After Xuanyuan heard it, he was so angry that the three corpses jumped, he hadn't troubled him yet!He still dared to come to me, if he was not afraid of causing a civil war in the human race, he would have already sent troops. For this, Xuanyuan quickly called all the high-level people of the human race to discuss this matter.

After deliberations by all the high-level people of the human race, there is only one thing that has been decided, and that is fighting.

In the chaos of the nine heavens, in Yuqingqingweitian, after the two major human races decided to start a real war this time, Yuanshi Tianzun stopped his preaching.Then he turned his eyes to the eleven golden immortals below, "The catastrophe of the human race has fallen, and you will go down to the earth to help the emperor and complete this act of unifying the human race."

The eleven golden immortals were overjoyed immediately, and they would naturally gain a lot of merit by helping the Emperor to unify the human race. In this case, the future cultivation of himself and others will surely go smoothly, and there will not be too many obstacles in the way of cultivation.

It's just that Yuanshi Tianzun's approach caused dissatisfaction with one person, that is, the deputy leader of the teaching, the lamp.It's just that the sage Yuanshi Tianzun has spoken, so it's hard for him to say that he will go too.Ran Deng could only complain in his heart for a while, and went to his hometown.

On Jinao Island in the East China Sea, Tongtian sat cross-legged on the cloud platform and glanced at the many disciples below.Then he turned his attention to Daoist Taoist Dabao, "Duobao, this time the human race's catastrophe has fallen. Although the emperor of the human race is orthodox, but Chi You has a high level of cultivation, and with the help of the witch race, this battle of the human race is a big one." Waiting for the opportunity, if you help the Emperor defeat Chi You, there will definitely be benefits for you in the future. Duobao, you, Jin Ling, Gui Ling, and Wudang are going to help the Emperor!"

"Yes, I would like to obey the teacher's decree." The four immediately bowed their hands and saluted, then left Biyou Palace and headed towards the prehistoric world.

On the other hand, the Xuanyuan tribe, the largest tribe of the human race, dispatched nearly ten million soldiers and began to march in the direction of the Jiuli tribe.

After several days, the two armies finally met on a vast plain, but the soldiers of the Xuanyuan Tribe looked at the soldiers of the Jiuli Tribe opposite, and all their feet trembled.Li Mu looked at the other party with solemn eyes, and Xuanyuan's face was also a little ugly.

Murderous aura, a very strong murderous aura, and of course, the fierce appearance of the Jiuli tribe also made many soldiers tremble.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan snorted coldly, and then drove the chariot towards the direction of the Jiuli tribe.

"Chi You, come out and meet me." Xuanyuan's voice came in the direction of the Jiuli tribe.

As soon as the words were finished, I saw two columns of the Chinese army on the opposite side, and a strong man with horns on his head and tight muscles came out from inside. It was Chi You, the chief of the Jiuli tribe.And around Chi You, there are seven or eight big men with the same muscular body as Chi You, they are the many witches that Chi You invited from the Pangu Palace.

And when he saw the other seven or eight big men beside Chi You, Guang Chengzi who was standing beside Xuanyuan suddenly exclaimed, "The great witch of the witch clan."

The seven or eight big men looked at each other slightly after hearing the words, and then smiled at each other, "I didn't expect that I haven't been out for many years, but someone still remembers me, it's really rare!" One of the big witches of the witch clan said first.

The great witch beside him also sighed, "Yes! I thought that no one would remember me when I came out this time, but I didn't expect that someone would recognize me today, so it can be seen that that person is also a figure from the prehistoric period! Just don't know who he is?"

"Jiji Waiwai can't figure it out, so why don't you just ask him directly." As he spoke, a somewhat grumpy witch looked at Guangchengzi and said, "Who are you, why do you recognize us?"

Guang Chengzi also woke up from the horror at this moment, and when he heard the other party's words, he slapped his head and said, "Poverty Dao is Guang Chengzi, a disciple of Kunlun Yuxu Palace!"

Many Wu tribes were shocked when they heard the words, isn't Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains the site of Yuanshi Tianzun?Many great witches frowned at this moment, they finally felt that things were a little tricky.

On the other hand, Chi You saw that the great witch was a little scared, and took the lead in snorting coldly, "Since you are a disciple of a saint, why don't you listen to the Dao of Saints in Kunlun Mountain, why come here to stop me?"

Without waiting for Guang Chengzi to speak, Xuanyuan on the side said, "Chi You, why did you send troops to our Xuanyuan tribe? Could it be that you want to trigger a war between the human race?"

Hearing this, Chi You sneered and said, "Gongsun Xuanyuan, you have the face to criticize me. Isn't it because you are self-righteous and conquered various tribes of the human race, which made the human race full of complaints, and I, Chi You, will have nothing to do against you?"

Xuanyuan snorted coldly, "This seat integrates the human race, better implements policies, and allows the better development of the human race. Isn't that right? Although I may be too impulsive in the process, my original intention is to fight for the human race." Fu. I'm afraid you, Chi You, may not think so!"

Chi You snorted coldly about this, "You don't need to know how I came up with this idea, but what you Gongsun Xuanyuan has done has already caused dissatisfaction among many people, let's see the truth!" Chi You retreated to his camp Inside, I'm going to start a big fight.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan also planned to go back and prepare for the battle, while Guang Chengzi who was at the side stopped Xuanyuan's move with a serious face at the moment.

Xuanyuan was a little surprised by this and said, "Master Immortal, why is this? Defeat Chi You as soon as possible, and we can return as soon as possible!"

Guang Chengzi smiled wryly when he heard the words, "Xuanyuan, we have encountered a big problem this time. It is difficult, difficult, difficult to defeat Chi You!" With the strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, even if he has an innate spirit treasure in his hand, it is already very good to be able to fight against one, not to mention that the opponent has seven or eight, who can completely abuse him.

After Xuanyuan heard Guang Chengzi utter the three difficult words, his expression also began to change, and then he looked at Guang Chengzi and said, "The immortal master is worried about those big men beside Chi You?"

Guang Chengzi nodded directly to this and said, "That's right, if it weren't for those big guys, it would be easy to defeat Chi You, but with those few big guys around, we might be easily defeated by Chi You!" Guang Chengzi's face was full of worry.

Xuanyuan frowned when he heard the words, and then asked, "Then where did they come from? Why did they help Chi You?"

"The Wu Clan, they are the great witches of the Wu Clan. As for why they want to help Chi You, I don't know." Guang Chengzi also shook his head in confusion.

"Witch Clan??? What kind of race is this? Why haven't I heard of it?" Xuanyuan asked curiously.

"The Wu Clan declined thousands of years ago, and they rarely appeared in the prehistoric world after that. As for the origin of the Wu Clan..." Guang Chengzi spent a lot of time talking about the origin of the Wu Clan over again.

"According to what the immortal master said, the strength of these great witches is comparable to Taiyi Jinxian, so they are indeed a group of difficult guys to deal with." Xuanyuan frowned when he heard this.How strong the human race is, I am afraid that no one knows except the first ancestor, but Xuanyuan, the emperor, still knows that there is a very powerful force in the human race to protect the safety of the human race, and the weakest of them is also a strong man of the golden fairy level , as for the stronger,,,,

It's just that those strong men are the disciples of the ancestors. They never intervene in the affairs of the human race, they just protect the human race from outside intrusion and protect the safety of the human race.But now it's a struggle within the human race, and they probably won't make a move. Xuanyuan is a little annoyed by this.

It's just that when he glanced at Guang Chengzi who was at the side, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Guang Chengzi Immortal Master, although an Immortal Master can't win the opponent's seven or eight great witches by himself, there must be many Immortal Masters who are disciples of Saints." Brothers! How about inviting them to help out?"

Although Guangchengzi's eyes flashed brightly when he heard the words, there was still a look of enlightenment on his face, "Xuanyuan is right, I will forget about it by then. It's just that I need to report this to the teacher. Xuanyuan needs to wait for a while."

Guang Chengzi secretly scolded Chi You and those fellows, why did seven or eight great witches come together? Didn't this kill him?Among the seven or eight great witches, the worst one is Taiyi Jinxian!Although I can win one by relying on Lingbao, I can't win seven or eight!

What makes Guang Chengzi even more upset is that if he can't win, the teacher will probably send his juniors down, and then a lot of the Emperor's merit will be divided. This is simply cutting his own flesh!

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