Pokemon et al.

Chapter 127 During the battle: 6 into 8


spn "Not good, the ice has been melted by the hot wind, and those electric energy are... the electromagnetic cannon blocked by the Gotha Duck at that time!" Great change, "Liuqing uses hot air to melt the ice surface into water and draw out the hidden electricity inside!"

It's a pity that Xiaoxia was a bit late in reacting. Although the hot wind hardly caused any damage to the Gotha Duck after it dispersed, the wind still blew it down from the air, and the blue electric light immediately burst from the mixed water. The ice surface was transmitted to the Gotha Duck, and the pupils of the Gotha Duck's eyes dilated immediately, and it let out a cry of pain. Afterwards, a blue ball of light was emitted from the Gotha Duck's body again, and the huge superpower spread. , and the electricity was directly smashed to pieces under this powerful superpower, and the water was also evaporated instantly, leaving behind a huge smooth ice surface with a radius of five meters, and blue currents flickering all over the body, half The Gotha Duck panting violently while supporting its body. "Come back, Gotha Duck, you did a great job!" Just as Liu Qing was about to give Gotha Duck a final blow, Xiaoxia suddenly took out the elf ball and put it away and said to the referee, "Godha Duck I can no longer fight, I admit defeat!"

"Contestant Xiaoxia surrenders automatically, Gentleman Crow wins!" the referee announced.

"The outcome has been decided, and the winner is Liuqing from Jinhuang City! Although Xiaoxia conceded automatically in the last match, the wonderful match and powerful superpower performance still gave us a visual feast for the audience. Let us Let's give warm applause to the two contestants together!" The commentator said, and the whole venue burst into warm applause.

"Sure enough, I still lost. Although I knew the result a long time ago, it's really a pity that I didn't see all your elves." Liuqing and Xiaoxia walked towards each other together, stretched out their hands and held each other, listening to Xiaoxia Having said that, Liu Qing smiled and said, "Although I haven't seen all my little elves, I have seen the great potential of your 6 little elves, and it's only been a few months since you really challenged the gymnasium. Well, it has surprised me to be able to reach this level, and I look forward to fighting with you again in the future, especially your Gotha Duck!" [

"Thank you, I will definitely work harder in cultivation next time, and then I won't lose to you so easily!" Xiaoxia said.

"Next is the first round of the Chengdu League Silver Tournament, and the second production competition. Please come to the venue quickly, and repeat..."

"It was a wonderful match, Liuqing, Xiaoxia, you guys did a great job!" At this time, Liuyuan, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also came over, Xiaogang said, and Liuqing nodded when he heard the words nod.

"Thank you, but it should be Ye Yue's match next, and we should give up the venue!" Xiaoxia said goodbye to Liuqing and Liuyuan, and then greeted the red contestant with Xiaozhi and Xiaogang. Passage to go.

"Let's go too." Liu Qing hugged Bo Kebi and Liu Yuan and walked towards the green player channel.

"It was a wonderful match, Liu Qing, congratulations on making it to the second round!" As he approached the aisle, he happened to meet Ye Yue who was walking out.

"I believe this match is not difficult for you, I am looking forward to a match with you!" Liu Qing smiled and said.

"En!" Ye Yue nodded and walked out of the aisle, Liu Qing also brought Liu Yuan to the auditorium and found two seats to sit down.

The match between Ye Yue and Cun Lang started quickly. The opponent sent out the first little elf, Geng Gui, and Ye Yue called out Hei Lujia, and the other side saw that Hei Lujia took Geng Gui away at once. Go back and release the octopus bucket.

Hei Lujia used flame jets as soon as he came on the stage, and the octopus barrel used the ink cannon. When the water and fire met, they immediately turned into water vapor and spread out. Then it was Hei Lujia's paradise. , relying on the sensitivity of the dog's nose, easily found the location of the octopus barrel through the water mist, first hit the octopus barrel with a dark wave, making it frightened, and then a shot of Steel Tail won the first match.

"Brother, the tactic Ye Yue used is very similar to the wind speed dog you used in the last Quartz Conference." Liu Yuan turned to look at Liu Qing and said.

"The tactic is for you to learn from me, and I to learn from you, but just learning from it is not enough, I have to make it my own, and more importantly, I know this tactic, and I have to find a way to break it." Liu Qing continued.

"Understood, big brother." Liu Yuan nodded.

While speaking, Cun Lang had already dispatched the second little elf, Long Longyan, to defeat Hei Lujia with earthquake and rolling. Ye Yue's second little elf was a big "milk" pot, and both sides used the rolling trick to attack each other at the same time. It is an advantage, but because the big milk tank has the ability to restore physical strength, the state is much better than Long Longyan. After seizing an opportunity, he defeated his opponent with a combined fist.Cun Lang's third elf is Weili, of course he can't compare with Weili in terms of strength, and was finally defeated by Weili with a cross cut.Then Ye Yue released the Toucan, and Cun Lang withdrew his strange power and released Geng Gui again. Through the weirdness of the ghost system, he finally defeated the Toucan with the freezing wind.

Ye Yue first lost the three elves. After a 5-minute intermission, the opponent continued to use Geng Gui after he came out.

"Brother, this move is very similar to your Geng Gui, it's clean and neat." Liu Yuan smiled and said, Liu Qing nodded and continued to look at the playing field.

Muraro's fourth elf is the moth, which is obviously cultivated as a control system. The use of ultrasonic waves, poisonous powder, signal light, and restraints has caused Suripai to fall into a bitter battle. Although he finally defeated his opponent with mental interference, he himself fell into a poisoned state and was crushed and defeated by Cun Lang's fifth elf, Bruhuang. Insufficient speed, the continuous fast attack made Blue Huang overwhelmed, and finally lost to the steel claws. The last elf of the village man was a strange power, because it had already been compared with the big milk tank. Therefore, it was obviously not in full bloom after playing, coupled with the fact that he was constantly slowed down by the freezing wind, and was finally defeated by Yula's head hammer. Ye Yue smoothly advanced to the top 8.

The first match in the afternoon was between Xiaozhi and Xiaomao. As in the original plot, the Charizard returned and defeated Xiaomao's strongest elf Blastoise. Xiaozhi advanced to the top eight. The second match in the afternoon The two didn't know Liu Qing, and they fought fiercely. In the end, one of the girls defeated the opponent with a slight advantage and advanced to the second round.

The first match of the next morning was Hua Yan's. Although the opponent was not very strong, Hua Yan still played very hard and mercilessly. In the end, the match ended on a high note with the advantage of only three elves left. [

"Brother, I think Hua Yan didn't want to lose to you, that's why he beat you so hard." Liu Yuan smiled very wickedly, "But it's a pity that it is still not as good as you, you see Hua Yan is still You look unhappy."

Liu Qing rolled her eyes after listening, pretending not to hear.

The second match in the afternoon was Dushe's match. Perhaps in order to preserve his strength, Dushe did not take out his trump card, the alligator, and won the victory steadily, ending the first round of the Silver Conference.

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