Warriors in the flood

Chapter 322 Taking the Eye of Heaven

"Huh, I want to escape." A cold voice came, and the big hand that covered the sky suddenly swiped towards the surroundings of the Eye of Heaven. Suddenly, the space shattered, and the earth's wind, water, and fire appeared frantically. The law of the day was directly broken at this moment. The void where the Eye of Heaven is located is completely independent from the prehistoric world at this moment.

"Heavenly Dao, since you have interrupted the evolution of the tunnel and made the tunnel suffer even more, you can use your own eyes to atone for your sins!" Yun Yang's figure suddenly appeared above the prehistoric world, and the big hand that covered the sky was filled with a cloud of gray The chaotic divine flame instantly ignited, and the terrifying power completely refined the Eye of Heaven.

"Roar!" In the depths of the prehistoric world, there was an angry roar mixed with a hint of pain, Yun Yang had gouged out Tiandao's eyes, anyone's eyes were gouged out, that is unbearable pain, Although the way of heaven is strong, but now that he has begun to evolve into a living being, he will naturally suffer.

"Boom!" In the prehistoric world, thunder after billions of feet exploded between the sky and the earth, dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky above the prehistoric world, and electric snakes flew over the prehistoric world.The terrifying power broke through the space in an instant, causing countless riots.Chaotic disasters such as gang wind, divine thunder, earth wind, water and fire, and annihilating divine wind continue to appear, blowing up the void.

In the void, a gray figure flickered rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it came under the thunder and lightning.Looking at the shape-shaped space in his hands, a smile hung on the corner of Yun Yang's mouth.These are the eyes of Tiandao, and they are the eyes used by Tiandao to control the punishment of the gods. The power in them is nearly one-tenth of the power of Tiandao. [

None of this is important, the most important thing is that this eye of heaven contains a lot of mysteries of the three thousand laws of heaven. If you refine it, then your comprehension of the three thousand ways will naturally speed up a lot .

Even if it is not useful to oneself, it is also very useful to authentic and human beings, because they and the Tao of Heaven can be said to be born as one, and the power between them can almost be shared.If it weren't for the appearance of Yun Yang, the authentic way and the human way in history would have been swallowed up by the way of heaven and turned into the laws of the way of heaven itself, which shows that they can also devour each other.

And above the prehistoric world, accompanied by the explosion of thunder and lightning, Yun Yang knew that the real way of heaven was about to come.Although a few years ago, they had a battle in the chaos, but that time it was Tiandao who used Hongjun's body, and this time, it was Tiandao's real body that appeared.

An astonishing divine light burst out from Yun Yang's eyes, and a vast force instantly rushed into the void in his hand. With a scream, all the connections between the Eye of Heaven and the Dao of Heaven were instantly erased at this moment. , Tiandao completely lost this eye.

"Boom" After Yunyang completely erased the imprint inside the Eye of Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao is finally about to show up, the thunder and lightning are swimming in the dark clouds, and the gray chaotic god thunder is swimming, measuring The void was directly smashed into chaos, and the void of the universe was directly shattered and turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

"The opening scene? It's good to bring out the Chaos God Thunder." Yun Yang looked at the flickering Chaos God Thunder, but his tone was very indifferent.

If you think about it, with his current physical body, apart from existences above the Immortal Golden Immortal in the world, or the Supreme Treasure of Chaos can cut his physical body.But now all the Chaos Supreme Treasures are in Yun Yang's hands. If Tiandao has any new Chaos Supreme Treasures, he can't even break through his defense, let alone kill him.

Hearing the power of vision in Yun Yang's words, the vast heavenly power suddenly became tens of times stronger, and the dark clouds rolled crazily over the prehistoric sky, and circles of vortices began to appear with the twisting of the dark clouds. The hazy chaotic sky suddenly appeared, illuminating the world that was completely black in an instant.

Accompanied by the rolling of dark clouds, the chaotic sky is shining brightly, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the coercion of the enemy is also getting stronger and stronger, even completely distorting the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Seeing Tiandao's actions, Yun Yang snorted coldly, and a more vast and fierce aura emerged from his body, carrying the impact force on him and instantly snapping back at Tiandao.


In the void of thunder and lightning, a void suddenly collapsed, and the terrifying air wave directly exploded the void.

The void trembled for a while, and I saw the sky shining brightly, bursting with fairy music, and blossoming lotus flowers appeared out of thin air, floating and scattered in the flood.

In the pitch-black clouds of billowing thunder and lightning, on the huge vortex black hole, the chaotic skylight turned into a gigantic beam of light and descended instantly. The wheel rotated slowly, and the way of heaven appeared.

Soon, outside the nine-colored round wheel, a huge face emerged, with seven emotions and six desires on the face, joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire.Colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and dharmas all flashed rapidly, and finally the expressions of these figures reverted to the original indifference, affection, and aloofness.

Soon, Tiandao looked at the figure that appeared below, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes.Obviously, Yun Yang, who was almost a lunatic in his eyes, would be a bit bad if he really went crazy.

But before Tiandao could speak, Yun Yang took the lead and said, "Tiandao, long time no see, you've always been great!"

Tiandao's face turned green when he heard the words, his angry expression flashed away, he was so angry that he almost slapped him, is there anyone like you?Just gouged out one of my eyes, and now he says he hasn't seen you for a long time, and asks me how I'm doing. This is simply too much deception.

"Fellow Daoist is deceiving people too much!" A flash of anger flashed in Tiandao's eyes. [

Yun Yang's face darkened in an instant, "So what if I bully you? When you were blocking Guangming from becoming enlightened, did you ever think about using your supreme being to attack a quasi-sage? Did you ever think about bullying someone too much? I bully you!" What can you do?" Bi's arrogant tone made Tiandao almost jump up and down.

But Tiandao really doesn't have the guts to fight back?forget it!The physical body of the other party is simply perverted, and the Chaos Supreme Treasure has to be chopped thousands of times to cut a crack. Although some of them are due to Pangu's poor strength, it may be impossible for Tiandao to bring the Chaos Supreme Treasure to break through his defense. It will take a while, not to mention that he doesn't have the Chaos Treasure in his hands yet.

"Fellow Daoists are talking about two different things! The prehistoric world is under my control. Anyone under the Great Dao who wants to become Dao needs the obstruction of the Dao of Heaven. You can only become Dao if you pass by. This is the accusation of the Dao. "Tiandao retorted directly.

"Oh! It is indeed your fault to block enlightenment, but you have gone too far. Let an attack that even a strong man of heaven can't stop, let a quasi-sage go to the test... Heaven, you treat me as me You're a fool, you're easy to fool, aren't you?" Yun Yang's tone mercilessly accused Tiandao, saying that it was avenging its own revenge and using power for personal gain.

"You,,,," Tiandao flashed an angry look, although it meant this, but now it was said, and he was accused in front of all living beings, which made it difficult for Tiandao to step down for a while.

deny?Come on, the victim of the authentic Falun is right next to him!Hu, who denied it, didn't he just throw away his last bit of face.

However, Tiandao is not a fool, and immediately changed his words, "The reason why the tunnel was damaged is that he helped Guangming before him. If he hadn't shot first, how could this seat send down the divine thunder that can hurt the strong Tiandao."

Yun Yang snorted coldly, and said with an ugly face, "What should I say in the court? Don't tell me that it is not your destiny to let a monkey make trouble in the Heavenly Palace? The human race has been in charge of the Heavenly Court for several years. Although there are no earth-shattering feats, But it also keeps the Three Realms smooth and there is no turmoil. In addition, the heavens produce some demons from the wild from time to time, and the luck is profound and immeasurable. When does it need to be insulted by a monkey?"

The more Yun Yang talked, the more annoyed he became, and his aura went straight to the heavens. He was the backer of the heavenly court. Letting a monkey make trouble in the heavenly palace was no different from standing on his head to shit and piss. "Heaven, give me an explanation, or else,,,, hum!" Yun Yang's aura soared into the sky, and the mana in his body began to surge.

Tiandao was furious when he heard the words, he hummed about the existence of the Supreme Being, and someone dared to ask him for an explanation.But he also had to endure it, the opponent's body was so strong that he had no way of restraining him at all, and he still had the treasure of chaos in his hand, the Qiankun God Axe, it was really embarrassing, and the way of heaven would probably be broken by him of.

Now that the Dao of Heaven is at a critical moment of promotion, if it is broken, I am afraid that it will end up with the same fate as the Falun of the real Dao, or even more miserable.

Although the authentic Falun failed to advance, the key to his advancement is the law of reincarnation of Dzogchen. After all, the direction of breakthrough is single, so the power of backlash is just the backlash of the law of reincarnation.

But if Tiandao breaks through, it will break through all three thousand laws. If it fails, the backlash will be the backlash of the three thousand laws together. A little left.

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