As Yun Yang calmed down his excitement, he looked in the direction of the other two spirit treasures, gritted his teeth and flew towards the spirit treasure corresponding to the Sun Zijin God Fire Orb.

It's not that Yun Yang doesn't want to get the spirit of the God-opening Ax into his hands as soon as possible, but the spirit of the God-opening Ax is so powerful that Yun Yang has no way to take it away in a short time. If someone finds out, he can even If you take away the spirit of the Heavenly God Ax together, then it is impossible to obtain the remaining spirit treasure.

Although it is said that there are very few people on the Lunar Planet who come here, they are not afraid of ten thousand but just in case!If that sage came to visit the Moon Star in his spare time, he might notice Yun Yang's movement, and his busy work would be wasted.

Moreover, Yun Yang is also determined to obtain this spirit treasure corresponding to the Sun Zijin God Fire Bead. After all, as long as the internal laws are recorded, it will be a very powerful innate treasure, even if its power is not comparable to that of the God Axe. Artifact spirit, that should not be underestimated!The most important thing is that the news that Yun Yang took away a top-grade innate spirit treasure is definitely less than taking away an innate treasure.

When Yun Yang came to this spiritual treasure corresponding to the Sun Purple Gold God Fire Bead, Yun Yang took a deep breath, and what caught his eyes was a silver-white round bead, which was [-]% like the Sun Purple Gold God Fire Bead The only difference is that one is purple-gold and the other is silver-white.

Looking at the divine bead in front of him, Yun Yang stretched out his hand, and three small flags appeared in the dragon's claws. Then he waved it, and immediately the three small flags surrounded the divine bead in a triangle.These three small flags are exactly three of the five-party flags. As for the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag, Yunyang hasn't been fully refined yet, so he didn't take it out.

However, these three small flags should not be underestimated. Each small flag is a top-quality innate treasure. Although it is only a defensive type, if the defense falls on the enemy, it will be imprisoned.Each of the three small flags can withstand the attack of Zhuxian's Four Swords. When the three sides are combined together, coupled with the principle of mutual generation of the five elements, even if Zhuxian's four swords come out together, as long as the Zhuxian sword formation has not been laid, it is absolutely impossible to break through. The defense of the three five-element flags.

"Water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, and the five elements inter-grow." Yun Yang struck out a formula in his hand and landed on the three small flags. Suddenly, the three small flags fluttered in the wind, and the forces of the five elements inter-generated, forming a three-color protective cover The silver-white divine bead was trapped in it.

Seeing this, Yun Yang did not relax his vigilance at all, and opened his mouth to spit out a dark yellow pagoda. "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, drop it for me." Under Yun Yang's control, Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda wanted to take away the silver-white divine bead.

And that silver-white divine bead finally felt something was wrong, a bright silver light burst out from the divine bead, the bone-cold power of the sun instantly filled the space inside the three small flags, and then the bright silver light burst out. It turned into a drill, spinning rapidly, trying to break through the defense of the Five Elements Flag.

However, Yun Yang's face changed when the drill was spinning rapidly, because he forgot one thing, this is the Lunar Star, and it's still inside the Lunar Star.This divine bead was conceived and born by the Lunar Star. It can be said to be the Son of Taiyin corresponding to the Son of the Sun. It can completely borrow the power of the entire Lunar Star. In addition, this is its main battlefield. Yun Yang wants to surrender this divine bead. It's extremely difficult!

"Md, fight hard, wave of will, shock." On Yun Yang's forehead, the crystal diamonds were twirling, and a ripple that was almost solidified radiated from the diamonds.

After Yun Yang's will was launched, the entire lunar star was firmly suppressed by the will that connected the entire heaven and earth. The lunar star that was originally suspended in the void of the nine heavens and was running continuously suddenly paused at this moment, and then the light became brighter. Let it go, even covering the light of the sun star for a moment, which surprised everyone in the whole prehistoric land.

"Not good." After Yun Yang fixed the Taiyin star for a moment, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda swallowed the silver-white divine bead in an instant.However, after the divine orb was taken away, Yun Yang did not expect that the Taiyin star would release such a bright light, illuminating the entire prehistoric land like daytime.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the Taiyin star to be so vengeful. I just took a magic bead from you. Grandma's power to activate the Taiyin star has attracted the attention of the great supernatural beings. If they find out that the inside of the Taiyin star With the tool spirit of the God of Opening Axe, I am afraid that the six saints will directly attack regardless of the situation! I am afraid that I will also be crushed by them at that time, Lunar Star is really cruel." Yun Yang quickly moved towards the God of Kaitian The ax flew in the direction of the spirit.

After a few breaths, Yun Yang came before the Spirit of the Heavenly Axe, but Yun Yang's face changed drastically at this moment, because the Spirit of the Heavenly Ax in front of him was no longer as ordinary as before, but exuded terror The will to tear apart the chaos and reopen the world.If it weren't for this place being the interior of the Lunar Star, I'm afraid that the aura of the God Ax and Weapon Spirit would have spread throughout the entire Primordial Continent.

Thirty-three days later, in the palace of Tushita, Laozi sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to practice, but when the lunar star was shining brightly, he suddenly opened his eyes. "The Lunar Star releases its radiance for no reason. Why is that?" Lao Tzu frowned and kept counting with his right hand, but in the end he only got a vague message, "There is a Lingbao born on the Lunar Star."

Lao Tzu's face suddenly changed. If there were spirit treasures born in other places, I might not be too interested. After all, I already have a lot of spirit treasures in my hand. Even if I take a dozen apprentices in the future, it will be enough to distribute , but the spirit treasures born on the lunar planet are different!

The Lunar star and the Sun star are in mutual growth and restraint. After Pan Gu became the heaven and the earth, the two stars, the Sun star and the Lunar star, were under the pressure of chaos. Naturally, it was impossible to act as if nothing had happened. The Chaos clock from the Three Treasures of Kaitian was suppressed on the Sun star. Survive the oppression of chaos on the wild land after the fall of Pangu.

However, the lunar star was also transformed by Pangu's eyes, and it is also an important star that bears the oppression of chaos, so it is impossible that there is no Lingbao.However, Lao Tzu and others also went to the Lunar Star once after they became saints, but unfortunately, they found nothing, only a few top-level innate spiritual treasures on Wang Shu and his wife.

Lao Tzu and others also thought that the spirit treasure on the Lunar Star had already been taken away by Hongjun, or that they had no intention of playing with the Lunar Star before it was born.Now, there is a spirit treasure born on the Taiyin planet. Doesn't it mean that Hongjun didn't take away the supreme spirit treasure comparable to the chaotic clock at the beginning, and my heart is moved.

At this moment, not only Lao Tzu, Tong Tian opened his eyes in the Biyou Palace in the East China Sea, looked at the Taiyin star who had just released a radiant light, and said to himself slightly, "Although the four swords of Zhu Xian are powerful, they can't suppress the luck of the poor. This The worst thing about the spiritual treasure on the Lunar Star is an innate treasure, otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the Lunar Star for countless years. Surpass the elder brothers and the others. This thing, the poor will definitely win it." Speaking of Tongtian, he stepped on the void, and flew towards the Taiyin star with the four swords of Zhuxian on his back.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun also had a solemn expression, "The innate treasure! The poor will also fight for it, and prepare for the future sect!"

In the west of the prehistoric world, Jieyin and Zhunti looked at the radiant and generous lunar star, Zhunti was like an ant on a hot pot, and said very anxiously, "Brother, let's leave quickly! If Sanqing arrives earlier, I'm afraid we won't be there." portion."

This time Jieyin also showed a firm expression, he must get the Lingbao inside the Lunar Star, so that their Western Sect will have the innate treasure to suppress luck, and they will no longer be rootless duckweed.

"Go" draws the void, and a space crack emerges, and the figures of the two people are instantly submerged in it.In Wa's Palace, Nuwa's expression was hesitant. Her strength was much lower than that of the three of Lao Tzu, and she was not as cooperative as Zhunti and Jieyin. The possibility of her getting the Lingbao was almost zero. Thinking of this, Nuwa Wa sighed and sat down, don't argue if you can't argue, lest you lose the face of the saint for no reason.


Inside the Taiyin Star, Yun Yang's face was unusually gloomy. The spirit of Kaitian Shenaxe was still in a deep sleep state before, but now he woke up, and exuded such a terrifying aura. If this is not caused by the Taiyin Star, Even if Yun Yang was killed, he wouldn't believe it.

"Damn Lunar Star, you wait for me, I can't help you, and the two little girls outside? I was cheated by them before, and now I'm cheated by you again, you Wait for me, after I catch them in the future, I will definitely hit them a hundred times harder, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of my hatred." Yun Yang clenched his dragon claws tightly and said through gritted teeth.He hated Taiyinxing, Wang Shu and Chang Xi from outside to the bottom of his heart. He cheated him before, but now he pushed him into the pit of fire.

Just as Yun Yang scolded his mother, five terrifying auras spread from the prehistoric world to the lunar star. Through the will of the heavens and the earth, Yun Yang could naturally see the five saints jumping space and coming from the prehistoric world to the lunar star. .

"No, Lao Tzu and the others have already arrived. It will only take a dozen or so breaths at most to reach the Lunar Star at their speed. We must take away the spirit of the Celestial Ax before they arrive. Otherwise, this thing may I have no chance. After all, Lao Tzu and the others would not look at me, a freak, holding a top-level innate treasure, otherwise they might not be able to sleep well." Yun Yang's face was very serious.

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