In the chaotic void, Yun Yang strolled, standing in the chaos and staring at the prehistoric world.The prehistoric world that was originally suspended in the chaos is now surrounded by a huge Taiji diagram. Under the Dharma Eye, Yun Yang clearly sees the laws of the heavens spreading, and the law of balance among the three thousand laws of the heavens has completely disappeared at this moment. Consummation, reaching the point of the Dao Law.

"What a solid foundation! Three thousand laws of heaven, hundreds of millions of rules of heaven, and countless worlds. Although the Dao Falun in the chaotic dantian has more laws of Dzogchen than the laws of heaven, it is still a bit weak in terms of foundation. The law of heaven opens itself After days, it has been continuously perfected, which is too long, too long compared to the time it took for the chaotic dantian to conceive." Yun Yang stared at the countless rules of the way of heaven, and his eyes constantly calculated the mystery of the prehistoric way of heaven.

In the chaotic dantian, the Dao Dharma Wheel also began to spin, and countless messages came from Yun Yang's Yuanshen.Although these are just some messages about the realm of the Dao of Heaven, the abundance of them is beyond imagination. Although the Dao Falun contains more advanced laws of the Dao, there is really not much understanding of this initial trail. At this moment, the Dao Falun also stopped The exploration of the higher avenue began to focus on this initial trail.

But not long after, Yun Yang shook his head slightly, "Although the foundation of the Dao of Heaven is strong, it is still under the Dao. If you want to achieve the Dao, these foundations are sufficient, but they are not as deep as the Dao. Even if you can prove it Dao, but can you win the Dao?" Yun Yang slightly shook his head at this.

Obviously it is impossible, after all, as long as the Dao presented in this chaos, no matter how big or small, whether it is powerful or not, everything is under the control of the Dao, and compared with the Dao, obviously this will not work .

"Even if the foundation does not reach the level of the Dao, it is necessary to move it closer to the realm of the Dao. Only in this way can we hope to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Dao in the future." Yun Yang talked to himself for a while, then began to think about how to comprehend the underworld An endless trail that evolved.

With Yunyang's cultivation base, although one can see the mystery at a glance, understanding cannot be compared with comprehension. If Yunyang deduces it, he may not be able to do better than Tiandao, or even worse than Tiandao. After all, he has always cared about They are all the top three thousand avenues.

"The way of heaven is about to break through, and time is running out. But although these small ways can be seen clearly, the mysteries in them still need to be deduced carefully. Moreover, my own foundation is also quite vain, and the way of the flesh may not Any question, but the way of the primordial spirit..." Yun Yang shook his head slightly.

Since he practiced, it took him a few years to cultivate from Jindan to Immortal, and then soared all the way to Taiyi Jinxian.During the period, although he comprehended the jade butterfly fragments and got the incomplete three thousand ways contained in it, but in terms of foundation, Yunyang's own foundation is really not good.

"It seems that I should find a way to make up for the lack of the foundation of the primordial spirit, otherwise my future achievements will be worrying!" Yun Yang's eyes began to flash a little light, and he began to think about how to make up for his foundation. Own future achievements!

After contemplating for a long time, Yun Yang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "Forget it, isn't it half-step indestructible Golden Immortal? Although the realm is high, but the foundation is not stable, the building will inevitably collapse in the future, and it will be difficult to cultivate again." Advance. Now that we have scrapped and started over, it is not a big deal to lay a solid foundation." Having said that, Yun Yang still had a bitter expression on his face.

Because Yun Yang has already decided that he wants to lay a solid foundation, and now it is not worth spending a lot of time to comprehend those trails.His cultivation base is already so high, and if he tries to comprehend those trails, his foundation will not be stable.This is the difference between comprehension before the breakthrough and comprehension after the breakthrough.

But if he abolishes all his cultivation bases, and even breaks up all the primordial spirits and starts over again, what he comprehends is his own, and in this way, the foundation is extremely solid, and the big tree of practice is here. Under the countless foundations, it will surely grow vigorously.

"The improvement of the way of heaven in front of you is the best opportunity. If you can comprehend all the small ways, and then deduce the three thousand ways of heaven, then even when the way of heaven breaks through, you will know more about the way of heaven, and you will not be afraid of him. What a storm has been created." Yun Yang's face began to stabilize.

His state of mind has already reached the point where he is not surprised by honor or disgrace, even if all the cultivation bases are abolished, at most it can only cause the slightest ripple in his heart.What's more, the most important thing about him is the physical body, not the primordial spirit. His physical body has already far surpassed the primordial spirit. It is not a big deal to abolish his cultivation base and try again.

"In this case, the Absolute Time and Space, now." Yun Yang slightly expanded his hands, and the Absolute Time and Space spread to the surroundings, covering the chaotic space of millions of miles to prevent himself from being attacked by the outside world.The catastrophe is approaching, and the chaotic space is not peaceful!

"Time speeds up, [-] million times." Yun Yang's will began to mobilize the law of time to speed up. His own body has already cut off the law of the three thousand ways, and it is easy to completely control the nearby space and time.

Seeing that the evolution speed of the Heavenly Dao in the outside world is almost the same as freezing, Yun Yang nodded slightly, "[-] million times acceleration is enough. Everything is ready, then come! Chaos Promise, shatter everything, the way of the flesh, crush the Yuan God, kill me." Yun Yang shouted loudly, and the purest physical power instantly blasted towards the mana and primordial spirit in his body.

"Boom!" Yun Yang only felt that his will was shaking, and the will that had reached the level of law began to shake at this moment.The pure power of the physical body is comparable to the power of the Dao, and this is within Yun Yang's body, so the power of the Dao here is not as strong as the power of the body.Such a terrifying force bombarded the primordial spirit, not even for a moment, Yun Yang's primordial spirit was instantly destroyed, leaving no scum left.

"Chaos Dantian, devour mana." Yun Yang's will jumped slightly, and there was a terrifying suction force in Chaos Dantian. Yun Yang's body was several times stronger than the Immortal Golden Immortal's mana, and he was swallowed up by Chaos Dantian in a blink of an eye. .The vast and boundless mana that was originally as vast as the sea disappeared in an instant.

"The Dao of Creation, three souls and seven spirits, now." Connecting the Dao of Creation in the law of the Three Thousand Dao, a ray of ordinary souls was created by Yun Yang.

"The Dao Falun, copy memory." In the chaotic dantian, a vast force descended, and Yun Yang did not stop him, allowing him to copy all his memories, as well as all his perception of the realm, the use of the law, ,,etc.

After the Dao Falun receded, Yun Yang finally started his final action.Deprive yourself of all your perceptions, state of mind, laws, and understanding of the Tao, leaving only your own will, allowing yourself to practice step by step with a mortal soul, from the bottom.

"The great way of will, deprivation." Yun Yang shouted loudly, and the invisible power of will kept pulling away Yun Yang's understanding of the law, state of mind, realm, and comprehension of the Tao. Everything was deprived, leaving only the last ordinary soul.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The painful screams of the soul continued to sound, but no matter how painful his soul was, Yun Yang's will was still unswervingly withdrawn.These things are closely connected with the soul, and it is infinitely more painful to take away one's comprehension of Tao and laws than to torture the soul, not to mention that he is no longer the primordial spirit. body, but the most common state of the soul.

"The will will stabilize the soul, continue." Yun Yang's will unswervingly destroyed all his foundations, leaving no trace.Only in this way can a new Dao foundation be truly re-established, otherwise only the magic power will be abolished, so what is it?

As Yun Yang's will took away all his understanding of Tao, the pain of Yun Yang's soul was simply unbearable, and even his three souls and seven souls were broken dozens of times by pain.But each time, Yun Yang forcibly repaired it with a strong will.

And as Yun Yang's understanding of Tao was taken away, Yun Yang felt as if his heart suddenly became empty.It seems that my soul no longer has any sustenance.road?What is Tao?What is Tao?At this moment, Yun Yang felt that his heart was infinitely moving towards something, right?

Shaking his head slightly, Yun Yang started his own practice.Today, he is just the most ordinary soul, who needs to cultivate from the very beginning.Moreover, when he took away his understanding of the Tao, his soul had collapsed dozens of times. After each forced recovery, it was actually another kind of damage to the soul. Therefore, Yun Yang's soul can be said to be scarred up.

"In the beginning of the chaos, Pangu was born, born in the chaos, and grew up in the beginning..." Yun Yang started his own cultivation with the most ordinary soul.

Ordinary monks absorb the aura of heaven and earth, form golden pills, and then the golden pills are broken into Yuanying, and then Yuanying continuously breeds souls, so that souls can be promoted to become primordial spirits.

But Yun Yang doesn't need it, he is repairing with a soul, normally he is a ghost cultivator.The difference is that the ghost cultivates the Nether Ghost Qi, while Yun Yang uses the Primal Chaos Qi.

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