with them.So if they want to protect this middle-aged man, judging from the current situation, they can only compromise with Ma Teng.

When the middle-aged man standing behind them heard the guard's words, a look of surprise appeared on his face, followed by a look of deep solemnity, because he knew very well that the strength and arrogance of these two people could make them There is only one kind of person who says such humble and compromised words.That is someone who is stronger than them.

Although the middle-aged man knew that Ma Teng and the others were not simple, there was no panic on his face, and he was still as calm as before.

Although he had never seen such a scene, he had been assassinated quite a few times this year, so facing this situation did not make him panic.

Leaning slightly, the eyes of the middle-aged man fell on Ma Teng and the others. Although he was just an ordinary person, he could still feel the powerful aura from Ma Teng and the others.This kind of aura was like he was not facing ordinary people, but a group of prehistoric beasts. Moreover, looking at Ma Teng and the others, the middle-aged man could feel the strong military aura on Ma Teng and the others.

"These people are soldiers?" When middle-aged people appeared this year.His heart also shook violently. If there were one or two people facing him, he wouldn't feel anything strange. However, the person facing him was not one or two people, but a group of people, almost seven in number. There are about 80 people, and the middle-aged people can tell that Ma Teng and others are not weaker than his two guards.

Who trained the soldiers, why are all of them so terrifying.

When thinking of this, the middle-aged man couldn't help but swallowed. At this moment, his heart was already full of turmoil, because he really didn't expect such a terrifying force to exist in this world.

"I don't know why my friend came to us so late." The two guards also knew that they could not escape at this moment, and the only way was to find out the reason for this place from Ma Teng and the others, and then do what they liked. Let them spare middle-aged people.

But they were disappointed, because Ma Teng's next sentence gave the answer they were least willing to hear. The answer was that the target of Ma Teng's trip was the middle-aged man behind them.

Hearing this, Ma Teng was silent for a while, and then winked at Zhuang Bosheng.

Seeing Du Ma Teng's eyes, Zhuang Bosheng nodded knowingly, then called two Iron Wolves to step forward, and disarmed the two guards' guns.

After seeing Zhuang Bosheng and the others disarming the weapons of the two guards, Ma Teng slowly said: "Actually, we didn't have any malicious intentions in coming to your place today, we just have something to talk to the chief. "

"This is easy to handle. Since you all want to talk to our chief again, why don't you go in and say something?" The guard's eyes lit up when he heard Ma Teng's words, as long as Ma Teng and the others were not rushing Young people's lives will do.

Hearing what the guard said, Ma Teng shook his head slightly, and then said to Zhuang Bosheng beside him, "Tie them all up for me."

After receiving Ma Teng's order, Zhuang Bosheng and others rushed forward like wolves and tied up the middle-aged man and the two guards. [

Seeing this scene, although the two guards seemed to resist, when they saw the black muzzle of the gun not far away, he lowered his hand vigorously.

"Chief, we have tried our best." After the three were tied up, a guard turned to the middle-aged man with a wry smile and said, although in the eyes of others they did not make the slightest resistance, but in fact they had already made a counterattack , but in this situation, no matter how they counterattack, it will be very powerful in front of Ma Teng and his sons.

"I know, I don't blame you, and I have observed them for a long time. Although they pointed guns at us, they didn't show the slightest murderous intent, so I feel that they didn't mean to hurt us."

As he said that, the middle-aged man looked at Ma Teng calmly, and said with a smile: "Little brother, I don't know if what I said is right?"

(ps: The second update is here, please, please subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (To be continued...)

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