Warriors in the flood

Chapter 561 Regret

"I'm afraid you want to fight with me after stabilizing half a step of Dao realm! Do you have the confidence to block my previous move? What you did is just drinking poison to quench your thirst." Yun Yang frowned slightly.

"But it's better than losing one-tenth of the world's origin at once! Losing one-tenth of my origin at once is enough to knock me down half a step to the Dao realm. More importantly, don't you feel it? From chaos The pressure in the depths is getting closer." Tiandao glanced at Chaos with some puzzlement in his eyes.

His current strength is at the top of the pyramid in the entire chaos of the universe, but the pressure from the depths of the chaos is unprecedentedly strong at this moment. It is not one or two strong men, but several or even For more than a dozen Immortal Golden Immortals, that kind of power made him have to be careful.

Although he is comparable to a half-step avenue, it is the way of heaven in the world, and the power of the world can only be mobilized in the world, or where the laws of the prehistoric world extend.If he is too far away from the prehistoric world, the power he exerts will gradually weaken.

Although it is impossible for dozens of Immortal Golden Immortals to pose any threat to the prehistoric world, what worries Tiandao is not the Immortal Golden Immortal powerhouse, but the Immortal Heavenly Dao.Dozens of Immortal Golden Immortals, each with an Immortal Universe, add up to more than a dozen, which is more than all the universes in the prehistoric world combined.

Maybe they can't compare with the prehistoric world in terms of quality, but they are stronger than the Three Realms and the Witch Realm, and only the Demon Realm can overwhelm them.In this way, they divided several forces to contain the demon world, and the rest all attacked the prehistoric world. No matter how strong the prehistoric world was, it couldn't withstand the bombardment of seven or eight indestructible heavens.

The power of Heavenly Dao is very strong, even if the rest of Immortal Heavenly Dao join forces against him, it may not be possible to suppress him, but what if the other party separates?The seven or eight big universes are fighting each other, so the Dao of Heaven needs to divide its energy. The Dao of Heaven, which was able to gain the upper hand, may immediately be at a disadvantage.

Yun Yang was also a little surprised at the moment, looking like the way of heaven, "You feel it too? That's right, your primordial spirit is stronger than mine, so you can naturally feel the big world that is approaching. The Chaos Demon God side has also It's not for nothing, their strength is growing faster than ours!"

"Yes! It's not faster than us, but much faster than us. Since the creation of the prehistoric world, it has gone through countless years, coupled with the spirit of Pangu's fall of many chaotic demon gods, this has created the prehistoric world today. And this A single promotion, even though he jumped to the half-step road in one step, also consumed all his foundation, and it would take at least dozens of kalpas to go further in today's prehistoric world!"

"However, the Chaos Demon God side is just the remnants of the Chaos Demon God. Although their cultivation base is high, they are scarred and scarred in the Great Tribulation. Since Pangu opened the sky, although it has been a long time, it is not enough for them to have such What's more, not long ago, they were just four junior Immortal Golden Immortals, but now there are nearly ten more Immortal Golden Immortals, this is not normal at all, not normal at all!"

"No, abnormality is the greatest normality. Obviously, the balance of the avenue has begun to operate. The prehistoric world has entered the half-step avenue in one fell swoop, plus a few immortal golden immortals in the later stage, plus me, and more It's useless even if the Immortal Golden Immortal comes at the elementary level. Only the Immortal Golden Immortal above the intermediate level can have an effect on us, and it's most normal for the Dao to be so natural." Yun Yang waved his hand slightly.

"But how can there be so many opportunities in the chaos that allow them, the Chaos Demon Gods who are almost trapped in the early stage of the Immortal Golden Immortal, to break through so quickly, even reaching the late stage of the Immortal Golden Immortal and even the peak? The number is far more than that of the Immortal Golden Immortal. Hong Huang, unless Dao Dao takes action himself, otherwise..." Tian Dao hesitated.

"It won't be him. Dao can be said to be omnipotent in this chaos, but since Pangu opened the sky, the acquired world has appeared, and the era of heaven has come. Dao will also be restricted and cannot intervene in major events in chaos. This is a balance For the sake of the law, although there is Daoist’s help, it’s not Daoist’s real action, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

"I'll think too much then." Tiandao smiled self-deprecatingly when he heard the words.

Yun Yang suddenly turned his gaze to the Three Realms and the Demon Realm, and then said calmly, "It is true that the Primordial World cannot lose one-tenth of its origin, but the Demon Realm and the Three Realms have just broken through, and the realm has not been stabilized. Although fellow Taoists cannot fulfill their promises now, But returning the devoured source to them is still a simple matter!"

A look of helplessness flashed across Tiandao's eyes when he heard the words, and he wanted to get away with it, but who knew that the other party was not ambiguous at all. "It's natural, and I won't covet that bit of original power." The law wheel of heaven turned slightly, and nine-colored rays of light shot up from the depths of the prehistoric world, some of them went towards the demon world, and the other part rushed into After entering the Three Realms, only those from the Witch Realm were not returned to the Witch Clan.

Yun Yang didn't say anything about this, the Wu Clan had already broken the covenant with them before, and they were no longer allies.Before they joined the ranks of themselves and others, it was because Yunyang needed someone to share the opportunity of going to heaven, which was beneficial to each other.But now Yunyang doesn't need their help anymore, and they have nothing to do with each other, so naturally they won't stand up for people in the witch world.

Seeing that Yun Yang didn't say anything, a strange look flashed in Tiandao's eyes. Obviously, he also discovered that the Wu Clan and Yun Yang were no longer allies.His actions before were just a test, but now he can be sure. This time, the witch clan obviously pulled the other party's hind legs, which made Yun Yang unhappy, so he didn't mention the origin of the witch world.

Seeing that Yunyang didn't mention it, Tiandao is not a fool. What is the witch world?Although today's intermediate-level immortal universe is not as good as the Three Realms and the Demon Realm, and even farther than the prehistoric world, one-tenth of the origin of an intermediate-level immortal universe is enough to create seven or eight The Dao of Heaven is strong, the foundation of today's prehistoric is not very solid, if you can save a little, you will naturally save a little.

"Since the matter here is over, I should go back to retreat and practice. Heavenly Dao, you have to be more careful. The prehistoric world has become countless times wider. It depends on how many saints can be cultivated during this period. After all, the prehistoric world evolved too late. Some." Yun Yang wandered in the void and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The eyes of heaven blinked slightly, then closed again and disappeared, the vast law wheel of heaven also gradually receded, the laws and rules of the heavens returned to their respective positions, the order of the universe began to operate again, and the heavens and myriad things gradually disappeared. Waking up from a deep sleep, they will face a new era.

In the witch world, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are also sitting at the top of the witch world at this moment, but their faces are extremely ugly at the moment.

The witch world is too far away from the rest of the world, and in order to make the witch clan have a better cultivation environment, most of the world's origin is used to nourish the witch world.But when the Dao of Heaven broke through, it forcibly took away a large amount of world origin from the witch world, not one-tenth of other universes, but two-tenth of the witch world.

The foundation of the witch world is already weak, and now a full one-fifth of the luck has been taken away. Naturally, the situation in the world has dropped again and again. Although it is much better than the previous world, it is still a step behind compared to the universe. Big cut.

The witch race can be said to be the most restricted race in the prehistoric world, and its strength is not comparable to that of today's human race. With Yun Yang, a super strong man behind him, even the Dao of Heaven will sell the human race by three points.

And the Yaozu!Although there are not as many masters as there are human races, and the demon saints back then were dead and dead, but don't forget one important thing.That is the one standing behind the Yaozu, but Empress Nuwa, the saint with the most special status among the saints in the heavens.

Although Nuwa was just a saint at the beginning, she was a saint of the human race, with [-]% of the luck protection of the human race, let alone the witch race, even the way of heaven would not dare to point fingers at Nuwa, at most she could only suppress it forcibly , It can be seen how special Nuwa is a saint.

Although the Wu family has Houtu as a strong man, Houtu is not as good as Yunyang, Tiandao, and Hongjun. Although Houtu is second only to these three, she knows that if there is a real fight, she will definitely fight. Being easily obliterated by the other party, their strength is beyond what I can imagine.

"Hateful Wuliang, who wants to go back to the origin of the Three Realms and the Demon Realm, but turns a blind eye to my witch world. How lucky he had the face to come to our alliance?" Wu Zhurong, the hot-tempered ancestor of fire, almost flew into a rage.

"It's useless for you to be angry. The alliance between us has been severed long before we didn't intervene. Although we reunited later, it is no longer an alliance after all. It is reasonable for him not to help us. "

"What Gou Mang said is not unreasonable. It's our fault that we didn't follow his command! Otherwise, the witch world wouldn't be like this."

"Hmph! That move back then was too risky. One bad thing is to bury the entire Wu Clan with us. Although we won't die, the Wu Clan will be seriously injured. We can't afford to pay for that."

"Just have you thought about it? If he is not sure, how can he, a guy who has no profit and can't afford it early, integrate the world into the prehistoric? Now you see, the expansion of the three realms combined is almost comparable to the entire prehistoric world. It’s the way of heaven, but it’s also comparable to the Demon Realm.”

"The Demon Realm! The Demon Realm! I didn't expect that Rahu, who took refuge in Wuliang back then, has already surpassed us, and is even stronger than us, second only to the Dao of Heaven. The weakest of the six universes is our witch realm." Houtu sighed tone way.

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