"Boom!" Accompanied by a loud noise, Chaos was split into a huge crack by the Xuanhuang Divine Axe, and the scattered Chaos Qi evolved into countless earth, wind, water and fire roaring continuously, and the split Chaos , the gray chaos was separated, the black and white yin and yang began to circulate, the clear qi rose for it, and the turbid qi sank for it, breaking the chaos and yin and yang came out.

And after Pangu's real body chopped out this axe, he suddenly felt that some kind of memory in the deepest part of his body began to wake up, and a rune that shone with infinite mystery began to appear on Pangu's forehead. Nine strokes, but these nine strokes seem to contain the entire universe, including the natural evolution of everything in the world.

And after this rune appeared, the eyes of Pan Gu's real body suddenly lit up, and the original vast aura began to become illusory at this moment, but around Pan Gu's real body, a wave of aura began to flash, obviously twelve Zu Wu is really on the right path, and the opening of the sky is the avenue of Pangu's lineage.

Thinking of this, the Twelve Ancestral Witch immediately swung the second axe. Compared with the first axe, this axe is more mysterious, and the law of the Dao contained in it is also broader. Similarly, the second axe is more powerful than the first axe. Huge, the chaotic space is broken and wider.

As the Xuanhuang Divine Ax continues to be slashed out, the sharp ax light cuts through the chaos, splits the yin and yang, and splits the five elements.However, under the supreme treasure of chaos, the Xuanhuang Divine Axe, everything is floating clouds, the earth, wind, water and fire are scattered, yin and yang divide the heaven and the earth, and the five elements stabilize the world. With the flickering of the ax light, everything between the heaven and the earth begins to become clear.

"The ninth form of the nine forms of opening the sky, the chaos is opened, the heavens and the earth are revealed, the way of heaven is unfolding, and the great way is hidden. Open it for me." Pan Gu's real body slowly raised his hand, swung the black and yellow divine axe and struck out the ninth axe.The speed of this ax is so slow that even the snails may be able to dodge it.

However, with the appearance of this axe, the world that has already been opened up seems to be under the power of this axe. The clear and turbid air in the world seems to have forgotten to rise and sink. At this moment, the illusory time seems to be frozen.

"Okay." Yun Yang, who was hidden all around, couldn't help admiring at this moment. The power of this ax has infinitely approached the realm of the Immortal Golden Immortal, and even the solidification law in it can freeze time and space. Anyone who is under the immortal will probably have difficulty resisting the attack of this axe.

"Kaitian Dao is indeed the Dao of Pan Gu, the number one demon god of chaos, and the Law of Power is also the second existence of the Three Thousand Dao. When the two are combined, they are definitely comparable to a low-level immortal golden fairy. The only thing that is wrong is that they are not immortal golden immortals after all, they will perish anyway." Thinking of this, Yun Yang slightly shook his head.

The future battle will definitely be an extremely cruel battle. The opponent will not perish if the Golden Immortal is immortal, but Pan Gu's real body will not!If the other party exchanges injuries with Pan Gu's real body, it will definitely drag down Pan Gu's real body, and it will be a bad game at that time.

"Opening the sky this time should be able to make their cultivation a step further, enough to rush to the peak of the half-step Immortal Golden Immortal. Or, the twelve ancestor witches can work together to raise their combat power to the Immortal Golden Immortal realm. What's right is that they might be dragged to death." Yun Yang shook his head sadly.

"Hmm! Why did I forget that the witch clan will definitely have a new Heavenly Dao born, and this time I came to win over this Heavenly Dao to attack the Immortal Golden Immortal together. As far as the Immortal Golden Immortal, in this way, in the future, the twelve ancestral witches will surely be able to summon a stronger Pangu real body, and maybe Houtu can really inherit Pangu's way?"

"Forget it, it's still too early to say this, we'll talk about it after they succeed in opening the sky!" Yun Yang cast his gaze on Pan Gu's real body again.

After Pan Gu's real body swung the ninth axe, his face was also a little pale, and he swallowed the energy of chaos to make up for his mana.Opening the sky is a laborious task, even if the twelve ancestor witches are all saints, opening the sky can exhaust them to death.

However, in that newly opened world, when the Ninth Ax of Opening Heaven was swung out, the whole world suddenly regained its calm, the earth, wind, water and fire surged again, the yin and yang two currents circulated endlessly, the fresh air rose, the turbid air fell, and the five elements Divide and suppress the five directions of heaven and earth.

Accompanied by the perfection of the development of heaven and earth, a faint diagram of Yin and Yang hangs above the void, Chaos produces Promise, Promise produces Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang transform into Tai Chi, and Tai Chi produces all things.With the continuous evolution of the Taiji Diagram, the yin and yang poles are born with each other, the four phases and the eight trigrams interact with each other, and the mysteries of the five elements, seven kills and nine palaces gradually emerge.

And Pan Gu's real body was stunned when the world was evolving, his eyes were fixed on the Tai Chi diagram in the sky, that was the origin of the heavenly way, and the countless mysteries of the heaven and earth were contained therein.And Pan Gu's real body, as the master of this world, can naturally fully understand the mysteries of this world.

The evolution of the Dao of Heaven is in full view, and all the mysteries are revealed in front of Pan Gu's real body, and the aura of Pan Gu's real body has also undergone a huge change for a while.

If the original Pangu's real body was a flesh body summoned by the joint efforts of the twelve ancestor witches, then the current Pangu's real body is like the real Pangu resurrected, and the aura is no less than that of the Pangu who really opened up the world back then. There is no vanity.

Obviously, the opening of the sky this time has great benefits for Houtu among the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Houtu, the strong man who can't destroy the Golden Immortal in half a step, also benefited a lot.

Moreover, the rune on the forehead of Pangu's real body gradually merged into the inside of Pangu's real body at this time. It was the mark of Kaitian left by Pangu back then. The brand mark was completely integrated into Pan Gu's real body, and no one could take it away again.

As the brand of opening the sky merged into Pangu's real body, the aura of Pangu's real body became more vigorous. Before that, it could only be compared to the most basic Immortal Golden Immortal, that is, the Immortal Golden Immortal who proved the Dao with the Dao of Dzogchen , but now that he has received the brand of Kaitian, his aura is two or three times stronger than before, and his strength has greatly improved.

Feeling the stronger power in his body, Pangu's real body couldn't help showing a smile, but the opening of the sky is not over yet, so we can't get carried away at this time.

Looking at this vast world, Pan Gu's real body slapped his right hand, and the Xuanhuang Divine Ax was shaken violently. A yin and yang energy rushed out of the divine axe, turning into a huge Tai Chi diagram and sinking into the ground.The world, which was still shaking slightly, suddenly stabilized at this moment.

"Divide the world and isolate the chaos." Pangu's true body swung the ax with his right hand and slashed around the newly opened world. The endless chaos was broken, and the chaos turned into yin and yang, and the five elements were born from yin and yang. The rolling innate aura flooded the world like water droplets. It looks hazy and unreal, which makes people feel refreshed.

However, Pan Gu's real body was not confused by the scene in front of him, he swung the black and yellow divine ax with his right hand and instantly struck the newly opened world.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the vast land was split in half. Pan Gu's real body raised up half of the world with his left hand, and swiped the black and yellow axe with his right hand, causing huge pieces to fall continuously. It fell and hit the ocean around the world, forming islands one by one.Or fall on the other half of the world, evolve mountains and rivers, and form a series of strange scenic spots.

After a long time, the half world on Pangu's left hand was directly cut into an extremely thick cylinder by Pangu's real body. The huge cylinder shook slightly and broke the void. The stick that was cut from half of the world is obviously powerful enough to break the sky. up.

"The law of fire, condense." Pan Gu's real body waved his hand to put away the divine axe, and a billowing divine fire emerged from his right hand. The red flames burned the space into black holes, and the infinite law of fire was brought into play in the hands of Pan Gu's real body. Unimaginable power, even if it is a Heavenly Dao, I am afraid it can be refined directly.

Although the column was cut from half of the world, it could not compare to the power of Pan Gu's real body. Under the billowing divine fire, the column continued to shrink, but its internal structure underwent earth-shaking changes.A series of runes flashed continuously, and the grade of the cylinder was gradually improved under the training of the divine fire.

After a while, the cylinder has been completely transformed into a huge stick under the tempering of the divine fire, with lines flickering continuously, and a little bit of sunlight sets it off. Although there is no extraordinary phenomenon, there is a sense of mystery The breath makes the stick look very eye-catching.

"Go." Seeing the stick being forged by himself, Pan Gu slapped his right hand, and the stick flew to the center of the world.

"The law of earth, merge into the pillar of heaven, and support the sky." Pangu's real body pressed the ground under his feet, and a strong force of the law of earth rushed to the center of the earth, and countless dragon veins were forming, and these countless dragon veins were like stars. Like arching the moon, the pole supporting the sky is erected in the center, and a large amount of spiritual energy rushes towards the pillar supporting the sky, supporting it from being overwhelmed by the combined force of heaven and earth.

"Boom!" After the Tianzhu was raised, the rising Qing Qi began to sink at this moment, and the clear and turbid Qi of heaven and earth began to attract each other, and the oppression of chaos followed. If the Tianzhu could not resist the overlapping If there is no power, then the opening of the sky this time will be a failure.

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