Warriors in the flood

Chapter 613 Absolute Time and Space

"Their true spirits are preserved by this seat for you. If this seat is not dead, they will not have any harm. This is always okay!" Yun Yang is not a heartless person, "Friend Tao has no physical body, and his strength has dropped, so he will be alone It’s enough to deal with one Chaos Demon God, and you don’t need to worry about the rest.”

"But this physical body was made by my twelve brothers and sisters who spent countless years of sacrifice. Although our life was given by God the Father, but without the physical body, what if there is a true spirit? Can't be reincarnated , and the last thing is death." Houtu still objected, and he had already taken out the Qiankun Axe in his hand, as if he would fight if he disagreed.

"Space Demon God, if we make a move now, can we directly injure an Immortal Golden Immortal, then we will surely win." Yahweh said to Yang Mei.

Raising eyebrows and shaking his head slightly, "You underestimate them. If we make a sneak attack, they will definitely fight us regardless of past suspicions. Besides, Hongjun and Luo Hou are not jealous, they will not just watch us sneak attack of."

Yahweh sneered and said, "So what about a decisive battle? Now Pangu is just a primordial spirit, and he can't exert [-]% of his strength. And those people in Pangu's world are still separated from each other. If they are not in the same mind, they will not consider others. At that time, we can break them one by one and completely seal them."

Raising his eyebrows and pondering for a few seconds, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice, "Okay, let's start the battle now, and catch them by surprise."

"Fellow Taoist Houtu, now is not the time to show off your strength. Your strength is the worst among us. The opponent has an extra top-level Chaos Demon God, and his strength has already surpassed ours. If Pangu's strength is not allowed to reach more than [-]%, we will lose It's settled, do you understand this? You know what the fate of failure is compared to!"

"Wuliang Tianzun, you are discussing these things in front of us, don't you think we don't exist? Let's go." Raising eyebrows and waving a big hand, hundreds of saints and heavenly powers burst into a terrifying momentum, like a huge tornado in the chaos Set off a stormy sea.The violent momentum destroyed everything.

"The prehistoric world belongs to each stop a strong man, and the four of you, Qingtian, stop the nine Heavenly Dao who hold the chaotic spiritual treasure. With your martial arts cultivation, it is enough not to be afraid of their spiritual treasure." Yun Yang also With a wave of his hand, hundreds of saints and dozens of gods in the prehistoric world also let go of their momentum, and another huge storm was set off in the chaos, and two terrible tornadoes collided crazily in the chaos .

"Boom boom boom!" The deafening sound was bursting.One after another figures rushed out from the two forces.They began to collide crazily in the chaos, and in a blink of an eye, the calm chaos was broken, space was distorting, time and space were collapsing, space cracks of thousands of miles in the chaos were constantly criss-crossing, and the turbulent flow of time and space rushed out and crushed everything.

But who can enter the chaotic space, which one is not comparable to the existence of a saint, if the so-called spatial turbulence is too strong, maybe the saint can be exiled.But today's space turbulence is the space broken by the saint himself, and at most it is nothing more than an attack.There is no threat to them at all.

When many saints and powerful men of the Dao of Heaven collided, the ten Immortal Golden Immortals also surrounded Yun Yang, Hong Jun and others at this moment.The ten forces above the heaven and the earth are surging, and the breath of the strongest is erupting.The Chaos Demon God will not give Yun Yang and others enough time to allow Pangu to recover to the peak of the year. This time, they will kill them thoroughly before Pangu merges with Pangu's real body.Otherwise, the final outcome will be difficult to say.

Lightly scanning the Immortal Golden Immortal around him, Yun Yang's expression was not moved, only calm. "Yangmei, do you think it's possible for ten of you to beat me?" Yun Yang stared at Yangmei with a proud expression.

He raised his eyebrows in silence for a long time, and after a while his eyebrows trembled, "If,,,,, we have no possibility, it's just,,,,,, it's different now. We still have the hope of victory, completely Go and follow Pangu's karma." The raised eyebrows made everyone not quite understand.What is impossible?What is now?Why do they have the possibility of victory now?Everyone was at a loss.

Yun Yang is very clear about this, "Raise your eyebrows! You think I really rely on...hehehe! Today, I will let you see my true strength. Although I can't delay you for too long, these There is enough time." While speaking, Yun Yang put his hands on his chest and pinched a strange seal.

"Not good, stop him." Yangmei felt the law of time and the law of space change slightly at the moment Yunyang pinched the seal. Not scaring yourself.

"It's late. Absolute time and space, get up." Yun Yang pressed the seal forward with both hands, and the time and space around him suddenly jumped slightly. It was only a moment that Yang Mei and others didn't really make a move, and their surroundings returned to the previous one again. calm.

The vast chaos is still as calm as ever, and the ten immortal golden immortals stand in the void of chaos, while the countless saints, Tiandao, Houtu, Pangu, Yunyang, Hongjun, Luohu and others around them have disappeared. However, the only ones staying here are Yang Mei and the ten Immortal Golden Immortals.

"Welcome everyone to my absolute time and space. This is the residual chaotic world created by me with my understanding of the laws of time and space. Although it is only a residual product, it is also a supreme treasure. Please appreciate it One or two." In the void, Yun Yang strolled out with the figures of Hong Jun and Luo Hou.

"Originally, I didn't want to use this hole card. The residual chaotic world, even a residual product, has unimaginable power. Unfortunately, I have to take it out now. Raise your eyebrows! Now that you know my identity, If you intervene in this matter, don't blame me for being ruthless." Yun Yang's expression was a little cold.

He raised his eyebrows and cupped his hands and said, "Tianzun doesn't have to show mercy. This matter is not about right or wrong, but about different positions."

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite. Fellow Daoist Hongjun, you will deal with the Frost Demon God, Light Demon God, and Elemental Demon God. The Water Demon God, Sky Thunder Demon God, and Judgment Demon God will be handed over to Luo Hou. The remaining four This one, I'll deal with it." Yun Yang's eyes flashed a gleam.

"Fellow Daoist Yunyang. They are four top Immortal Golden Immortals. Can you do it alone?" Hongjun and others shook their heads repeatedly.

Yun Yang laughed, "Of course it won't work in other places. But in my residual chaotic world, no one can communicate with the chaos outside, but I can mobilize the power of this residual chaotic world. If it weren't for For some reason, I can completely suppress them all by myself."

"Shoot, don't let them have a chance to separate us." He raised his eyebrows and shouted, and swung his right hand in the air. He caught in the floating dust in his hand, and countless silk threads easily tore apart the chaotic space.Cutting towards Yun Yang and the others, the terrifying thread was enough to easily break the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

"The supernatural power of the earth, the immortal mountain." "The supernatural power of judgment. Judge the world." "The supernatural power of frost, absolutely icy cold." Exploded from Mie Jinxian's hand, the vast energy tide evaporated chaos, evaporated space, and evaporated time.Under this almost magnificent energy flood.There is no existence that can compete with it, even Yun Yang has to stay away.

"It's useless, of course I've already figured this situation out. Now that I've figured it out, I'm naturally prepared for it." Yun Yang caressed the back of his head, and a faint halo of light flickered behind him, belonging to the breath of Dao In the air, a breath of supremacy over heaven and earth came down, making many immortal golden immortals startled.

"Split." Yun Yang held the Falun on his head.A clear word spit out from the mouth.At this time, he is the supreme avenue.In this universe, the Dao is supreme.

The strength of anyone facing the Dao is small, because the Dao is the universe, chaos, and the master of everything, and no one can violate the words of the Dao.

As Yun Yang uttered the ancient voice of 'Fen', the vast torrent of energy was suppressed by a supreme force.Although the ten terrifying energy supernatural powers are still powerful, their power at this moment is more than a hundred times worse than before.

Yun Yang flicked his right hand lightly, but no mana fluctuations were seen, and the ten terrifying power fluctuations had disappeared, and he did not know where he was exiled by Yun Yang.

"Spatial exile." Yun Yang controlled the Dao Falun from above, and drew two consecutive lines with his right hand in the chaos, and the ten immortal golden immortals were immediately divided into three parts.There are three Immortal Golden Immortals in two of them, and only the four Immortal Golden Immortals are in the most numerous, the strongest four being Raised Eyebrow, Gaia, Neros, and Uranus.

"You two, remember to hold them back with all your strength. This residual chaotic space won't last long. The collision between our immortal golden immortals is too strong." Yun Yang sighed faintly, waved his right hand, and the two space The arrival of power directly sent Hongjun and Luohou into their battlefield.

"I can only hold on for a while at most, and soon they will find out that this chaotic space is abnormal. At that time, they should break through the chaotic space! Breaking through the chaotic space is interesting, maybe I can take this opportunity to ask them to help me out." Are you busy?" Yun Yang pinched his fingers and began to calculate, and finally a smile appeared on his face, it turns out that this is also possible, so I have to feel sorry for you Chaos Demon Gods.

In the chaotic void, the four Chaos Demon Gods stared back to back in all directions. They were not familiar with everything here.Although each other's Dao laws can be used, the connection between them and their respective heavens has been completely broken. Now they have at most an immortal lifespan. Although their mana is endless, it is impossible to mobilize the power of their respective heavens Help yourself, more than half of your strength has been lost.

On the other hand, Yun Yang, in this chaotic world of remnants, he is almost like a great existence. Although it is impossible to kill himself and others, he can easily separate himself and others.Even the attacks of himself and others are the same, his strength has almost gained unimaginable growth here.

He raised his eyebrows and looked around vigilantly, sometimes staring at the void, sometimes frowning, but soon his raised eyebrows suddenly lit up, as if he saw something. "Fellow daoists, don't be deceived by him, his strength is not as terrible as we imagined." The raised eyebrows moved everyone.

"Fellow Daoist Raising Eyebrows, we have all seen his strength before. He can easily separate our joint attack, and even separate the ten of us silently. This kind of strength is definitely beyond our imagination. How can we beat him?"

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head with a confident smile, "But fellow daoist, have you forgotten, if his strength is really that terrible? Why not just suppress us directly, with the strength he showed before, he can completely crush us, no He was crushed to death with no effort, but why didn't he do that? It's not that he didn't want to, but he couldn't do it." Yang Mei's eyes were unusually bright, and he had already seen through all the messages.

"This is his territory, a world that he almost dominates, but this world is incomplete and a defective product. Although it seems to be infinitely powerful, it is not without any way to crack it." The eyes raised eyebrows from time to time Sweeping across the void, his eyes were full of vigilance.

"What is the solution? Raise your eyebrows and tell me quickly!" Niros said eagerly.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a supreme breath erupted, and a big foot stretched out from the void, and stepped straight towards Yangmei. (To be continued..)

ps: The update will resume tomorrow.

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