In the prehistoric world, with the joint efforts of the five great universes, the area of ​​chaos that was broken at once was as large as dozens of prehistoric worlds.It's a pity that just after the world was born, even before it was fully formed, it was broken apart by the five great universes, and even the yin and yang were completely divided by them.

However, it has to be said that the clear and turbid air is the foundation of heaven and earth, and the infinite clear and turbid air is swallowed by the five great universes, and the prehistoric world is expanding crazily almost at an exaggerated speed.At this moment, Zhou Tian Xingdou is shining brightly, hundreds of millions of stars are revolving rapidly, frantically absorbing the energy of chaos, and transforming into the aura of the prehistoric to make up for the lack of aura within the prehistoric.

If the prehistoric world was a small pond before, it was filled with water.Then the current prehistoric world is a big pool, and the water in the small pool can't even cover the bottom of the big pool. It can be seen that the prehistoric world needs so much aura.

And the four great worlds of the Three Realms and the Demon Realm are also expanding crazily at this moment. Although they are not as vast as the prehistoric world, they are not much inferior.

In the prehistoric world, the original five great thousand worlds rushed into the prehistoric world, but the twelve ancestor witches of the witch world were unwilling to integrate the witch world into the prehistoric world.On the one hand, they were afraid that the witch world would be assimilated by the prehistoric world, and on the other hand, they were also afraid that Yun Yang would repent, and that Dao might lose his wife and lose his army in the end.

But at this moment, seeing the rapid expansion of the Three Realms and the Demon Realm, and these four big worlds have taken away a lot of the origin of the world from the Primordial World by virtue of their connection with the Primordial World, making Tiandao very angry but helpless, seeing Seeing the rapid expansion of the Three Realms and the Demon Realm, the Twelve Ancestral Witches regretted it endlessly.

"If we knew that the fusion of the universe would have such benefits, we shouldn't have opposed it." Zhu Rong, one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, was also full of remorse at the moment. "Their world is expanding at a speed of a thousand times. It won't be long before they will break through completely."

"Hey! The origin of our witch world is thin, and only one of the laws of Dzogchen is perfect. The foundation is too shallow. Even if we can barely advance, I am afraid it is the worst kind. It can compete with the current prehistoric I will be thankful compared to the world."

"In terms of area, it may be able to reach the level of the current prehistoric world, but in terms of foundation, origin, and perfection of laws, we will be pulled further away, and we will not even be able to catch up with them in this life." Houtu Youyou said .

"This time we were really wrong. If we had fought with that guy Wuliang before, although we might not be as good as the Demon Realm now, we wouldn't be like what we are now, not even one-tenth of the Demon Realm. !” With a sigh, Dao Jin felt bitter in his heart.

"That's all! I also gave up the last face. Now the world's evolution is still far from the end. Although it is a little late to make a move now, you can always eat the cake. Even if there is only a small piece, it is better than nothing!" Hou Tu sighed. , the mind instantly merges with the heavenly way of the witch world, and communicates with the origin of the witch world into the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, there has been no movement, and the world of witches outside the world is also bursting with immeasurable divine light at this moment.The vast origin of the witch world began to communicate with the prehistoric world, and the origin of the witch world that had not been completely refined by the prehistoric world was also shaken at this moment. For a while, the witch world gradually began to have a tendency to integrate into the prehistoric world.

In the chaotic void, two avatars of the Dao Falun, one large and one small, are spinning in the void.Two sources of chaos descended from the void, one merged into the prehistoric world, and the other merged into the witch world, expanding the sources of the two worlds.

But the origin of chaos obtained by the witch world is completely different from the origin of chaos obtained by the prehistoric world.If it is said that the origin of chaos absorbed by the witch world is one at all times, then the origin of the world in the prehistoric world is absorbed by 160, and the gap between the two can be seen.

After all, the prehistoric world is the fusion of the five great universes, the origin of the five great worlds of the Three Realms, the Primordial World, and the Demon Realm, and it is possible to bury the Witch Realm alive.

In addition, the five great universes work together to open up the sky, and the world opened up is dozens of times larger than normal, that is, the area after the evolution of the world is ten times or even hundreds of times larger. The improvement far exceeds the situation after the normal Immortal Golden Immortal breaks through.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches can't help being jealous at this moment!That is the evolution of the world!If they can get a share of the pie, the Dao Law of the witch world will be perfected by several percent in an instant, and the background of the witch clan will probably be countless times deeper.

"Witch world, merge." A cold voice sounded in the void, the source of the witch world instantly connected with the source of the prehistoric world, and the sources of the two great worlds began to blend with each other.In the chaotic void, there are two avatars of the Dao Falun, one big and one small. With the fusion of the two big universes, they also began to gradually move closer and turned into a larger Falun, which continuously sent massive amounts of chaos to the prehistoric world. origin.

In the prehistoric world, many powerhouses who were mobilizing the divine ax to open up the world also turned their heads slightly to look in the direction of the witch world at this moment.

The eyes of Honghuang Tiandao are full of anger. The witch world is the world with the worst strength and background, and the possibility of breaking through is less than one-tenth. The avatar was forcibly summoned back, I'm afraid it might not even break through.

The strength and heritage of the witch world is weak, and when it is integrated into the prehistoric world, it will naturally be swallowed by the powerful origin of the prehistoric world under normal circumstances, completely refining the witch world and integrating into the prehistoric world.

But unfortunately, the prehistoric world is breaking through at this moment, and the origin of the billowing chaos is rushing into the prehistoric world crazily. devoured.

Not only that, although half of the origin of the original expansion of the prehistoric world has been sucked away by the Three Realms and the Demon Realm, the remaining part is still extremely huge.Moreover, the origin of the prehistoric world is improving all the time, and it is impossible for the Dao of Heaven to control it perfectly, so there will be a lot of redundant origins.

Under normal circumstances, these scattered origins will be integrated into the prehistoric world, forming pieces of innate spiritual treasures, innate spiritual materials, and even innate fetishes, and it is even possible to give birth to individual races. It has greatly enhanced the foundation of the prehistoric world.

But it's a pity that the witch clan intervened at this time.

The witch world blends into the prehistoric world, that is part of the prehistoric world.Compared with the original prehistoric world, the witch world is far from it, and it can even be described as barren.Now that the two great universes are merging, the origin of the world that the prehistoric world cannot gather will naturally come to the "lower" witch world at this moment, and the speed at which the witch world absorbs the origin of chaos has more than doubled almost instantly. At least four.

And compared to the indestructible universe, the origin of chaos naturally has a definite number, otherwise the chaotic world is vast, and it would not be able to support so many worlds!

Now that the witch world has merged into the prehistoric world, the witch world has absorbed a lot of the origin of chaos. Where do these origins of chaos come from?Naturally, it came from the prehistoric world.

It is the prehistoric world that merges with the witch world, not the Three Realms or the Demon Realm. Therefore, even if the prehistoric heaven is extremely unwilling, the origin of the world is determined by the world itself. Although he is the heaven, he cannot drive the origin of the world. To be able to watch the power that belongs to me flow into the witch world little by little, it is impossible to say that I am not angry.

Demon Realm Luohu, watching the witch world gradually merge into the prehistoric world, and the source of chaos absorbed has also increased several times in an instant, but there is indescribable contempt in his eyes.

Yun Yang invited them to make a move together before, but they refused directly for the sake of a little profit, or because they wanted to make a profit because they were unwilling to take a little risk.

Fortunately, now, I and others finally gained the upper hand, and negotiated with the prehistoric world, but they came up to take advantage again.Such a shameless person, Luo Hu did not want to be with him, it was too embarrassing.

In the three realms of heaven, looking at the witch world that has merged into the prehistoric world, Yun Yang just glanced at it and ignored it.

When the Twelve Ancestral Witch rejected his proposal, he had already decided to part ways with the other party.They are not willing to take even a little risk, just like people who take advantage of it. Generally, such people will not end well. They don't even know that Yun Yang pays attention.

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