Warriors in the flood

Chapter 447 Deduction of Fate

After pondering for a while, Yun Yang came up with two ways to break through.First, that is to use one's own understanding of the law of destiny to forcibly break through to the realm of heaven.But in this way, one's own foundation will definitely be damaged, and future achievements will definitely be restricted, which is not advisable.

As for the second one, it is more difficult than that.But if it succeeds, the benefits obtained are absolutely unimaginable.The way is that Yun Yang plays the law of destiny by himself, and with his current understanding and comprehension of the law, perfects his own law of destiny, perfecting it to [-]% or more, then achieving the way of heaven is just a matter of one thought, absolutely extremely simple.

But the second seemingly simple thing is the most difficult thing.What a terrifying thing it is to act out the law of one's own destiny, not to mention that Yun Yang doesn't even have confidence, even if a half-step Daoist comes, he won't have much confidence!

"It doesn't matter, the first method is absolutely unacceptable. My Tao has been restricted in this chaotic world. If the foundation is damaged, it may not be repaired in this life. Proving the Tao is a dream. This is absolutely impossible. Things that are allowed. If the first one doesn’t work, then choose the second one and act out the law of your own destiny. If you succeed, you will break through the way of heaven and then laugh at the chaos. If you fail, you will die and die. Annihilated, there is no vitality." Yun Yang's words were full of determination.

In the void, Yun Yang's eyes were closed tightly, the flame of wisdom was burning like an ocean, and the inspiration of numbers suddenly appeared in Yun Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, but Yun Yang didn't make the slightest movement, but deep in his sea of ​​consciousness was It's an earth-shaking change.

How many rules are there in the chaotic universe?I am afraid that this problem is known to everyone except Dao Dao, and even Da Dao may not understand it.Because the rules of these numbers are constantly being born and extinguished, more and better rules are produced later, and different rules are born every moment. Although Dao understands the usefulness of these rules, it does not mean that he will personally count them. The number of rules.

However, at this moment, what Yunyang wants is to recalculate the law of destiny at the level of heaven based on the current law of fate.

As for why Yunyang didn't start from the beginning, playing the law of fate from the beginning, it was actually superfluous.

This universe is an immature universe, and the rules it contains are several times less than the chaotic rules of the outside world. It can be said that if Yun Yang calculates the rules of fate from scratch, the calculated things will definitely be full of loopholes when taken to the outside world. Because the rules of this universe are incomplete, the natural law of the things produced is compared with the chaotic universe outside. [

Now Yunyang's law of fate has reached more than [-]%, and it is only half a step away from [-]%. Although the last half step is difficult, it doesn't mean it is impossible.As long as a little bit of the law of destiny can be calculated, even if there are big loopholes in it, the crisis has been resolved after Yun Yang has broken through to the realm of heaven. make up for.

"The Way of Destiny." Yun Yang's will began to count from the very first few rules of fate, and the rules of numbers turned into fate, and fate controls the heavens, and all creatures are operating under the power of fate, and people can jump out .

Yun Yang's will keeps counting, from the immortal who first came into contact with the rules, until he breaks through the quasi-sage, then the saint, the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, the Hunyuan Taiji Luo Jinxian, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, until the Hunyuan At the peak of Daji Luo Jinxian, Yun Yang suddenly realized something and stood up.

"Boom!" The entire chaos of the universe was shaking, a large amount of smallpox was floating in the three realms, the resounding sound of the Tao pierced through the chaos, and the law of destiny in the entire universe was trembling. At this moment, a stronger, more vast and complete wave rose from Yun Yang The law of destiny and the Falun of the Dao are shaking, cheering for it.

"So it's like this. It's not that this chaotic world can't calculate the law of destiny, but it can't calculate the law of destiny to the degree of [-]% perfection. In other words, the [-]% perfection of the law of destiny in this world can only be compared with the chaos of the outside world." Compared with [-]%, there may be a little bit more, but it won't be too much." In Yunyang's sea of ​​consciousness, the rules of numbers are breaking, reorganizing, breaking, reorganizing,,,,,,,,

Every time these rules are broken and restored, Yun Yang can clearly understand how to reorganize the rules of fate next.Similarly, the next reorganization of the law of destiny will definitely be a better and more complete law of destiny.Although the improvement is relatively slow in this way, it is relatively stable without any flaws.

Feeling the breakthrough of the law of destiny, Yunyang's realm was naturally elevated to the realm of heaven, the fire of wisdom is still burning, and the messages of poor rules and laws are still continuously transmitted from the Dao Falun to Yunyang's sea of ​​consciousness, every moment Yunyang I can feel that my understanding of the rules has undergone earth-shaking changes. The foundation is solid and solid, and there can be no flaws.

However, there are still too many messages in Dao Falun, too much.Even though Yun Yang is constantly stabilizing and laying a solid foundation, and building his foundation to be the former and latecomer, his realm is still constantly improving, and earth-shaking changes have taken place within a few breaths.

But Yun Yang didn't pay any attention to it, he was calculating the law of fate, that was his way, everything about him.Among the three thousand avenues, as long as there is the avenue of destiny, then he will never lose his foundation and have the possibility of starting over.On the contrary, if he pays too much attention to the other three thousand ways and abandons the law of fate, that would simply be a waste of money, which is not advisable at all.

Destiny, what is destiny?What does fate represent?What is fate made of?How to grasp fate?How to control fate?How to transcend fate?

One problem after another appeared in Yun Yang's sea of ​​consciousness. However, in the face of these problems, Yun Yang didn't panic, some only had absolute control.

I am destiny, and destiny is my way. Everything in the world and the chaos of the universe are projections of destiny.One can grasp the direction of destiny by comprehending destiny, one can control destiny by comprehending my way, and one can transcend oneself by jumping out of one's own system.

As Yun Yang's understanding of fate continues to improve, the laws of numbers have surrendered to the power of fate. In the world of the heavens, only fate can be immortal.

Similarly, with the comprehension of destiny and the grasp of one's own way, the law of destiny is also slowly but steadily improving.Although the information transmitted by Dao Falun is relatively massive, compared with comprehending fate, these messages are just one more brick, allowing Yunyang to calculate fate more clearly, which is not only harmful, but beneficial.

Time is advancing rapidly, and Yun Yang's understanding of fate is getting deeper and deeper, and he is more and more proficient in playing the law.Coupled with the fact that the Dao Falun is constantly conveying the message of the chaos of the universe, Yunyang's understanding of sentient beings and destiny is getting stronger and stronger. His realm has already been promoted from the early days of the Dao of Heaven to the peak of the Dao of Heaven, but the foundation can only be more solid. , without any vanity. [

"Is this the strength of the peak of the Heavenly Dao? I feel that it is hundreds of times stronger than when I was an indestructible Golden Immortal!" Yun Yang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Of course, this is calculated by removing the physical body and only using the primordial spirit.After all, the half-step Immortal Golden Immortal can communicate with the power of the Dao, and the physical body reaches the level of the Chaos Supreme Treasure comparable to the Immortal Golden Immortal.But the peak of the Dao of Heaven can't communicate with the power of the Dao, and the physical body is at most half a step of the Chaos Supreme Treasure, so it is naturally not as good as the physical body that has the combat power of the Chaos Supreme Treasure and the Immortal Golden Immortal.

However, what surprised Yun Yang was that at the peak of the Dao of Heaven, one had to comprehend [-]% of his laws. If he wanted to step into the Immortal Golden Immortal, he needed to comprehend [-]% of the laws.But now Yunyang feels that his law has definitely not reached [-]%, that is to say, he is still at [-]%, at most [-]% peak, but his cultivation has also reached the peak of heaven.

Yun Yang didn't understand for a short time, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood.The law of destiny is above the laws of the heavens. After comprehending the law of destiny, one can naturally achieve the Dao. It can be said that to practice the law of destiny, [-]% is the way of heaven, [-]% is the half-step immortal golden fairy, and [-]% is immortal Jinxian, ninety percent of the half-step avenue, ten percent can achieve the real state of the upper avenue.

As for the rest of the practice, more than [-]% and less than [-]% are the way of heaven, more than [-]% and less than [-]% are half-step immortal golden immortals, and [-]% are true immortal golden immortals.As for breaking through the half-step avenue, you need to comprehend more laws to make up for your own shortcomings in other aspects. Only when you understand all the laws of the three thousand avenues can you break through to the realm of the avenue. It can be said that several people have been spared. Circled.

"The law of destiny! It is indeed the number one law of the great way in the chaos of the universe. Although achieving the way with the law of destiny may not be as good as achieving the way with the law of three thousand ways, and there is even a big difference between the two. But the way is the way, even if it is The weakest avenue, that is, the avenue is several times larger than the gap between a saint and the way of heaven." Yun Yang couldn't help but sigh at this moment, destiny!

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