Warriors in the flood

Chapter 469 Mysterious Universe

Seeing this, Yun Yang not only didn't feel any decadence, but burst out laughing with joy. "Okay, good, good. The law of time is worthy of being the third law under the Dao. It really lives up to its name. It seems that I didn't use the law of time well before. Otherwise, why would the law of time of Dzogchen use it for the Immortal Golden Immortal? Having a solid foundation but not being able to fully develop your strength is also a flaw."

Thinking of this, Yun Yang couldn't help pondering. The laws he comprehend are extremely diverse. Now he doesn't fully comprehend the use of the single law of time, let alone the other three thousand great laws. I'm afraid that even half of his body now The potential has not been tapped!

The Dao is not just a collection of laws, it is also the law itself, and only the Dao can clearly understand the application and ability of the laws of the heavens. It can be said that the Dao has used the laws to the most perfect level.With my current ability, even if I fully comprehend the Three Thousand Ways, it would be impossible to break through the blockade of the Way. As for proving eternity, it would be a big joke.

"Only by standing taller and seeing farther can you realize how small you are!" Yun Yang took a deep breath, his face full of excitement.Only the avenue here is my best pursuit, and everything unknown is my motivation to seek the way.

"The Tao ends, there must be a higher world beyond this chaos, the heart of seeking the Tao still exists, and the road of seeking the Tao should never end." At this moment, Yun Yang's restless heart was quiet, calm like a mirror, reflecting Yun Yang All his flaws and strengths allow Yunyang to better understand himself, break through his limitations, and move towards a higher realm.

Yun Yang felt that his state of mind had improved a lot at this moment, and his understanding of the laws became more transparent.The improvement of mood is a good opportunity to comprehend the law, and Yun Yang will naturally not be so stupid as to give up such a rare time.For a while, his mind once again sank into the many mysteries in the law of the eye of the great way.

Yun Yang, immersed in the comprehension of the law, completely gave up his perception of the outside world, and his mind was completely focused on the law, and some only had the comprehension of the law.

In the cosmic starry sky, Yun Yang was completely immersed in the comprehension of the law, and the power of the law spread from the primordial spirit to every corner of the body, tempering Yun Yang's body all the time.Similarly, every cell in Yun Yang's body seemed to be transformed into mysterious runes at this moment, absorbing the mystery of the law of the Dao to strengthen himself.

Yun Yang, immersed in the comprehension of the law, even his physical body seems to be imitating the evolution of the Dao at this moment. [

He folded his arms around his chest, and a larger circle was gradually evolving like the original Tao of the universe.Suddenly, a ray of light flashed across the center of the circle, creating yin and yang at the beginning of chaos, and yin and yang reincarnated into the five elements, and the five elements produced and transformed all things. A huge world seemed to be born in the circle in front of Yunyang's chest, and evolved, and the way of heaven also appeared. Appears to maintain the order of the universe and run the six yin and yang.

In the world in front of Yun Yang's chest, the flow of time is advancing rapidly, the reproduction of living beings, the monks' seeking the heavens and the Tao, the gods' immortality,,,, everything is no different from a perfect world. The avenue is in a circle.

I don't know how long it took, the evolution of the world gradually reached its peak, countless gods surpassed the universe, and the number of saints was also quite a lot.However, people have always broken through the limitations of this world, jumped out of the cloudy circle, and came to this even more vast chaos.

The evolution of the world is becoming more and more perfect, and the laws are gradually perfecting.There are more and more creatures, and the monks are getting stronger and stronger.

But because of this, the amount of aura consumed by Tiandao every day is also gradually increasing, although Tiandao will drop a quantity of calamity from time to time to kill the gods who have more causality and death.However, it still doesn't work.

Although the way of heaven can kill monks, saints are immortal, and the primordial spirit rests in the void.Unless the saint made a huge mistake and threatened the whole world, the way of heaven could not kill the saint, after all, this is also the rule of the great way.

However, in Yunyang's world, although the Dao of Heaven tried its best to suppress the appearance of saints, with the appearance of saints one by one, the power of Dao of Heaven became weaker and weaker, and the range that could be suppressed became less and less, and saints were born more and more more.A lot of aura is consumed but can't be taken back. Without the nourishment of aura, the whole universe doesn't have enough circulation. In this way, the world begins to age gradually like a monk.

The depletion of the world finally alarmed those saints aloft, feeling the gradual decline of the universe, those saints also panicked.

The immortality of saints is only relative to the way of heaven. If the whole world is exhausted, the universe collapses, the cycle of reincarnation is destroyed, the way of heaven collapses, and the laws disappear, these so-called immortal saints are nothing but ants. Escape the catastrophe of the annihilation of the universe.

The sage panicked and naturally understood the reason for the exhaustion of the universe. There is not enough aura, which is the most important thing.

As a result, with the help of the sages from the heavens, countless conspiracies permeated the entire universe, and countless creatures and races fought against all conditions at once. Crazy wars swept across the heavens and worlds of the universe, and countless creatures died for it. , The billowing evil spirit is like black smoke, covering the three realms of the universe.

However, there was a loophole in the calculations of the saints in the heavens. They thought that after the fall of several monks, these auras would return to the heaven and earth, nourish the whole world, and revive the heaven and earth.But they forgot that today's world has been exhausted. Although a lot of spiritual energy is needed to recover, there is also a key thing, that is vitality.

In the war of the heavens and the world, the fallen souls are recorded in billions and trillions. The resentment, anger, evil spirit,,,,,, etc. in it can be said to be completely opposite to the vitality.This poor power spreads towards the universe, and it cannot help repairing the universe, but instead makes the universe decay faster.

"Boom!" Countless Destroyer Thunders criss-crossed the universe, a terrifying aura filled the universe, and the depleted universe began to collapse.The God of Destruction Thunder is like a sharp blade, constantly cutting the universe, the laws of heaven are collapsing, and creatures are falling.Even the so-called immortal sages of heaven were killed one by one by the backlash of heaven, or they were also blown up by the poor god of destruction.

"Bang Dang!" With a loud noise, the entire universe collapsed rapidly, and the air of chaos rushed into the universe frantically, destroying everything.The destruction of all things reverses the five elements, the mutual restraint of the five elements creates yin and yang, and the fusion of yin and yang evolves into chaos. [

When the circle appeared again, it was obvious that the current circle was very different from the circle that evolved the world before.

Before the world evolved, a circle was just a circle, but it was filled with many mysteries, filled with the original avenue of the universe, and represented death.But with the evolution of the universe, vitality was evolved in the dead silence, life began to be born, and the way of heaven ruled the universe.Then the world shattered, the universe collapsed, and everything returned to the dead silence before the chaos, but this dead silence was brought about by the fall of life, which is completely opposite to the beginning of the Dao.

"On the contrary, the same rebirth, reincarnation is death, so it is not a new beginning of life." The inspiration of the number pierced Yunyang's sea of ​​consciousness, and for a while Yunyang's mind sank into the blend of laws again, the mystery of the whole body The aura became more intense, and the aura of several radiated towards the universe and starry sky.

What kind of cultivation is Yun Yang, who transcends the world and jumps out of the cycle of life and death, and is only half a small step away from truly achieving the eternal immortality of the Immortal Golden Immortal.Even though there is only a half-step Immortal Golden Immortal now, its strength is several times stronger than the real Immortal Golden Immortal. Even the impurities he excretes can make the immortal become a quasi-sage in an instant, not to mention the mystery that he exudes when he enlightened The breath is gone, even worse than the power of good fortune.

In the cosmic starry sky, countless stars began to manifest vitality, and the mysterious aura was like the power of good fortune at the beginning of the Dao, fabricating everything in the universe.Humanity Falun appears and disappears in the void, and the mysterious energy emitted by Yunyang is of such a high level that it has surpassed the energy of chaos. Humanity Falun, as the master of the universe, was naturally alarmed by this force.

A pair of golden eyes scanned the void of the universe, the human law wheel rotated slightly, and countless mystical auras were absorbed by it immediately.After being refined in a blink of an eye, it spewed out again, and the mighty power created the universe. The human law wheel is like the creator god back then, creating the world and condensing the cycle of the universe.

However, what is surprising is that as the Falun of Humanity refines the mysterious energy, the structure of the entire universe is rapidly becoming stronger.The space is more stable, the starry sky is more solid, the stars in the sky are getting bigger and bigger, and the trajectories they draw are getting more and more mysterious, as if they are evolving into a mysterious avenue.

The previous cosmic starry sky is like a protective film for the entire prehistoric universe. Although it is spread all over the prehistoric universe, the cosmic starry sky is too weak.Because this is a place specially created by Yun Yang for mortals. After reaching the immortal level, he needs to be pulled by the human law wheel to ascend to the prehistoric world.

But now, as the starry sky here is gradually stabilized, and the space becomes more stable, the mere immortal realm can no longer cause any damage to the universe, and the limit of ascension is gradually rising, starting from the immortal and gradually moving towards the higher-level limit ascending.

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