In the prehistoric world, on this day, the Tathagata opened an altar on Lingshan to preach.

Instead of sitting in Daleiyin Temple in person and giving lectures in the Daxiong Hall, he moved the venue of his lectures to an open square on the top of the Lingshan Mountain, where he explained the Dharma to the countless monks below.

Since the prosperity of Buddhism, the lineage of Buddhism has spread widely, and the disciples and grandchildren are like a vast sea of ​​smoke. Even Tathagata himself really doesn't know how much Buddhism has grown.But what is certain is that the Daleiyin Temple, which could accommodate hundreds of thousands of monks, can no longer accommodate the monks in the Buddhist sect now, so he can only temporarily move the dojo here.

The strength of Buddhism can be said to be at a time when it is booming. Heaven, hell, and the prehistoric world, the three gathering places of prehistoric luck, are all occupied by Buddhism at this moment. Chanjiao and many of Lao Tzu's disciples also retreated for 33 days, not daring to compete with them.

Say "Amitabha", and then shave a small round bald head, so that you can count as a Buddhist.

Since then, the strength of the entire Buddhist sect has climbed a level almost every time, and now it has become a daunting super powerful force. Even in the heyday of the Taoist sect, I am afraid it has not reached this level!

Of course, some of the top Buddhas in Buddhism and the two saints on their heads are not fools. They still understand when the moon is full and the water is full and overflowing. The example of God One being completely wiped out by the Four Saints is still vivid in my mind, how could they repeat the same mistakes.

In order to prevent the existence of 'worms', and in order to better enhance the internal strength of Buddhism, Tathagata and the Buddhas of the heavens also had to spend more of their own world of pure cultivation, preaching on Lingshan, and use this as the foundation of Buddhism. Lay a solid foundation for the disciples of the younger generation, lest there will be people who make up the numbers.

Tathagata sat cross-legged on the thirteenth-grade golden lotus, but saw the golden lotus slowly turning the void, and the golden light was shining like silk threads, shooting continuously in the void, clusters of Buddha's light illuminated the world in ten directions, and in the void, flowers rained one after another, splashing everywhere .One Sanskrit word after another was released from the mouth, fluttering and falling into the bodies of the Buddhist disciples in the arena.Those who are lucky enough to absorb this Sanskrit will be able to greatly improve their mana and realm.

But at the most critical moment when the Tathagata preached, a huge dark cloud suddenly enveloped the sky and the earth, and a depressive aura was transmitted from the dark cloud.At this moment, countless Buddhas are also frowning and looking at the sky. They all feel the phenomenon of terrifying demonic energy, just like the transformation of the twelve black lotus thousands of years ago, and this demonic energy is even more violent , Pure, so that Tathagata, the quasi-sage's top powerhouse, frowned.

After a long time, the dark clouds in the sky spread towards the entire Great Desolate Continent. At this moment, countless Great Desolate Gods couldn't help but leave their retreat caves, and looked at the demonic clouds rolling above the nine heavens. Coming soon.

At the peak of Lingshan Mountain, many arhats and Bodhisattvas who had advanced behind saw the dark clouds covering the sky and the sun, and felt the power contained in the dark clouds, and their expressions changed drastically.When that terrifying force came down, let alone them, the entire Lingshan Mountain would probably be wiped out.

After the dark cloud spread to the rest of the prehistoric place, many backward Arhats bowed to the Tathagata and said, "World Honored One, where did this dark cloud come from? My Holy Land of Lingshan is a pure Buddha land, and its height is even above the heaven. There are no dark clouds looming."

Tathagata waved his big hand, Buddha's light broke through the dark clouds in the sky, and the soft light of the sun star shone down. However, Tathagata's face was always full of worry, and finally he sighed, "This is the illusion of the great god of the demon world. Transformation, today I am back to improve my cultivation level, the position of saint is not far away, and the catastrophe of my Buddhism is coming!"

Then, Tathagata preached again, but many monks below were all uneasy, thinking about the scene just now and the catastrophe that Tathagata Buddha said.

In the underworld, the ghosts suddenly become irritable and restless, and they need to be whipped by ghost messengers and bull-headed horses to calm down.It's just that the eighteenth floor of hell punishes the most vicious people, who are even more insane and noisy.

A faint sigh resounded in the depths of the underworld, and a black light instantly suppressed countless grievances and fierce ghosts in the depths of the underworld. A pair of golden eyes scanned the entire underworld continuously, and finally these eyes also slowly dispersed.

"Fengdu, now that the devil is approaching the Three Realms, the underworld has been completely chaotic by the collision between the power of the demonic way and the power of the tunnel. How long can you suppress us now?" Houtu's voice came from the depths of the underworld, one after another loud The beam of light continuously bombarded the golden mask, which was as thin as a cicada's wings, and the originally dazzling golden light could not help but dim due to the chaotic power of the tunnel.

"Houtu! Do you think I'm suppressing you to prevent the Wu Clan from rebelling and overthrowing the Human Clan?" Fengdu's voice sounded faintly.

"Isn't it? Now Wuliang is no longer in the prehistoric world, and the way of heaven is not in the prehistoric times. Although Hongjun Daozu is there, without the help of the way of heaven, he is just a strong man of the way of heaven. Even I can't win, let alone my twelve ancestors. Yes. In the entire universe, apart from Tiandao and Wuliang, who has our Wu Clan ever been afraid of?" Houtu snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"Women's opinion. The human race is no longer what you Wuzu can imagine. The entire universe can overthrow the rule of the human race. I am afraid that there is only the supreme avenue in the dark. You are just a group of ants, suppressing you It's just to prevent you from destroying Tianzun's plan."

"Plan? What plan?" Houtu's face changed slightly, as if he had thought of something.

"Naturally, it is the plan of the Three Realms of the Devil. Anyway, things have already happened. You will know whether you say it or not. Although the Three Realms of the Devil is a crisis in the prehistoric world, it is not a part of Tianzun's plan. Otherwise, the pattern of the universe When will it really tend to balance."

"Balance, balance, balance,,,," Houtu kept muttering to herself, and finally she finally understood.

"Balance, you mean that Tianzun wants to let all the powerful people of the heavenly way reach a certain level, so as to..." Houtu's voice trembled a little, she was already stunned by Yunyang's plan Oh, such a huge plan, at least it needs countless time to look at it!And there are a lot of variables in it, if one link goes wrong, it is very likely that all links will go wrong.

"Oh! As expected of Houtu, you can figure out the meaning of Tianzun so quickly. No wonder your aptitude is so good. I am afraid that ninety-ninety percent of the luck left behind by Pangu has already gathered on you!" Feng Du said one thing. Some inexplicable words.

"If you do this, countless souls will die, and even the human race will suffer heavy losses. As the ancestor of the human race, how could Tianzun make such a plan?" Houtu muttered to himself, not daring to believe it.

"The human race will naturally suffer heavy losses, but you forgot one thing. The real base camp of the human race is in the Great Thousand World created by Tianzun. We only need to transfer all the dead creatures to that Great Thousand World. It will shake the foundation of the human race." Feng Du said indifferently.

"No wonder you are so indifferent. But the underworld is in chaos, the eighteen hells are in turmoil, don't you care about these things?" Houtu's will scanned the entire Netherworld.Although she has been suppressed here by Fengdu, after all, Houtu is an authentic Falun back then, and the underworld was originally transformed from her body, and has a close connection with her, so she can naturally see the situation of the entire netherworld .

To be honest, if Fengdu had not merged with the tunnels of the entire Netherworld, it would be entirely possible for Houtu to take away the Dharma Wheel of the tunnel from him. The incarnation cut out by the authentic merit is also regarded as one with the authentic Falun, but after all, it is not as close as Houtu and the authentic Falun.

Feng Du smiled indifferently, "Although Tianzun is the ancestor of the human race, not everyone is eligible to be reincarnated. Since there are people who do all kinds of evil, when the catastrophe of heaven and earth comes, it is naturally the best thing to take them for the catastrophe." .”

"Good calculation, really good calculation, Wuliang is worthy of being Wuliang, comparable to the existence of Pangu's father god, but it is not comparable to us." Houtu sighed.

"Hmph, it's good to have self-knowledge, Houtu, you just take a good look at this good show of the devil's approach to the Three Realms honestly! Some things are not as simple as you imagined!" Feng Du's words meant something.

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