Warriors in the flood

Chapter 156 The Great War Begins

With the lifting of the ban issued by Hongjun, the Lich's calamity is about to be understood, and both sides are gearing up to gather their troops, just waiting for the big battle to come.For a time, the entire prehistoric world was turbulent, and the atmosphere became tense. Countless birds and beasts fled away from Buzhou Mountain, a place of right and wrong.

On the second day after the ban was lifted, the sun star rose from the east of the prehistoric world, and when its brilliance illuminated the entire world, deafening roars sounded from the tribe of the Wu tribe.The twelve ancestral witches showed their chaotic real bodies of 99 feet, and led countless big witches and witches from the tribe of the twelve ancestors to kill Buzhou Mountain.

Above the Heavenly Court, the Heaven Observing Mirror hanging outside the Nantian Gate showed the movement of the Wu Clan at this moment.Suddenly, a huge monster-calling banner rose across the sky above the prehistoric world, and immediately countless demon clans flew from the prehistoric world to the South Heaven Gate, turning into countless monster soldiers and generals waiting for the arrival of the witch clan.

The prehistoric world is vast and boundless. Although the Wu Clan has already assembled an army, it still took half a day to reach the Nantianmen.When the Twelve Patriarchal Witches came to Mount Buzhou, the five strong men, Di Jun, Tai Yi, Fu Xi, Xi He, and Kun Peng, and the top ten demon saints and five demon gods also appeared.

"Hou Yi, if you kill my ten sons, you will definitely not die today." Xi He said with a grim expression when he saw Hou Yi's figure.

And Hou Yi glanced at her indifferently, "If it weren't for the balance of the Lich under the Dao of Heaven, I would have killed your monster clan long ago. What's more, how many lives have been killed by your son Zhao Yaohong, who will die if they don't die?"

Xi He wanted to speak, but Di Jun on the side pressed her shoulder, staring at Hou Yi with murderous eyes. "Today we must kill Hou Yi, so why bother talking. The army of the demon tribe listens to my orders and kills me." With a wave of Di Jun's hand, hundreds of millions of demon troops rushed towards the army of the witch tribe. Instantly tore a quasi-sage into pieces.

Seeing the Yaozu's move, Di Jiang stepped forward and raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers, this battle will be the last battle between us and the Yaozu. We will uproot the entire Yaozu and kill him without leaving a piece of him." Let them understand that the Wu Clan is the master of the Great Desolation."

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill..." Every sorcerer clenched the weapons in their hands, and the monstrous shouts of killing spread throughout the Buzhou Mountain Range.

"Kill!" With a wave of Di Jiang's hand, billions of witch clan rushed towards the army of monster clan.

"Come on!!!"

"Kill!!!" The Lich and Demon Clans, which consisted of nearly a hundred billion legions, soon met together.Without any prelude, the two clans were strangled together very quickly.


All the witches of the Houtu tribe pressed the ground together, and the ground surged like a tide, and rows of huge ground thorns shot out from the ground, piercing through the monster monks who were too late to react in an instant.

In the Qiangliang tribe, countless thunder and lightning splashed out, like a thunderbolt from heaven, splitting countless monster tribes into fly ash.

In the Dijiang tribe, countless witches appeared and disappeared in the void. Every time they appeared, more than a dozen demons were killed, and the demon babies were broken and fell.


"Ah! Ah! Ah..." The war has just begun, and countless monster monks have fallen, and the screams are breathtaking. Countless monster blood is like a river, converging into countless blood rivers, leaving behind a sea of ​​blood. .


The monster monks with blood-red eyes also fought back mercilessly. Countless monsters gathered together to form a pair of green death scythes, or countless long swords and spears, rushing into the camp of the witch clan, instantly Empty a piece of witches.


All the viciousness in the hearts of the monks of the Lich and Demon clans was aroused, their eyes were scarlet, and they slashed at the enemy with one knife and one sword, and beautiful blood flowers bloomed!Less than an hour after the start of the battle, tens of millions of monks from the two tribes of the Lich fell on the battlefield. The whole land was blood-red, there were broken swords and knives everywhere, and mutilated corpses everywhere. It was extremely tragic.


The entire battlefield is like a huge meat grinder, devouring countless lives every moment and every second.Mountains are lifted up, water dragons are roaring, meteor-like fireballs are bombarding, and sharp swords are cutting...


The violent attacks of countless spells, supernatural powers, and spirit treasures shook the entire prehistoric world by these two terrifying forces. Countless spaces were blown up, and the turbulent flows of spaces surged out, instantly devouring countless people from the Liches and Demons. life,

Frost, flames, hurricanes, poisonous fog, thunder and lightning, floods, etc., over the entire prehistoric world, countless forces are stirring, time and space are turbulent, and the sky and the earth are shaking.At the same time, countless blood rains fell from the sky, as if the prehistoric world was also crying for it.

"Kill!!!" The tragic shouts of killing converged into a doomsday lament. This Lich War is even more tragic than the last one.Everyone on the battlefield knows that there is no way out, and one step back is death.Only by beheading the enemy in front of him and completely destroying the opponent can he gain vitality.

At this moment, all the monks lost their minds, fighting wildly like wild beasts, for the race, for survival, kill!kill!kill!At this moment, there is no sympathy, no reason at all, there is only endless killing, and only killing can survive.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"...

The sky and the earth were blood-red, and the violent murderous aura formed countless hurricanes, and the violent murderous aura horrified countless great supernatural beings in the prehistoric world.They can completely feel that if they appear on the battlefield, they will be immediately eroded by countless evil spirits, and instantly turn into fly ash and fall completely.

Just when the two clans of liches were fighting with all their strength, the five quasi-sages, Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Xihe, and Kunpeng, the gods of the nine heavens, immediately let go of their aura, and the aura of the great perfection of the five quasi-sages spread throughout the prehistoric world .

The expression of the Twelve Ancestral Witches suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, in just one Yuanhui, five quasi-sages and great consummation powerhouses were born in the monster clan. Although they cannot be compared with the heyday of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, they each All of them are stronger than the current Twelve Ancestral Witches, except of course Hou Yi.

"Many demon gods listened to the orders, and set up a big array of stars in the sky."

"Yes, God!"

Then a star banner with a pole length of 360 zhang fluttered, scrolling the entire void, 360 five starlights penetrating the sky descended from the stars in the sky, and all the star banners suddenly burst into starlight, and the entire nine-day void was reflected into In a silver-white world, the [-] ​​five-pole star flag rotates along mysterious trajectories, and gradually the star flag disappears, and an incomparably huge star space emerges, enveloping the twelve ancestral witches.

Just as the battle between the Liches and the Demon Clans was in full swing, Buzhou Mountain, which supported the prehistoric world, shook slightly, and a loud dragon chant sounded from inside Buzhou Mountain, and the expressions of countless great supernatural beings suddenly changed. They almost forgot about Buzhou Mountain But on that site, the Liches and the two clans are fighting at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. It's like running wild in front of someone's door. I'm afraid that person will be unhappy!

Just when many great supernatural powers were in doubt, a gap suddenly opened in Buzhou Mountain, and a nine-clawed golden dragon with a length of hundreds of millions of feet rushed out of Buzhou Mountain, and the next moment it rushed straight to Jiutian and headed towards 33 Tian.Afterwards, the nine-clawed golden dragon swayed and turned into a human body with the head of a dragon.

"The Lich War, the calamity is coming, it's time for me to prove the way with strength. The Sky-breaking Sword, now." Ao Qian grabbed Buzhou Mountain, and a purple long sword appeared in Ao Qian's hand instantly.The Excalibur is simple and unpretentious, but it exudes the supreme aura of tearing the sky, breaking the earth, and shattering chaos, which makes all the saints and even the heavens shake.

The next moment, dark clouds rolled over the nine heavens, and the Eye of Heaven appeared from the void, staring at the Potian Sword in Ao Gan's hand with unusually solemn eyes.

After looking at the Eye of Heaven, Ao Gan looked at the long sword in his hand with some misty eyes, stroked it with his left hand, "Potian Sword, Potian Sword, today we will work together to break the shackles of Heaven and prove the way with strength. "At the beginning, Ao Gan's voice was very gentle, but in the end it turned into rolling thunder and resounded through the prehistoric world.

In an instant, countless great supernatural beings throughout the prehistoric world were shocked, breaking the shackles of the heavenly way, and proving the way with their strength.Hongjun once said at the beginning that among the three, proving the Tao with force is the most difficult, and even impossible to succeed.

To prove the way with force, what is to prove the way with force?That is to forcibly break the shackles of heaven and cut off the constraints of heaven on you, so that you can prove the truth with strength.It's just how difficult it is to cut off the shackles of the Dao of Heaven, after all, it is the Dao of Heaven!The way of heaven, which regards all things in the universe as ants, is not so easy to cut off even if it is just the shackles it lowers.

If Ao Qian can really succeed in proving the Dao with strength, I am afraid that the whole prehistoric world will be shaken. After all, this is a saint who transcends the way of heaven, and he is definitely much stronger than the six saints.And if it is possible, if you get the method of proving the Dao with strength from Ao Gan, maybe you and others will have a day to prove the Hunyuan Dao, so countless great supernatural beings ignore the battle between the two clans of Lich, and instead stare at it. Ao Gan.

At this moment, Hou Yi, who was confronting Di Jun and the others in the cosmic starry sky Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, felt Ao Gan's movement, and Hou Yi said, "Everyone, we still have to fight quickly! Summon Pangu Zhen directly!" Body, break through the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation! So as not to fall into the formation and be injured by the formation."

"Okay, let's all set up the Tianshensha formation, and directly break the Zhoutian Xingdou formation to avoid accidents." Di Jiang, the head of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, also nodded.

All the ancestral witches looked at each other and nodded in unison. Then roars like ferocious beasts resounded through the prehistoric desolation, and the 99-foot-high Chaos Avatar appeared, and the strong Chaos Qi came from twelve Zuwu erupted from his body, rushing directly towards the space of stars like wolf smoke.

Except for Hou Yi, the Twelve Ancestral Witches all looked a little pale. After all, they were injured by the Dao of Heaven before a Yuan Hui. Let's summon Pan Gu's real body together, that Pan Gu's real body, which is comparable to the realm of heaven, trembles even the heavenly dao, let alone the monster race.

Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches were injured, they still had the power to summon Pan Gu's true body. With the Twelve Ancestral Witches shouting, they all turned into a stream of light and sank into Hou Yi's body.Because among the twelve ancestral witches, the only one who was not injured was Hou Yi, and Di Jiang and others agreed to let him be the leader of Pan Gu's real body this time.

And as Di Jiang and the others merged into Hou Yi's body, the original 99 feet of Chaos Avatar grew rapidly again at this moment.In the blink of an eye, it broke through 50 feet, and then, 60 feet, 100 feet, ,,, 500 feet, 500 feet, and finally stopped growing after the height of Pangu's real body increased to [-] million feet.

500 million zhang, this is the peak strength of Hunyuan Taiji Luo Jinxian in the mid-term. Although it is very different from the last time Pangu's real body was [-] million zhang, but don't forget that except for Hou Yi, the strength of the other ancestor witches has lost five. Sixty percent, being able to summon the strength of Hunyuan Taiji Luo Jinxian is already considered good.

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