Warriors in the flood

Chapter 596 A Tree

"It's such a strong seal. Even if I am sealed now, it would take a lot of effort to escape. The black hole in front of me has no intelligence, and it is impossible to calculate the flaws of the formation. Lian, a fetish that is completely incompatible with him, suppresses it, and it is almost impossible for him to break the seal and reappear in the world." Yun Yang frowned slightly.

If the black hole is sealed, isn't he also sealed in it? In the future, this black hole will be gradually refined by the heavens and worlds, and even he will be completely destroyed by then.After all, no matter how strong his will is, no matter how strong his physical body is, he still cannot bear the [-] Immortal Dao of Heaven to obliterate him bit by bit.

But Yun Yang has no good solution in front of him. After all, black holes are too scary. If there is an explosion, the entire universe will be swallowed up. "If you don't show up before the fusion of the heavens and the Tao, I can only forcefully enter the black hole to rescue you."

Taking a deep look at the black hole below, Yun Yang also began to mutter words. He spit out golden runes one by one, and the ethereal Dao sound rumbled in the void. Led by the thirteen immortal golden immortals, thirteen dark golden law chains intertwined with each other in the void, forming a large golden net in a blink of an eye, falling towards the blue mask below.

"Go." Watching the cyan mask gradually merge with the big net, Yun Yang threw his right hand, and the Heart of the Earth immediately fell rumbling downward.

The destroyed black hole seemed to feel the breath of death. For a moment, a solid black crystal pillar rose from the inside of the black hole, and an infinite force of destruction surged.The black crystal pillar swept out, and immediately punched the black ripples towards the thirteen immortal golden immortals.

"Seal the sky and lock the earth, block the formation, block it." Yun Yang stood upside down, and countless phantoms bloomed in his hands instantly.One by one, golden runes were shot out, and one after another, they were branded in the sky above the big golden net, resisting this terrifying ripple of destruction.

The other twelve Immortal Golden Immortals each took out their own treasures at this moment.Immediately, twelve Chaos Supreme Treasures rose up, and the Chaos Qi fell down, and the terrible Chaos Ripples also swept out, colliding with the Destruction Ripples in the chaos.

"Boom boom boom!" A deafening ripple swept towards the surrounding people, the cyan mask and the golden net were also shaking, the heart of the earth and the chaotic green lotus were also shaken by this wave of destruction, and it was difficult to lower it. .After all, this force is too powerful.

"Hmph! No matter how strong you are, you won't be able to escape from the forbidden formation. Seal it for me." Yun Yang's eyes instantly turned golden, and the mana surged like a tide. Into the chaotic green lotus.Holding the chaotic green lotus in his hand, Yun Yang swept towards the black hole below.

In an instant, the universe thundered and chaos surged.An extremely rich essence of creation turned into a long river, rolling up monstrous waves and rolling towards the black hole below.

The golden net and the cyan mask did not hinder the essence of good fortune.Instead, a circular passage can be used.Let the essence of good fortune rush into the dark black hole.

Sure enough, the black hole of destruction is formed by the gathering of infinite destructive forces in the universe, which is completely opposite to the spirit of creation of the chaotic green lotus.I saw two terrifying forces colliding crazily in it, and a terrifying shock swept across like ripples, making the twelve Immortal Golden Immortals feel pressure greatly increased.

However, the Chaos Qinglian is just a Chaos Supreme Treasure after all.Moreover, it is not the green lotus from countless years ago. Naturally, the vitality in the body cannot be compared with the black hole below, and the two are not at the same level at all.For a while, the essence of good luck retreated steadily, and he was almost forced out of the cyan mask.

"It's now." Yun Yang pressed his big hand.The golden net was instantly pressed into the cyan mask.Originally there was the existence of the power of destruction, it is almost impossible to integrate the two, after all the power of destruction also has an instinctive existence.But now that the power of destruction is being dragged by the essence of good fortune, there is no way to transfer the power to prevent the fusion of the two. By the time the power of destruction drives out all the essence of good fortune, it will be too late.

In the void, the golden net has already merged into the cyan mask, and countless dense golden threads began to cover the cyan mask. The mask, which was originally almost solid and immortal, now received the help of twelve immortal golden immortals. The power of law suddenly became more difficult to destroy.

In the black hole, infinite destructive power spewed out crazily, and the power as black as ink swept across the void. The terrible destructive power made all the immortal golden immortals change color. This power has surpassed their imagination, even if Even if they go up, I am afraid that they will be instantly destroyed or even fall.

However, in the face of the golden and blue mask, although the power of the black hole is almost indestructible, but this time it encountered a nemesis.This is the eye of the law array presided over by thirteen immortal golden immortals, and there are fifteen immortal heavens below, dozens of heavenly powerhouses, and hundreds of saints providing power. Strongly sealed.

"Chaos Qinglian, go." Yun Yang waved lightly, and the Chaos Qinglian and the Heart of the Earth in his hand immediately fell straight into the void and fell towards the golden blue mask.

"The good fortune is endless, and the power of creation arises." Yun Yang made a series of seals with both hands, and imprinted them on Qinglian one by one.Suddenly, the chaotic green lotus, which was originally mediocre, suddenly exploded with a tide of good fortune essence, and the infinite essence rushed into the black hole, sapping the power inside the black hole.

"Surrender." Yun Yang pressed both hands, and the chaotic green lotus, which was blooming with divine light, slowly landed in the sky above the black hole.

At this moment, the thirteen Immortal Golden Immortals and the fifteen Indestructible Heavenly Dao all made their moves at this moment, and 28 abyss-like forces rushed into the chaotic green lotus.The green lotus, which was originally radiant, swelled rapidly at this moment, and turned into infinity in a blink of an eye, floating gently above the black hole like a huge galaxy.

With the return of the chaotic green lotus, this heaven-sealed, earth-sealed and forbidden formation is also receiving the billowing chaotic energy from the void at this moment. The sky above the black hole, which was as black as ink in time, was shrouded in smoke formed by a rich essence of good fortune, and a burst of vitality filled everyone's hearts.

With the influx of 28 powers as vast as the sea, the power of the avenue communicated by the Chaos Qinglian became stronger and stronger, and the cyan smog of good fortune became thicker and thicker.In the end, covering the sky and covering the sun seems to completely cover the infinite stars.

"There are so many good fortune essences, even if such a large amount of good fortune spirits is of great benefit to us immortal golden immortals. It's a pity!" A Chaos Demon God regretted this, but so many good fortune spirits looked Seeing that you can't take it, people who choose it are itchy.

"Being able to seal this black hole is already very good. It is better to have the essence of good fortune to resist the engulfment of the black hole than to feed it in our own world."

"With this seal here, it is no longer a concern for the fifteen Immortal Heavenly Dao to consume his power every moment."

Many Immortal Golden Immortals are all smiling, even Hongjun and others from the prehistoric world are no exception.After all, the threat of this black hole is too great.Even the prehistoric world may be swallowed by it.The loss of this threat naturally cheered up everyone's hearts.

However, in this world, [-] out of [-] people have unsatisfactory lives, which means that most things cannot be viewed too optimistically.

Just when everyone was cheering for the black hole to be sealed.The black hole, which was originally resisted by the chaotic green lotus's good fortune essence, suddenly began to spin crazily at this moment.The terrible suction crazily devours everything.An incomparably huge, pitch-black vortex whirls crazily inside the black hole.All the essence of good fortune above the black hole is decreasing rapidly at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye, and the surging essence is completely swallowed up.

"This,,,, how is this possible? The power of destruction is completely opposite to the power of creation, how could it swallow the power of Chaos Qinglian?" Hongjun's face was pale, and his voice was full of disbelief look.

The rest of the Chaos Demon Gods were also looking at the pitch-black hole in front of them nervously at this moment, and no one knew what was going on inside.

"Not good. Chaotic Qinglian." Yun Yang's expression changed drastically.Because after the pitch-black hole devoured the pervasive essence of good fortune, it actually pointed its gaze at the chaotic green lotus, which was the source of the essence of good fortune, and naturally had a more pure essence of good fortune.

"Everyone, use all your strength to urge the chaotic green lotus to communicate with the avenue to receive the essence of good fortune. Otherwise, the chaotic green lotus will be swallowed up, and this large formation will be useless? At that time, our world will be threatened by black holes. "Yun Yang was extremely anxious, and rushed out of the chaotic divine light with both hands into the chaotic green lotus.

The rest of the Immortal Golden Immortals also sensed the crisis at this moment, and immediately came to Yun Yang's side, and the billowing mana quickly poured into the chaotic green lotus.Immediately, a long river completely condensed by the essence of fortune surged out, and the billowing essence of fortune turned into a long emerald green dragon and rushed towards the depths of the black hole.

Then,,,, there is no more.The essence of good fortune that had been condensed into substance, after rushing into the depths of the black hole, disappeared without even a bubble popping out.Moreover, the vortex in the black hole couldn't help but not shrink at this moment, but grew stronger, and even the large formation outside had the possibility of being broken.

"Damn it, we made a mistake. The essence of good fortune is not its nemesis at all. It may even be his tonic. We got it all wrong." It's getting a little tricky.

"Buzz buzz!" Just as everyone was discussing how to solve the problem of the black hole, the inside of the black hole suddenly shook, and the destructive power of the billowing tide receded to the surroundings, and a completely vacuum area appeared in front of everyone, making people feel like Very strange feeling.

Many Immortal Golden Immortals are staring at the depths of the black hole, they all want to see what it is that can make the destructive power of the black hole retreat.You must know that the power of destruction is beyond the power of the Immortal Golden Immortal, and it can make it retreat. Could it be the power of the great way?

Under the eyes of everyone, in the depths of the black hole, a ray of bright green light flashed away. That radiant light was stronger than the essence of creation of the chaotic green lotus, and the power contained in it was even more unmatched. The heart of the Immortal Golden Immortal was also trembling.

"What kind of power is that? To be able to make the power of destruction retreat, so that we are extremely afraid in the hearts of the Immortal Golden Immortal?" Pan Gu's real body swept towards Hongjun with some unattractive looks.

"I don't know, I really don't know." Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but smile bitterly at this moment.

Just when everyone was in the corner, deep in the black hole, the bright glow finally descended slowly, and everyone who saw the situation inside the glow was a little dazed.It was a tree, a simple big tree, this was Hongjun's first impression when he saw it. (To be continued..)

ps: An update tonight.

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