Warriors in the flood

Chapter 488 Understanding Cause and Effect

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a big hole opened again in the sky of the prehistoric world, and a vast aura of heaven spread to the entire universe. The dense beam of law light came to suppress the heaven and law wheel. .

But before this beam of law light completely descended, the second beam of law light also tore through the barrier of the prehistoric world, descending mightily on the prehistoric world.The infinite law of wood is spreading towards the big universe, and it is obvious that what comes this time is the big universe governed by the law of wood.

"Boom!" The beam of light of the third law came down, and the invisible void began to transform, evolving various mysteries of space.The space is broken, the space is solidified, the space is collapsed, the space is collapsed, the space is exiled,,,, the third coming is the big universe governed by the law of space.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth avenue of time, the fifth avenue of devouring, the sixth avenue of gold, the seventh avenue of fire,,,,,,, a series of terrifying wills came to the prehistoric world, each with its own The power above the nine heavens, the eternal divine power suppresses the heavens and myriad worlds, even the demon ancestor Luohu, who raised his eyebrows in space, was shocked by this vast power at this moment.

The power of three thousand heaven!Although they are all rudimentary ways of heaven, the way of heaven is the way of heaven, not to mention that their world foundation is not vain.Three thousand Heavenly Dao, although any one of them can be crushed by the prehistoric Heavenly Dao one-on-one, but three thousand in one, even if they don't use all their strength, they can completely blow up the Heavenly Dao Falun.

And although the creatures in the prehistoric world don't know who the vast three thousand auras belong to, the strong power of law still shows that the worst of them is also a saint.Three thousand saints came to the prehistoric, what a terrifying thing!

But the Three Saints of Huoyun Cave, the Heavenly Emperor, and the Queen of Heaven were extremely shocked. As saints, they naturally knew that even the worst one among the three thousand auras could easily kill themselves and others. The aura of a saint is that of heaven.Three thousand heavenly ways came to the prehistoric, is the way crazy?

At this moment, the saints of the heavens who existed in the prehistoric world and the quasi-sages of martial arts who were about to break through to saints were all horrified and puzzled.Since when are there so many heavenly powers in the chaos of the universe?And these heavenly powers actually have such an illusory ability, as if they don't exist in this world?But how can something that does not exist in this world appear in this world?

Many questions appeared in the minds of these strong men, but with their knowledge, it is impossible to understand that the method of proving the Tao in dreams, in the end, illusion is reality, like dreams and illusions, seemingly false but not true, and dreams are also true. reality.

No matter how the gods and gods think about it, three thousand vast pillars of law and light in the void have descended, coupled with the suppression of Yunyang's own power, although Tiandao Falun is extremely unwilling, but his power is different from the power of the central universe It was too big, and it was impossible to break Yun Yang's seal.

"Wuliang, you dare to suppress me. I am the way of heaven in the prehistoric world, and the catastrophe of the universe is approaching. If you suppress me, you will cut off your own arm. Even if you have this method of avatar, so what? A fake is a fake after all, no It may have any impact on the chaos of the universe." In Tiandao Falun, the sound of rolling thunder pierced the sky.

"You're right. False ones can only be used for a while. After all, the Dao in my dream has not yet achieved the Dao, and I can't walk from illusion to reality. But you are mistaken, this seat is not suppressing you. It's to fulfill you." Yun Yang's voice sounded faintly.

"Fulfill me?" Tiandao was taken aback for a moment. Although he was in the same camp as him facing the Chaos Demon God, the relationship between the two was not very good. Existence above the Dao of Heaven.Tiandao always wants to overthrow it, but Yun Yang has always been the best at stabilizing Tiandao, so it's hard not to make enemies like this.

"What do you mean? Also, why do you want to fulfill me?" Tiandao is full of vigilance. There is nothing in this world that you can get for nothing, and Yunyang's things are the last things that you can't get for nothing. Otherwise, you must be the one who loses in the end, and it will be a big one. The kind that suffers.

"It's nothing interesting. I just want to help you because your foundation has not been firmly established. As for why you are fulfilled, you will naturally understand in the future. Three thousand heavenly ways obey my orders and instill laws." Yun Yang's will moved towards The Three Thousand Ways of Heaven passed away, and for a while a huge aura began to operate. The entire universe was prehistoric, and the laws of the Three Thousand Ways were trembling, and the space continued to collapse. It seemed that the end of the world had come at this moment.

The Heavenly Dao Falun trembled slightly, the power of the three thousand Heavenly Dao!Even though he is now comparable to an ordinary Immortal Golden Immortal, he is still not a real Immortal Golden Immortal, and he cannot live forever with the Dao.If he was bombarded by these three thousand gods, he would also be blasted instantly.

However, contrary to Tiandao's expectations, after the power of these three thousand gods rushed into the Tiandao Falun, they did not destroy everything in the Tiandao Falun, but turned into countless runes, each of which contained infinite laws and mysteries. The runes under the control are enough to sanctify a mortal, and three thousand heavenly dao together instill power into the heavenly dao dharma wheel, and the original nine-color heavenly dao dharma wheel bursts out with infinite rays of light.

The coercion of the vastness is even greater, and the eternal law of heaven is being perfected at a rapid speed at this moment. Dao dao xianguang rushes into the nine heavens and spreads all over the universe. Countless prehistoric creatures fell into the comprehension of the extremely mysterious law.

In the void, with the infusion of the three thousand ways of heaven, the nine-color light on the law wheel of heaven began to dim gradually, but another sacred, eternal, and immortal dark golden light gradually strengthened.A breath full of immeasurable eternity slowly swelled. Although the realm of Heavenly Dao has not been improved, the perfection of the Three Thousand Laws has made Tiandao's strength even stronger. Although it is not as good as Yun Yang, its foundation is extremely firm.

In the prehistoric world, three thousand heavenly dao instilled laws into the heavenly dao Falun, but the same heavenly dao cannot accept them all at once, part of the dao law is directly imprinted in the void by the heavenly dao, and all creatures in the universe can see the evolution above their heads when they look up The mysteries of the Thousand Thousand Ways, the supreme artistic conception without any hindrance, are deeply imprinted in the hearts of the gods and Buddhas.

And with the direct manifestation of these Dao laws, countless creatures in the prehistoric world broke through the limitations of countless years in just a few breaths.At one time, hundreds of Daluo Jinxian broke through the boundaries of the law and became quasi-sages, and quasi-sages took a big step forward. Even in the prehistoric world, many monks have reached the pinnacle of quasi-sages, and they seem to have the potential to become quasi-sages. closer trend.

In the prehistoric world, millions of years ago, Yun Yang taught martial arts to all the top experts in the prehistoric world at one time. Up to now, there are almost a thousand quasi-sages who have achieved martial arts. It is also not weak, the combination of the two makes it easy to leapfrog the battle.

However, after the quasi-sages have been achieved in martial arts, it takes countless years of polishing to go further. Only the first batch of quasi-sages in the prehistoric world touched the threshold of physical proving.It is also because of this that they have not gone out for countless years, just for the coming of the catastrophe, and to gain a breakthrough in the catastrophe.

And Yunyang wiped out all the top powerhouses in the prehistoric world countless years ago. It is precisely because of this that there are a lot of immortals, golden immortals, and Taiyi golden immortals in the prehistoric world, but there is a shortage of Daluo golden immortals and quasi-sages.Because they have retreated for countless years in order to prove the Tao.But now that the way of heaven is manifesting this time, countless Daluo Jinxians and quasi-sages are constantly popping up like bamboo shoots after the rain.

The vast fairy light spreads all over the universe, the roaring sound of the sky lasts forever, and the infinite dao patterns spread all over every corner of the universe.Accompanied by the infusion of the Three Thousand Ways of Heaven, the entire Heavenly Way Falun has transformed from the original nine-colored color to a sacred and immortal dark gold, and the simple and simple patterns of laws are imprinted on the Heavenly Way Falun.

The three thousand Heavenly Ways instilled their own laws into the Heavenly Way Falun day and night, and the Heavenly Way laws of the entire universe have now been perfected to a terrifying level.Almost all the laws have been perfected by [-]%, that is to say, any law of the way of heaven can be called a strong man of the way of heaven. Although it is not as terrifying as Yunyang's incarnation of the three thousand ways of heaven, it can suppress a Hunyuan Wuji with power. Luo Jinxian is still easy.

In the blink of an eye, the sea has changed, and three years have passed in a flash.In the past three years, the entire prehistoric world has undergone tremendous changes. Countless Daluo Jinxians and quasi-sages continue to emerge, and large numbers of Taiyi Jinxians and Jinxians have emerged. , can be seen everywhere at the moment, even Daluo Jinxian is not too rare.In today's prehistoric world, it can be said that big Luo is not as good as a dog, and the quasi-sage is walking all over the place!

"Three years, Heavenly Dao, your foundation has reached the peak that a half-step indestructible Golden Immortal can bear. With my cause for you, I will exchange the result of the seven of them breaking away from Heavenly Dao, and the cause and effect will be cut off." The illusory divine sword slashed slightly between 33 Tian and Tiandao, and a causal line that was already extremely fragile was suddenly and completely broken. At this point, the causal relationship between Tiandao and Sanqing and other heavenly saints was completely eliminated.

"Boom!" Sanqian Tiandao also began to roar at this moment, and beams of light pierced through the sky, disappearing in the depths of the cosmic starry sky in an instant.

And the brilliance of the way of heaven is becoming more and more vast, the soft mysterious light sprinkles all corners of the universe, for a while the fairy light rises, the purple air is lingering, and the infinite laws are intertwined into the gods and beasts of the heavens. Stepping on the ground, the supreme divine power swept across the entire prehistoric world.

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