Warriors in the flood

Chapter 410 Nirvana

But if the saint could make a move, he would have made a move long ago. How could he wait until today's situation?What's more, all living beings under a saint are ants, and what they care about is only the result, not the process.Even if Sun Wukong is Zhunti's apprentice, Zhunti can't intervene in this matter for him. At most, he can only slightly change some of the process. If he does too much, he will inevitably be rejected by other saints.

"Wukong, you understand now! Although your teacher Zhunti is very optimistic about you, if you become a saint, the possibility of making others become a saint will be greatly reduced. Not everyone in Buddhism is willing to help you become a saint. Today you Lacking the last relic, whether you are willing to give up yourself, achieve others, or keep yourself, all of this is in your mind, you should think about it yourself." Wutian looked very peaceful, and did not intend to persuade Sun Wukong .

"Don't think about it. Since I am the relic of class No. 18, I can't change it. The one just said that the demon world has retreated. Is there any way out for me? Today, Lao Sun will go into this hell for a while. .”

"Oh! Really? Buddhism and the Demon Realm are in the same camp. You gave up your life and drove your accomplices back. Wukong, you still haven't understood the meaning of the saints in the heavens!" Wutian sighed, as if sighing for him.

"Wrong, if my old grandson doesn't want to, no one can force me. Although Buddhism and the demon world are in the same camp, there is one thing you still haven't understood. At most, Buddhism intersects with the demon world, but there is always a relationship between Buddha and demons." Deadly enemy. The Buddha persuades people to be good, but the devil is killing endlessly. The three worlds have been destroyed by you. Although there are still power struggles in Buddhism, they will not involve mortals. This is the difference between Buddha and devil, and it is also the same. The difference between my grandson and you." Wukong shook his head.

"Really? Wukong gave up your life to prove the existence of Buddha?" There was a strange look on Wutian's face. Maybe he and he had the same belief back then!It's a pity that the last Buddhist sect abandoned himself for the so-called fame!

"What I prove is not their Buddhas, but my own Buddha in my heart, my own way. What I believe in is myself, not others. The way I walk is my own Buddha." A faint Buddha light Rising from behind Wukong, the billowing flames of Nirvana burned the void, and Wukong looked at Wutian with such peaceful eyes. In the Buddha's heart, all living beings are equal.

"Okay, okay, okay. Wukong, although you and I are rivals, I have to admire you at this moment. Your understanding of Buddha has surpassed that of the Tathagata, and it is not inferior to Jieying and Zhunti. If If you can survive this catastrophe, sanctification will definitely come at your fingertips, but it's a pity,,,,, hahaha!" There are many forces in the Buddhist sect, and they are absolutely unwilling to have another saint.

"My old grandson doesn't care about these things. Cultivating the Tao, cultivating the Tao, you cultivate your own way. I just think my way is right, so why care about other people's opinions." Wukong was not moved by Wutian's words, and his whole body The Buddha's light is more vast, but it is not dazzling, but full of a warm artistic conception, as if to persuade people to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, not to be burdened by power, fame, and beauty.

"This is,,,, this is the realm of the Buddha." Wutian can't believe it, the realm of the Buddha is comparable to the realm of a saint. In the entire vast universe, only the true ancestor of all Buddhas can truly enter the realm of the Buddha. The Buddha, even the second person in the Buddhist sect, Zhunti, has never entered the realm of the Buddha.

Now Monkey King has stepped into this mysterious and mysterious realm, infinitely close to the realm of heaven. If he can survive this catastrophe, his achievements will definitely not be as simple as a saint.You must know that the realm of the Buddha is not inferior to the realm of the unity of heaven and man in Taoism and the transformation of all living beings. It can be said to be the most mysterious realm under the way of heaven.

"Wutian, I have comprehended the realm of the Buddha, why don't you leave?" Wukong looked calm and puzzled.

After becoming a Buddha, he naturally understood that what Wutian said was not wrong. Buddhism was indeed a pawn left in the wild by the demon world.After all, I am a prehistoric person, and now that the Four Sects and Three Palaces are about to be broken, I can't let Wutian, a person from the demon world, go away under the noses of the immortals!

"Wukong, you are indeed the opponent chosen by Dao for me. I am convinced of today's defeat. If you can survive, I will definitely fight with you on the battlefield in the future against powerful enemies outside the domain." Wutian looked deeply. After seeing Wukong, the twelfth-rank black lotus put it away, and a black light flashed away, Wutian had already returned to the demon world.

"It's a pity, but my grandson doesn't have this blessing." Wukong's physical body has become more and more blurred, and a light yellow relic slowly appears, and the seventeen ancient Buddha relics also rotate accordingly, and the infinite Buddha light Shining, the warm and peaceful light is like a bright candle in the darkness, bringing light to the Three Realms.

A round of vast Buddha sun rises from the Lingxiao Temple in the Heavenly Court, and the pale yellow Buddha light shines on the universe of the three realms. Countless devilish energy is purified by the Buddha light, and countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts also dissipate their hostile energy, and re-enter the six realms of reincarnation. Under the illumination of the 'Buddha', the prehistoric world began to re-stabilize its order.

In the Chaotic Zixiao Palace, Tiandao Hongjun and Tiandao Six Sages all looked at the picture in the water mirror expressionlessly. Only when Monkey King stepped into the realm of Buddha, everyone was moved.The realm of Buddha is equivalent to the unity of man and nature in Taoism, and the transformation of all living beings. In Taoism, only Hongjun has entered this realm, and even Laozi has not entered it. It is not to create a The power of the new sect is to make saints.

Obviously, Wukong has not been sanctified yet, so wouldn't he be able to create the fourth branch of Taoism after Buddhism, Taoism, and martial arts?

Seeing this, not to mention welcoming these saints, even Hongjun couldn't help but twitch.The prehistoric world is already chaotic enough, and now there is another branch of Dao, wouldn't it completely mess up the prehistoric world, such a thing must never happen.

"A very good seedling, if it can survive, the way of heaven is hopeful." Ruoyou Ruowu's voice sounded in Zixiao Palace, Yunyang with black hair and shawl, walked out of the void, looking at the gathered relics , Yun Yang couldn't help but nodded.

"But Fellow Daoist, can he survive? He has already entered the realm of Buddha, and was born in the unity of heaven, earth and everything. However, since he has passed into Nirvana and turned into a relic, it is impossible for him to be reborn." Hongjun looked at The picture in the water mirror is indifferent.

Yun Yang smiled, "Tao produces nothing, nothing produces existence, existence is reasonable, there are thousands of ways, only you can't think of it, nothing is impossible. Nirvana, Nirvana, what is Nirvana? Nirvana means rebirth, although Buddhism has The law of Nirvana, but they have gone astray, thinking that Nirvana will fall, but Nirvana is inherited from the immortal phoenix, so is Nirvana really falling?"

"He is a monkey, not a phoenix. What's more, he has never realized the true meaning of Nirvana, so how could he understand it?" Hongjun frowned slightly.

"Hongjun, when you haven't practiced yet, have you ever comprehended the Tao?"

"This,,,, the poor way was born with the good fortune jade butterfly, innately enlightened, and naturally enlightened."

"What is Tao?" Yun Yang's voice was ethereal, it seemed to come from the past, and it seemed to spread from the infinite universe, full of a sense of mystery and supremacy, making people feel silent in this question, What is Tao?

Hongjun also fell silent at this moment, his brows were furrowed and he couldn't help thinking.

What is Tao?This question is so simple, but it is also the most complicated in the entire universe. No one can tell what Tao is, but Tao is also everywhere. Tao is all beings, everything in the universe, the way of heaven, and the great way All things are infinite.

"Existence is the Tao." A word full of mystery spit out from Hongjun's mouth, and suddenly the whole Zixiao Palace flashed, countless nine-colored smallpox descended, billowing thunder flickered, and ethereal heavenly sounds played Suddenly, the entire Zixiao Palace was surrounded by a mysterious light, and a mysterious truth appeared in front of the saints, as if explaining to them what Tao is.

After a long time, the rays of light in Zixiao Palace receded, the smallpox faded, and the vision receded, but the quaint main hall was full of mystery at this moment, and the most intense place came from Hongjun's body. Enlightenment is of great benefit to Hongjun.

However, Yun Yang looked at Hong Jun, and with a swipe of his right hand towards the void, a part of the space in Zixiao Palace was instantly shattered.But without waiting for these destructive powers to come, Yunyang is a little empty, time retreats, space annihilates, and the laws of the Three Thousand Ways all dissipate at this moment, as if they are afraid of something, leaving only a strange space.

This space might as well be called void. There is nothing, no time, no space, no law, no power, no aura, almost nothing. "This is nothingness, nothingness is outside of chaos, existence is the way, so why is nothingness not the way?"

Seeing Hongjun's sudden change of expression, Yun Yang swiped his hand, creating chaos in the void, and chaos in nothingness, just like yin and yang, mutually generating and restraining each other.

"Existence is the Tao, nothingness is the Tao, the Tao is the Tao, and the Tao is not the Tao. This Tao is called the Tao, and the Tao is not the Tao. All living beings, at the level of good fortune, he has successfully passed this catastrophe. You see." Yun Yang swiped his right hand in the void, and Zixiao Palace regained its previous calm, and the eyes of the saints looked into the water mirror.

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