And as the turbulent air of chaos poured into his body, the originally fragile primordial spirit was rapidly solidified, and at the same time, 'his' will was rapidly replicating Yun Yang's understanding, application, and perception of the laws. The fragile primordial spirit almost moved forward at a frightening speed.

Immortal,,,, Mysterious Immortal,,,, Golden Immortal,,,, Daluo Golden Immortal,,,,, Quasi-Saint,,,,, Saint,,,,,, Heavenly Way,,,,, Half Step Immortal Golden Immortal ,,,,, Immortal Golden Immortal,,,,, Finally, I don't know how long it has passed, 'his' soul has finally copied all the laws of Yunyang, except for his weak body, at this moment the two of them Completely, utterly the same.

A crystal clear diamond flew out from Yun Yang's forehead, and then re-drilled into the origin of the prehistoric world. 'His' right hand was a little empty, and the invisible will woke up the sleeping Yun Yang.

Looking at the opposite 'self' who was exactly the same as him, without any difference, Yun Yang felt funny for the first time.

Sensing Yun Yang's strange gaze, 'he' said a little annoyed, "What's so interesting, I'm exactly the same as you, why don't you look at yourself better?"

Shaking his head slightly, Yun Yang said with a light smile, "We don't have much time, you also read my memory, some of the things you need to complete. At most, I can only give them the method of cultivation, and the rest It’s up to you to supervise and teach.”

"Don't worry about this, leave it to me from the Twelve Ancestral Witches. We still go to Chaos! You are right, our time is running out."'His' eyes pass through the gap between time and space, through the endless prehistoric world, Gazing at the eternal chaos, his eyes are full of vicissitudes.

"Go!" 'He' instantly turned into a ray of light and entered Yun Yang's body, Yun Yang was not surprised by this.If he really appeared in the chaos, I am afraid that he will be taken aback by Dao immediately, and all the plans of himself and others will be in vain.

Yun Yang exuded a strange melody, and the surrounding time and space began to fluctuate. Yun Yang's figure seemed to enter the water, traveling along the illusory time and space, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the periphery of the prehistoric world. Here is Belongs to a corner of the prehistoric world.However, looking from above the chaotic world, this corner of the prehistoric world.It happened to be the place where the fusion of the great universe and the world of the Chaos Demon God collided with each other in the future.

Yun Yang's eyes were like two huge searchlights, scanning the infinite chaos, and then pinched his fingers slightly to calculate quickly.After a long time, he nodded slightly and said, "This is it. This place will be the place where the prehistoric world and the demon world will meet."

Standing in chaos.Yun Yang's eyes were a little blurred, and he looked back at the vast and endless world.Yun Yang suddenly felt at home.This is where I was born and raised.Just like that universe is his home, I didn't care about it before, but now I understand what it feels like to be home.

"Everything is chaotic, the sky and the earth are boundless, the universe is chaotic, and the true body of chaos is revealed." Yun Yang revealed his true body in this infinite chaos.A figure bigger than the prehistoric world, bigger than the heavens and worlds, stands at the peak of chaos like an immortal avenue.

"Convert the chaos into one, swallow it for me." At this moment, Yun Yang's real body was as if he hadn't eaten for three days and three nights.Crazy devouring endless chaos.The chaotic energy within hundreds of millions of light years is like a rough sea at this moment, setting off huge waves, mixed with terrifying power, and shooting towards Yun Yang.

However, the wave that could easily obliterate the saint and injure the powerful man of the heavenly way could hardly shake Yun Yang's immortal real body at this moment.The billowing chaotic air rushes into Yun Yang's body crazily. The terrifying suction is unparalleled. The prehistoric world not far away is affected by the suction at this moment, and it actually changes its forward trajectory and rushes towards Yun Yang's real body .

On the 33rd day, Hongjun and the others felt it when Yun Yang crazily devoured the energy of chaos. Although they don't know why Yun Yang made such a sudden move, this situation seems to be a sign that Yun Yang is about to advance. For a while, Hongjun and others were also protecting him around.

If Yun Yang can break through at this critical moment, then the prehistoric situation in the universe will definitely be changed, and the chances of victory in the prehistoric world will naturally be greatly increased.

However, as time went by, Hongjun and others felt something was wrong.They clearly felt that the prehistoric world began to run towards Yun Yang's real body, and the speed of the prehistoric world was getting faster and faster, rushing towards Yun Yang like a sworn enemy.

This scene frightened Hongjun and the others. Hongjun, who is a true Taoist, naturally knows how powerful the prehistoric world is. The bottom will also be completely crushed into pieces, perhaps only the supreme avenue can resist!

Just when Hongjun and the others didn't know what to do, an extremely huge hand stretched out from the depths of the chaotic vortex. The big hand gently grasped the prehistoric world, and instantly pulled it from the infinite world with four or two strokes. Throw it out of the vortex, please let the vortex attract it.

"You say, what exactly is Fellow Daoist doing? Advancement? It seems that from time to time, how can the promotion be interrupted? And I feel that the aura of Fellow Daoist shows no signs of breaking through, and his strength has not improved in any way. , it doesn't seem like a promotion." Hongjun shook his head slightly.

"Could it be because of the Twelve Ancestral Witches?" Luo Hu's expression changed, and he realized something.

"Well! It's possible. If you want to turn twelve saints into heaven in a short period of time, the energy of chaos required is naturally massive, not to mention the need for spiritual energy in the body of the body is even more unimaginable. Apart from the Second Ancestor Witch, I can't think of anything that needs so much Primal Chaos Qi."

"These are not important. It is not a problem for Tianzun to become enlightened among the Twelve Ancestral Witches. We still have to cultivate our own saints in our world! Try to have a few more saints before the catastrophe of heaven and earth comes. Jie helped." Luo Hu said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist is right. If that's the case, Daoist Poverty will leave first." Hongjun and the others nodded and disappeared into the chaos in a blink of an eye.

In the vast and simple chaos, there is only an incomparably vast vortex, which crazily devours all the energy of chaos.

And in the sky above the endless chaos, a pair of vague eyes floated in the infinite time and space, appearing and disappearing from time to time.Those dark golden eyes were full of doubts, and looked suspiciously at the huge vortex, and then quietly receded after a long time.

After Da Dao's eyes shifted, Yun Yang was relieved, and then a figure of him who looked exactly the same appeared beside him.

"Don't worry! After Dao's eyes left, this chaotic vortex has been wrapped in my chaotic world. As long as you don't go out in a short time, even if Dao comes to you, you won't be detected at all. After all, here It is no longer the chaos of the outside world." Yun Yang said confidently.

"The next thing is to look at yourself. Remember, you must evolve as many bigger worlds as possible, and at the same time increase the strength of the big world. Only in this way can your real body be in the fifteen big universes. Survive under the collision, if not, even if you are immortal, it will take an infinite amount of time to repair your body. At that time, the strongest heaven has already been created, and you will have no chance again."

"Don't worry! I have collected a lot of chaotic spiritual materials from the chaos for countless years. They were originally used for refining weapons. Now it seems that today is just the right time!" Yun Yang waved his right hand, and countless chaotic spiritual materials were captured He took it out of his own space, and in a blink of an eye, it spread across the void for thousands of miles.

"These things are still too few, and most of them are low-level chaotic spiritual materials. Although they are attractive to saints in the wild world, they are no different from bubbles to us, and they will shatter when touched."'His' brow A little wrinkled, obviously very dissatisfied with these things.

"No need. These spiritual materials are just an introduction. The time of one Yuanhui, coupled with the devouring of this chaotic vortex, is enough for me to refine an extremely terrifying thing. Then you will see Good!" Yun Yang's eyes were full of confidence.

"So, I'll leave everything to you." 'His' eyes were slightly closed, and the chaos around him surged wildly, and 'his' physical body was also rapidly becoming stronger, which was not the essence of life. It's simply an increase in strength.He doesn't have a physical body, so how can he come to the level of life!

Time flies fast, tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, Yun Yang's eyes suddenly opened on this day, and his eyes looked towards the infinite chaos.

This sight made him startled. In the endless chaos, a continent completely composed of chaotic spiritual materials was spinning rapidly.The billowing chaotic air crazily rushed in, and the mainland never refused, absorbing all the chaotic air to temper his own body frantically and increase his size.

Yun Yang's eyes scanned the mainland for a moment, and he couldn't help but gasped.Originally, he knew exactly what Yun Yang took out. Those were the most common chaotic spiritual materials. Although the quantity was a little too much, he was able to refine an innate treasure, thank God.

But at this moment, the continent floating in front of Yun Yang was made of countless intermediate chaos spiritual materials, and its area had expanded hundreds of times.In today's continent, not to mention refining one innate treasure, even ten or one hundred pieces are enough, and even refining a top-level chaotic spiritual treasure is not impossible.

Countless messages flashed frantically in Yun Yang's eyes. After a long time, the countless messages suddenly stopped, and Yun Yang showed a look of silence. "So that's the case. I was wrong at that time. The chaotic spiritual material is the combination of the energy of chaos and the law. It is nothing at all to create so many chaotic spiritual materials with his current power. It seems that he I've figured out a way, so I don't need to worry about it." (To be continued...)

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