Warriors in the flood

Chapter 115 Nether Blood Sea

After being silent for a while, Yun Yang coughed slightly to dispel the embarrassment between the two of them, then turned to look at Houtu and said, "Fellow Houtu, now there is no earth turbidity in the body of fellow Daoist. You have also reached the peak of the seventh rank, and the Yuanshen has also reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian. But it is not enough now, you need to practice Xuangong to the peak of the eighth rank, so that the strength of the Taoist will not be too weak after becoming a saint .”

"Everything is according to what fellow daoist said." Hou Tu said with a reddish face, obviously he was still a little shy about being naked just now.

"Since this is the case, fellow daoist will practice here! But fellow daoist, don't move around at will, otherwise he will be unhappy, remember, remember." Yun Yang said with a serious face.

Houtu's expression immediately changed when he heard the words, recalling those golden eyes, even now, Houtu was terrified.

Although he is only the peak of Daluo Jinxian now, his mana has been completely transformed into chaotic mana, and his power is only a bit worse than that of then.Back then, I was no match for that person, let alone now!And Houtu fully knew that even if he became a saint, he would definitely not be the opponent of the opponent, let alone just a little Daluo Jinxian now.

"The poor will keep this point in mind." Yun Yang nodded slightly, and then left here in a flash, while Houtu looked around with some vigilance, and then began to practice again.

In the Shouyang Mountains, on a small mountain peak with normal aura, the sun flashed, and Yun Yang appeared from the void.With a wave of his right hand, a picture appeared in front of Yun Yang. In the picture, a man and a woman were absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to increase their cultivation. It was Yun Feng and You Yue.

Slightly checking the situation of the two of them, Yun Yang showed a smile. Although Yun Yang practiced in seclusion within a Yuan Hui, he often came out to preach near Shouyang Mountain to help the human race improve their strength.Moreover, Yun Yang used the Creation Jade Document to cover up the secret, even a saint could not detect the real situation here, not to mention that the eyes of the saint are attracted by the Liches and demons, so how can they care about the affairs of the human race!

Now after one Yuan Hui, six Taiyi Jinxians, thirty Jinxians, nearly two hundred Jiutian Xuanxians, a thousand Xuanxians and other sporadic immortals have been born in the human race. It's because of the great increase in strength, of course, most of all this is Yun Yang's credit.

Because during this Yuan Hui period, Yun Yang gave ten sermons, and each time he spoke for decades or even a hundred years.And every time he preached, he showed his understanding of the Three Thousand Ways on Qingyun for countless human races to understand, which made the strength of the human race increase so quickly, and even gave birth to six Taiyi Jinxians.

"Father and mother's cultivation has been in the late Jinxian period for a long time, and this time it seems that they are about to break through to the peak. Well, within a thousand years, they should not leave the customs, so I won't tell them." Thinking of this , Yun Yang walked towards the prehistoric world.

What is the most famous place in the prehistoric world? Nine out of ten people will answer Buzhou Mountain, because it is the place where Pangu's backbone is transformed and the Tianzhu is located. It can be described as a great miracle in the prehistoric world.

On this day, at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, a man wearing simple and unsophisticated clothes came to the foot of Buzhou Mountain.Looking at the Buzhou Mountain standing upright in front of him, Yun Yang also sighed for Pan Gu in his heart.A monk who had the potential to achieve the Supreme Dao has just fallen, which shows that the Dao is ruthless!

With a wave of his hand, Yun Yang builds a bamboo house again, intending to stay here to understand the avenue belonging to Buzhou Mountain. After 300 years, Yunyang leaves the customs. When I arrived at Buzhou Mountain's upright and unwavering heart to the Tao.

"The Tao I am looking for is not the Dao, but the supreme Tao in the deepest part of the endless chaotic void. Only the supreme Tao is worthy of my pursuit. But you, Pan Gu, are inferior, and you will inevitably fall under the calculations of the Dao in the end." Yun Yang turned and left, he didn't need to stay here anymore.

Yun Yang's gaze turned to the north of the Great Desolate Land, which is the land of the Netherworld and the Sea of ​​Blood, and it is also the place where the acquired reincarnation will take place.But Yun Yang went there this time because of another thing, that is the karmic fire red lotus in the Nether Blood Sea.

The chaotic green lotus in the dantian in my body has already bloomed to rank 24, and there are only three ways to go further.

The first is to inject more chaotic essence into it. It should be known that the chaotic green lotus is originally bred by the chaotic essence. If more chaotic essence is injected, the chaotic green lotus will definitely continue to grow, and even return to the rank of the ultimate treasure of chaos .

The second way is the Great Way of Merit.Yun Yang had obtained some merits from the Great Dao before, and learned that the merits of the Great Dao were the comprehension of the opposite of the origin of Chaos and the Dao. If the merits of the Great Dao were added to it, it would definitely help Chaos Qinglian to advance.

As for the third way, it is to win the spiritual treasure transformed from the four lotus seeds of the chaotic green lotus. Back then, the chaotic green lotus was the treasure in charge of life among the treasures of chaos.But life is death in turn, so Chaos Qinglian naturally understands death very well.

It vaguely knew that when Pangu opened the sky, it would be the day of its own destruction, so it injected its own origin into the four lotus flowers. If the four lotus flowers are united, and assisted by the infinite energy of chaos, it can turn green into one. Lian re-entered Chaos Supreme Treasure.

It's just that none of these three roads is easy to walk, so let's just forget about the first one.The origin of chaos is the lifeblood of Dao, if he dares to take it, Dao dares to chop himself into ashes.

As for the second way, the great way of merit.This is more difficult than the first path, because if you want to obtain the merits of the Great Dao, you must open up the world and create the world, so that the Great Dao will naturally bring down immeasurable merits.As for other ways to obtain great merit, Yun Yang is not sure.

The third road is also extremely difficult!Because the meritorious golden lotus is in the hands of Jieyin, and it is also a gift from heaven to the West to suppress luck. If he dares to take it, Jieying still has a quasi-promotion, and he will definitely fight to the death to keep him.Because if there is no golden lotus to suppress luck, the Western Sect may be wiped out in the next calamity, and it would be strange to guide the two not to go crazy.

It sounds like these three roads are almost dead ends, but Yun Yang thought of a compromise, that is to get the Karmic Fire Red Lotus from Styx's hands, and evolve the Chaos Qinglian into a top-grade or even a top-level Chaos Spirit Treasure. When the chaotic dantian evolved again, some of the chaotic origins were extracted to allow Qinglian to evolve. Of course, it would be even better if he could get the great merit.

Thinking of this, Yun Yang's body flickered and headed towards the Nether Blood Sea. Of course, Yun Yang didn't keep on going, after all, his other purpose was to understand his mind and cut off his good and evil corpses. He also stopped to feel the nature of the creatures around him, so that he could have a deeper understanding of the nature of mind.

500 years later, Yun Yang's figure slowly moved from far to near, beside the Nether Blood Sea in the northwest of Honghuang. Every step he took was tens of thousands of miles away. For 500 years, Yun Yang did not deliberately cultivate, but just went around to appreciate the customs and customs of various places, as well as various human psychology.

And in 500 years, Yun Yang's realm has reached the peak of the early quasi-sage, as long as there is a little chance, he can cut off his second corpse, but Yunyang has walked for more than 500 years, but he has not found the second corpse Arrive at Chance.

The Nether Blood Sea is a sea of ​​blood formed by the filthy place of Pangu's belly. The sea of ​​blood has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and the waves of blood are rolling inside. In the sea of ​​blood, the waves of blood are surging all the year round, and the souls are polluted if they get close, at the slightest, the body and mind will be injured, and at the severe end, the body and spirit will be destroyed.The prehistoric people called this place the Nether Blood Sea.

Looking at this endless sea of ​​blood, Yun Yang couldn't help feeling that Pangu's strength was truly terrifying, just a few drops of dirty blood absorbing the filthy air between the world and growing into an endless sea of ​​blood, how different is the current self compared to him Tens of thousands of times!

Thinking of this, Yun Yang took a step towards the center of the blood sea. He could naturally feel the breath of Styx below the center of the blood sea.But Yun Yang didn't intend to dive into the sea of ​​blood, it was simply the filthiest place in the world, I'm afraid even ghosts would be reluctant to dive into it, let alone a normal person.

At this moment, a voice sounded, "This is the Nether Blood Sea, the territory of my Asura Clan, boy, leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude." A very ugly big man rose up from the blood sea, with a fierce look on his face Staring at Yun Yang.

Looking at the Asura in front of him, Yun Yang's heart moved, "The Asura clan has already been born, and it seems that the Six Realms of Reincarnation will soon be born, so Houtu needs to hurry up and practice." Said, "Go and tell your ancestors that Houyi came to discuss something."

Asura was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Yunyang with puzzled eyes, but muttered to himself, "When did there be a master named Houyi in the prehistoric world? Why didn't the ancestor tell us? "

Yun Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he remembered that although he was the number one saint in the prehistoric world, he had never revealed his name.Coupled with the fact that he has the good fortune jade butterfly to cover up the secrets of the sky, even Hongjun can't figure out his own affairs, let alone Styx, a quasi-sage.

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