Warriors in the flood

Chapter 234 Preliminary Diva

With Yun Yang's success in proving the Tao, the luck of the human race, which occupies [-]% of the world, immediately stabilized, without any wavering.Dayu took this opportunity to ascend to the Huoyun Cave and became the eighth Human Sovereign. Although the Holy Sovereign was no better than a saint, he far surpassed the Dzogchen Quasi-sage, and was only a notch worse than a saint.

Just when Yunyang broke through the way of heaven, Guangming, who was sitting on the throne of the emperor of heaven in the heavenly realm, changed his expression drastically at this moment.Because just now, the celestial origin that Yun Yang integrated into his primordial spirit unexpectedly broke away from his control at this moment and disappeared into the void.

Guangming frowned suddenly, losing the origin of the heavenly realm was a very bad thing for him.For a long time, although the human race and the monster race lived in peace in the sky, the monster race was much stronger than the human race after all.The reason why the human race always has the upper hand and suppress the monster race is because he has the origin of the heaven in his hands. With it in the human race, it is equivalent to a saint sitting in the heavenly court. Even if the monster race has a hundred courage, they will not dare to make things big.

But now things are a little bit bad, without the source of the heavens, the light can't suppress the monster clan, and the strength is not as good as those quasi-sages of the monster clan. A way to join the Heavenly Court and seize part of the luck!

And what worries Guangming even more is that Yun Yang gave him the origin of the heavenly realm, and only Yunyang can take back the origin of the heavenly realm.But as a saint, Yun Yang doesn't need the origin of the heavenly realm at all, so why did he take it back?

"Could it be that the ancestor encountered some crisis?" Guangming was a little anxious.Yun Yang is the pillar in the minds of the human race, and he also supports the entire human race. If something happens to him, disaster for the human race may be imminent.

"No, the first ancestor transcended the way of heaven, even if it is the way of heaven, it is impossible to obliterate the great sage, but why did the first ancestor take back the origin of the heavenly realm? Don't you think I am a bad emperor?" Guangming thought wildly.

Just when Guangming was thinking wildly, the whole heaven suddenly began to shake, Lingxiao Palace was also trembling, and all the immortals inside were also shaking, unable to stabilize their figure at all. "What is it? It will make the Tiangong turbulent." The worry in Guangming's eyes deepened.

"Report" came a report from outside the Tiangong, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." A veteran with white hair and a beard from the old factory hurried in from the outside, swaying here and there, almost bumping into the ground On the pillars.

"Jin Xing, what happened? It made you so flustered?" Guangming was meditating, but was not happy when he was suddenly interrupted.

The corners of Taibai Jinxing's mouth trembled and said, "Your Majesty, the heavens are in turmoil, and now they are... Let's see!"

"Oh!" Guangming was shocked when he heard the words, and then walked out of Lingxiao Palace, heading towards Nantianmen.

When the light comes to Nantianmen, everything in front of you is no longer just white clouds as before, but islands floating out of thin air, with nine-colored rays flickering, and auspicious clouds setting off them.Immortal flowers and grasses are everywhere on the fairy island, and the rich aura gathers to form rivers flowing in the island.

At a glance, there are countless such islands, and there are millions if not tens of millions. If you look at it this way, although the current heaven is not as good as the prehistoric, it is infinitely larger than before.

"What's going on here?" Not only Guangming, but all the human races, monster races, and star gods in the heavens are all stunned at this moment. I don't know why the heavens have changed like this?

At this moment, an ethereal and resonant voice resounded throughout the prehistoric world, "I am Yun Yang, the ancestor of the human race. Today I broke through the shackles of the heavens and became the Great Enlightened Golden Immortal of Chaos. Countless beings worshiped it, and even the saints of the heavens lowered their high heads at this moment.All living beings under the saint are ants, and under the way of heaven, the saint is also an ant.

And in the chaos at this moment, there are also frequent visions. When Yunyang refined the human law wheel and achieved the realm of heaven, that is, the golden immortal of chaos, countless visions suddenly appeared in the chaos, golden lotus appeared everywhere, and fairy flowers spread everywhere Chaos, every sentence of the Dao Mantra lingers constantly.Heavenly dragons emerge, blessed phoenixes dance, mysterious tortoises crawl, white tigers roar and fairy songs dance wonderfully, appearing constantly, Sanskrit sounds and dharma images, and admonitions of the avenue float in the void.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun opened his indifferent eyes, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, he naturally felt the vision in the chaos, he never thought that the birth of a chaotic Great Enlightenment Golden Immortal, the Dao would descend like this To congratulate him, and he never thought that Yun Yang would forcibly refine the human law wheel to prove the way.

It should be known that although refining the Falun of Humanity also achieves the Dao of Heaven and is not bound by the Dao of Heaven, after all, he did not break through successfully by himself. He almost used the power of the Dao of Heaven to break through the Dao of Heaven. is tough.

"Could it be that the catastrophe in the future has already made him feel the crisis, so he has to break through now, hoping to get a glimmer of life in the catastrophe." Hongjun's eyes flickered with countless mysterious lights, constantly deducing everything in the future.

It's a pity that he is only a cultivation base in the early days of the Dao of Heaven, so how can he see through the secrets of chaos and reach the origin of the catastrophe?After a long time, Hongjun could only close his eyes helplessly, and began to practice again.

Over the prehistoric world, Guangming and the others were oppressed to the ground by Yun Yang's aura of enlightenment. After a long time, Yun Yang gathered his aura, and with a slight sway of his figure, he came out of the heaven in an instant.

"Congratulations to the first ancestor for proving the Dao of Chaos Dajue Golden Immortal, and he will be immortal and eternal." After seeing Yun Yang's figure, all the immortals knelt down on the ground.

"Don't be too polite, get up!" Yun Yang waved his big hand to help everyone up.

"Thank you, ancestor."

Guangming stepped forward and bowed and said, "First Ancestor, I don't know why this heaven has changed like this? I hope the First Ancestor can explain it?"

Yun Yang smiled indifferently at this and said, "The heavens were originally created for me by combining the 33 days of prehistoric days. Now, I have become the Golden Immortal of Chaos Great Enlightenment, sitting on an equal footing with the Dao of Heaven. The heavens are my world, and they will naturally expand. A hundred years later , the expansion of the heavens will stop, and by then, although the area of ​​the heavens will not be as large as that of the prehistoric world, it will be about one-third of the prehistoric world."

Guangming's face was overjoyed when he heard the words. The heaven can be said to be the residence of the top powerhouses of the human race and the top powerhouses of the monster race. Although the two races seldom fight under the suppression of the saints, there are only so many resources in the heaven realm. It is difficult to promote cultivation without fighting. In order to improve, the heavens seem to be very peaceful on the surface, but secretly, the high-level people of the human race have fought with the high-level of the monster race for countless times.

Now that the heavens have expanded countless times, the resources in them have naturally increased a lot. In this way, the high-level leaders of the human race and the monster race will have less trouble.

But soon Guangming's face was a little embarrassed, "Ancestor, when the heavens expanded not long ago, the origin of the ancestors in my heaven disappeared into the void, and I hope the ancestors will sin." He was about to kneel down.

Yun Yang stopped him with a wave of his hand, "Guangming, now you are the Great Heavenly Venerable of the Three Realms, and the only ones in the world who can be worshiped by you are this seat, Houtu, the Holy Mother, and Hongjun Taoist. It’s just sitting on an equal footing, from now on when you see me, you only need to bow down, there is no need to kneel down.”

All the immortals bowed and saluted after hearing the words, "We will follow the decree of our ancestors."

Yun Yang nodded slightly, then looked at Guangming and said, "When the heaven is expanding, it will naturally replenish the source, so that the source in your body is called by the great source of the heaven, and it will naturally return to the depths of the heaven. But the heaven is a vast world with vast Your luck requires the suppression and light of a saintly powerhouse, and today I am giving you the origin of the world, and will take over the operation of the heavens on my behalf." As Yun Yang grasped the void, the space instantly collapsed revealing a huge black hole.

With a casual move by Yun Yang, a gray object exuding a nine-colored halo appeared in Yun Yang's hands, "Go." With a wave of Yun Yang's hand, the origin of the world immediately submerged into Guangming's forehead, and then merged into his primordial spirit among.

A feeling of controlling the world came to my heart again, as if the entire heaven was under my control, and I could shatter the world with a wave of my hand, and even piercing through the void was just a matter of effort.Guangming opened his eyes, "Thank you, ancestor."

Yun Yang waved his hand, then frowned and looked into the depths of the Heavenly Palace, "A solitary yin does not grow, a solitary yang does not grow, and there are yin and yang in the heaven and earth. You are the emperor of the Three Realms, so there should be a queen to complement you, so it will be a long-term strategy. "

Guangming nodded slightly at this, and then said, "Teacher, if you practice the law of light and the law of yang, the Queen of Heaven should be a person who practices the law of yin. But although there are people who practice the law of yin in the human race, they are also men. What should I do?"

Yun Yang said indifferently, "Although there is no suitable candidate for the human race, there is one among the innate gods. There is an innate god in West Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West. Queen of Heaven. Similarly, if she becomes a queen of heaven, she can also attract many innate gods to join the heavenly court."

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