Warriors in the flood

Chapter 325 Dao Slashing Sword

Tiandao's face was so gloomy at this moment that water could drip out. The reason why he dared to plot Yunyang even though Yunyang was holding the treasure of chaos.It is because the Chaos Supreme Treasure, Qiankun God Axe, is difficult to refine. After all, that treasure was refined by 'Pangu', and the refining materials are all related to Pangu. Such a big cause and effect, Yun Yang If you want to refine the Heavenly Axe, it is not weaker than achieving the Chaos Immortal Golden Immortal.

Because of this, Tiandao felt that no matter how strong Yun Yang was, so what?There is no real detachment in the physical body to achieve the immortal golden immortal, so after all the laws of the heavens are complete, it will be easy to suppress him, and it is not impossible to completely wipe him out.

But what happened today was beyond Heaven's expectation, a new treasure of chaos was born, and it still appeared in Yun Yang's hands.More importantly, the attack power of this Chaos Supreme Treasure was even vaguely stronger than that of the Qiankun God Axe, which made Tian Dao terrified to the extreme.

In the void, Yun Yang let go of his right hand, and the divine sword flew up, facing the golden beam of light.In the blink of an eye, the golden pillar of avenue of light wrapped the divine sword, and the vast purple energy quickly poured into the divine sword. Dark golden avenue runes flashed one after another, and finally they were branded on the divine sword.

At this moment, under the depiction of the avenue rune, the originally brilliant golden sword began to lose its sharp and cutting-edge aura.What emerges is a form of momentum, a momentum that no one can underestimate, because the manifestation of this momentum represents the perfect expression of this kind of law of the great way. [

Under the golden beam of light on the avenue, Excalibur is constantly absorbing the messages from the avenue, which is obviously of great benefit to Excalibur.On the golden divine sword, dark golden mysterious traces are emerging at this moment, like ghostly drawn symbols, making it difficult to understand.

After a long time, in the void, indescribable strange characters suddenly appeared one by one. The four dark golden runes looked down on the heavens and all living beings like the supreme avenue.Although Yun Yang couldn't fully understand the Dao contained in these four words, he understood the meaning of these four words.

"Break, cut, break, destroy. I didn't expect that after being carefully tempered by Dao Dao Falun, Dao Dao Sword would rush into the ranks of Dzogchen with these four principles, which is one more than the Heavenly Axe. Good, good , OK." Yun Yang looked at the four Daowen in the void with a very pleasant expression on his face.

He is a strong man in the way of heaven, so he naturally understands that there are strengths and weaknesses of the Chaos Supreme Treasure. Needless to say, the strongest Chaos Supreme Treasure is in Yun Yang's stomach.That Chaos Dantian is the strongest Chaos Supreme Treasure, even the Zhan Dao Sword in front of him is far incomparable.

And the strength of the Chaos Supreme Treasure is very simple, just look at the amount of Taoism contained in the body to distinguish.Because each avenue can link with the laws of the entire Chaos avenue, the more runes there are, the more avenues are communicated, and the stronger the strength.Even, when there are as many as [-] Dao Laws inside the Chaos Supreme Treasure, it has the ability to become the second Dao Supreme Treasure.

After Yun Yang obtained the Divine Axe of the Universe, he also let Dao Dao Falun comprehend the mysteries inside the Divine Axe of the Universe. There are three Dao scripts in the Divine Ax of the Universe, which are, split, chop, and break.The combination of these three avenues and Taoisms has the magic ax of heaven and earth, which splits the heaven and the earth, cuts through the chaos, and breaks through the great power of time and space.

As for the chaotic treasure that fell into Yun Yang's hands from the very beginning, there were also three Daowen in it, which were life, creation, and good fortune.Similarly, because of the existence of these three Taoisms, three of the principles of the Dao in the chaotic dantian have entered the level of Dzogchen.

As for the Zhan Dao Sword, when Yun Yang refined it into the Chaos Supreme Treasure, he didn't take it out just because he wanted to hide his trump card.Because this treasure of chaos was refined in the chaotic dantian, Dao didn't know about the birth of this treasure, so the golden light of Dao didn't come down.

"It seems that the real Chaos Supreme Treasure needs to be recognized by Dao. Although the previous Zhan Dao Sword has the power of the Chaos Supreme Treasure, it is far from the current Zhan Dao Sword. It's Tiandao Falun, I'm afraid it can be cut in half with a single strike!" Yun Yang looked at the constantly evolving divine sword and said thoughtfully.

Of course, he didn't have any intention of regretting it. After all, the reason why Zhan Dao Sword gave birth to four Dzogchen Dao runes was because Yun Yang left them at Dao Dharma Wheel.

The Dao Falun has always strived for perfection, and if the Divine Sword stays there, he will naturally continue to repair the internal laws of the Divine Sword and make it constantly perfect.

And for the birth of a Chaos Supreme Treasure, Dao will naturally send down a lot of origins to celebrate.Originally, these origins were used to repair the chaos of the internal laws of the Chaos Supreme Treasure. After all, the birth of a Chaos Supreme Treasure, except for the Dao, I am afraid that no one will refine it to the point of perfection, but now the internal laws of the Excalibur The arrangement is very neat, without any disorder, so there are a lot of redundant sources.

And this extra source cannot be left, so it is naturally used by Excalibur to improve its internal laws, so that Excalibur can perfect the four Dao Wen at one time, and perform the four Dao laws to the degree of Dzogchen.If not, with the body of the Potianjian, which is rubbish compared to the Chaos Supreme Treasure, even if it is fused with the Chaos Clock, it is impossible to increase the power of the Excalibur to a level beyond that of the Qiankun Axe.

I don't know how long it took, the golden pillar of avenue of light in the void slowly retracted, the ethereal dao sound gradually blurred, the amount of purple energy gradually faded, and the void of the universe returned to the previous situation again.The only difference is that in the void of the universe at this time, a somewhat dark golden divine sword is slowly sinking and floating in the void.

On the dark-golden sword, strands of dark-golden runes are constantly swimming, and the mysterious path of the avenue clearly appears in front of Yun Yang at this moment, and a cold light flashes from time to time on the sharper blade of the sword. The starry sky trembled, as if everyone was frightened by the sharpness of this divine sword.

And Tiandao's face was ashen at the moment, and he was a little frightened when he looked at the divine sword. It was a treasure of chaos that contained four Dao Dao scripts.Even if the power can only be exerted by [-]%, it is easy to cut off the chain of the law of heaven.

Yun Yang made a move in the void, and with a slight sway of the Dao Zhanjian, he traveled through the space and came directly into Yun Yang's hands.

Seeing this scene, Tiandao's eyelids twitched again. Such a divine sword is too terrifying. Not only does it have four Daoist scriptures, but it also has the ability to travel through the void. Its body also has the possibility of being cut through!

Yun Yang looked at the divine sword in his hand, and with a light touch, the blade trembled slightly, and the sharp blade easily cut through the space like paper. "Heavenly Dao, now that I have the Excalibur in my hand, do you think your golden words can block the power of the Zhan Dao Sword?" Yun Yang gestured slightly with his right hand. [

Tian Dao's face was rather gloomy, looking at the Zhan Dao sword in Yun Yang's hand, he almost swallowed it alive.But in the end everything turned into a sigh, "Unexpectedly! I calculated everything, but I didn't calculate that you have a second Chaos Supreme Treasure in your hand, and it is stronger than the Qiankun God Axe. Zhan Dao Sword, Zhan Dao Sword! !" Tiandao's tone was full of decadence.

He is not afraid of the treasure of chaos, the Qiankun Divine Axe, because although Yun Yang can suppress it, he cannot refine it.The treasure of chaos that cannot be refined is basically a timed bomb, and a bad one that does not hurt people but hurts. This is why Tiandao is not afraid of Yun Yang.

What a pity!No one thought that Yun Yang would still keep his hole card, the second treasure of chaos, which completely broke all the calculations of Tiandao, leaving nothing behind.

Looking at Tiandao's decadent expression, no one noticed that a strange color flashed in Yun Yang's eyes.Afterwards, Yun Yang didn't change his mind at all, "Even without the Zhan Dao Sword in hand, the final outcome will not change." Yun Yang said coldly.

"Even if you perform all the laws of heaven to perfection, it will take a long time to break through the chaos and immortal Golden Immortal. This time is enough for me to find you and destroy you completely." Yun Yang shook Shaking his fist.His physical body is comparable to a half-step Chaos Supreme Treasure, and it is absolutely easy to interrupt the promotion of the Heavenly Dao. If he punches it directly, even if it is the Heavenly Dao Falun, he will probably be smashed into a hole!

Tiandao was stunned when he heard the words, and then seemed to think of something, his face was extremely bitter. "Yeah! Your physical body has reached the point where even the treasure of chaos is difficult to break through. Naturally, you don't need to think too much about its attack power. Even if I can perform the three thousand laws of heaven to a perfect level, I'm afraid I will be smashed by your punch." Yes." When it came to Tiandao, he smiled wryly, but he didn't expect it!Originally, there were almost no flaws in the plan, but now there are so many flaws, even this is an impossible plan, and I have lost a lot this time.

Regarding this, Yun Yang was also slightly silent for a while, and then fixed his eyes on Tiandao, as if he wanted to pry into the mystery of Tiandao.

But Tiandao didn't see anything strange from these eyes, nor did he have any mana fluctuations, more regular fluctuations, Yun Yang seemed to be looking at Tiandao calmly.

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