Just when Feng Lie fell into a state of speechlessness, in Yunyang's dantian, the voice of the good fortune jade document was transmitted to Yunyang's sea of ​​consciousness. "Boy, ask him where he learned this trick. There is clearly Pangu's Great Way of Opening Heaven in it. Although it is very vague, the Great Way of Opening Heaven contained in it exists. You must put this Learn one trick."

Yun Yang's expression changed slightly, he opened up the sky, no wonder he could break his six-way five-element ring attack one after another with his cultivation in the middle stage of a true immortal.

Don't underestimate the Six Paths and Five Elements Rings!Although Yun Yang's cultivation was at the peak of the early stage of the True Immortal, this was his realm, not his combat power.Yun Yang's physical body has already reached the peak of the third revolution of the nine-revolution five-element formula more than 40 years ago.And the peak of the third turn is the initial stage of the ultimate immortal weapon, and the defense power of each five-element ring is comparable to his physical body, that is to say, Feng Lie's blow is enough to destroy six ultimate defensive immortal weapons.

"By the way, Feng Lie, where did you learn this move? You must know that my five-element ring is comparable to my physical body's defense! To shatter six realms at once, your attack is definitely several times stronger than mine, you Where did you learn it?" Yun Yang pretended to be curious.

Feng Lie was still speechless, and when he heard Yun Yang's question, he said directly, "Of course I learned it from the image of Kai Tian, ​​but it's a pity that I can't learn the ax that Quan Father God used to open up the world, otherwise I would definitely be able to." Smashed your turtle shell."

"The image of Kaitian??? What is that?" Yun Yang was even more puzzled.

Feng Lie's eyes widened when he heard the words, "You don't know? How is this possible? This is the most common thing in our Wu clan. Every tribe will have the image of Kaitian. As long as you practice the first round of Xuangong Yes, anyone can go and watch."

Yun Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then pretended to smile wryly and said, "Feng Lie, you forgot, when I was out wandering, I didn't even practice the first round of the Nine-Turn Mysterious Kungfu! I don't even have the qualifications to watch it. do not talk."

Feng Lie suddenly realized, showing a clear expression, and then said, "Since my brother hasn't seen it, I will take him to see it. After all, the image of God the Father creating the world should be seen by every witch clan." Following Yun Yang, he walked towards a place of the Wu clan.

Yun Yang, on the other hand, asked curiously, "Feng Lie, what exactly is this image of opening the sky? Could it be the image of the Father God opening the sky and the earth? However, when the Father God opened the sky, there was no one else. Where did it come from?"

"Of course it is the supernatural powers of the ancestor witches. You must know that the ancestor witches are transformed by the blood of the father god. Their memories retain some scenes of the father god opening up the world, and many ancestor ancestor witches will remember each other. The scenes of the Father God opening the sky are combined to form this image of the opening of the sky." Feng Lie explained.

"So that's it." Yun Yang nodded slightly, but then frowned, "But logically speaking, this image of opening the sky should be the supreme treasure, after all, it contains the Dao of the Father God, and it is still the image of the gods. It was formed by the painstaking efforts of the ancestral witch, and should be kept very strictly to prevent others from peeping, so how could there be this image of opening the sky in every tribe?" Yun Yang asked puzzled in his heart.

"Hehehe, brother, I knew you would ask this question. I asked this question before." Feng Lie smiled, and then said, "That's right, this image of Kaitian should indeed be regarded as the supreme treasure. At the beginning, everyone The ancestor witch also kept it very strictly, but later, the ancestor witch discovered that only the monks who practiced the nine-turn mystical art or tried to prove the way with strength can understand the image of Kaitian, and the rest cannot see it. I understand the image of Kaitian. Therefore, this image of Kaitian has become something in every tribe." Feng Lie shrugged.

"I see." Yun Yang relieved the doubts in his heart.

While the two were discussing and talking, they had already come to a huge stone house, which was the tribe's treasure house. "This is the tribe's treasury, it's inappropriate for me to enter here!" Yun Yang felt a little confused, after all, although he had joined the Fengyi Tribe for a while, he had never entered this treasury.

"Don't worry, although there are some spiritual treasures and other things in this treasure house, our Wu Clan has no primordial spirit. For us Wu Clan, those things can't be refined at all except for viewing. Use. And this treasure house is only a hidden treasure house on the bright side, which is beyond our knowledge." Feng Lie pulled Yun Yang into the stone house.

After entering this stone house, Yun Yang realized that the stone house in front of him was countless times larger than the outside, Yun Yang was a little surprised when he saw this, "Mustard Nasumi."

"Brother Houyi, there are many rooms in this stone house. Come on, the image of the opening of the sky is in this room. But this thing will only be seen once in several years, and no one is looking at it now. After you go in, go directly to the central one. Just use a spar to input mana. I'll go back and heal my wounds first." Feng Lie walked outside as he spoke.

"Brother, let's go." After finishing speaking, Yun Yang pushed open the door and walked in.

After Yun Yang entered the room, he was very speechless, because there was only one stone pillar in the middle of the room, with a spar on it, and the rest of the surrounding area was empty, with nothing.

Yun Yang's will swept slightly, and found that there were no organs or other things around. He walked to the side of the stone pillar. Yun Yang put his right hand on the stone pillar, and then a bright light flashed in his eyes. "The turbid air of the earth, this thing only absorbs the turbid air of the earth, no, it should only absorb the mana tempered by the nine-turn Xuangong." Thinking of this, Yun Yang was relieved. The original appearance of the law has evolved from the Jiuzhuan Xuangong, and there is no change in essence, but it is just turning the turbid air of the earth into the power of the five elements.

Thinking of this, Yun Yang poured his mana into the spar, and suddenly a ray of light shot out from the spar and sank into Yun Yang's body.

After Yun Yang's will shot into the body with that ray of light, he felt an illusory image appearing around his will.Yun Yang, on the other hand, felt that his will seemed to have come to a dark space, where the same gas as his dantian, the gas of chaos, flowed.

And in the very center of this pitch-black space, there is an incomparably huge big egg, devouring the endless chaotic energy crazily, and this egg is also constantly expanding, eventually becoming a colossus.And when the egg grew to a gigantic size of billions of miles, the egg shell was finally broken by a cold light, and a big man full of muscles stepped out of the chaos.

And this giant stepped on the chaotic green lotus, on the top of the head was the good fortune jade card, and held the Pangu God-opening axe. He was the great god Pangu who created the world.

However, when Yun Yang saw this giant, his will was filled with anger, as if he wanted to slap him to death.This feeling made Yun Yang a little startled, how could he have such a mentality.

But at this moment, Pangu, who was standing in the chaos, swung his divine ax towards the chaos, and with a bang, the whole chaos suddenly boiled, and the endless energy of chaos surged crazily, destroying the kamikaze. , World Exterminating God Thunder, Chaos Divine Fire, Nine Yin Underworld Water, etc., countless Chaos Gods rushed towards Pangu crazily, and the terrifying power made Chaos shake.

But Pangu's face remained unchanged, and the divine ax in his hand was slashing towards Chaos one after another. It seemed chaotic, but in fact it followed the path of the Dao. Under the power of the axe, all of them were smashed into pieces, some turned into spirit treasures, and some turned into spirit objects, all of which fell into the newly opened world at Pangu's feet.

In the entire chaos, with Pangu's slashing, gorgeous ax lights flashed.Chaos is like big bubbles, which are divided into two by the ax light, and the chaotic air is continuously divided into positive and clear air and cloudy air.Earth, water, fire, and wind rushed endlessly, beating wildly like stormy waves.The chaos is constantly being broken, and it is constantly closing, and there are constant explosions.

And Yun Yang's will was to completely immerse himself in the avenue of opening up the sky that Pangu swung when he swung the divine axe.Although it is said that this image of opening the sky is evolved from the memories of the twelve ancestor witches, it has also been perfected by seven or eight levels. Qing is much stronger.

And the image of Kaitian in front of him has about [-]% of the true creation of the world, but this [-]% is enough for Yun Yang to comprehend, after all, Yun Yang at this moment is just a small real fairy.

In the image of chaos, Pangu kept waving the divine axe in his hand, and the space of chaos was constantly being broken. When Pangu roared and the No.40 nine-axe was struck out, the whole chaos was shocked suddenly, and then it was broken open The chaos can no longer be closed, the chaos is truly broken.

As for the God of Opening Axe, because it could not bear the power of opening the sky, it shattered and the pattern on the ax turned into a scroll of yin and yang and two qi intertwined, which is the picture of Tai Chi.The ax turned into a large chaotic-colored banner, which was called Pangu Banner.The handle of the ax turned into a chaotic bell, which jingled and sounded like a chaotic bell.

While Pangu held up the Pangu flag, streams of chaotic sword energy gushed out endlessly, hitting the heaven and earth that wanted to close together, raising the Taiji map, turning it into a golden bridge, extending towards the immeasurable chaos, wherever it passed The earth, water, fire, and wind subsided one after another, and the Chaos Bell was raised again, and the clang rang continuously, and the heaven and earth were suppressed and stopped shaking.

But just as Pangu was stabilizing the world, the sky and the earth were gradually closing together, and there was a tendency to turn into chaos again. With a roar, Pangu swung his last ax towards Mingming, and Yun Yang's will jumped slightly. But in the end it returned to tranquility.

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