Pokemon et al.

Chapter 130 During the battle: 8 into 4


spn "Gentleman Crow fell, Ye Yue won another game, and now the two players are tied!" The commentator said loudly, and the audience in the field also gave warm applause.

"Come back, Gentleman Crow, you've done a good job!" After Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, he quickly reacted and took the Gentleman Crow back to the poke ball, looked at Ye Yue and said, "I didn't expect Boshi Kedora to hide This most powerful rock-type trick surprised me, but seeing that Boss Kedora has not been affected by the reaction force, it seems that it should be the characteristic of the stone head!" "Liu Qing, you You guessed right, Boss Kedora's "property" is indeed a stone head." Ye Yue nodded and said, "Then, what elf will you use next?"

"Go, Sanlongz." Hearing this, Liu Qing didn't delay, and released her third elf directly.

"After losing two elves in succession, contestant Liu Qing released the third elf, Sanlongz!" said the commentator.

"Boss Kedora, the fluctuation of water!" Ye Yue may have realized that Boss Kedora's physical strength is not much left, so Ye Yue launched the attack first. [

"It's useless, Sanlongz, electromagnetic gun!"

The three dragons floating in the air suddenly separated when the wave of water rushed up from the ground, and the energy of the electromagnetic cannon was gathered on the head, and a huge blue electric column was sent out instantly, submerging Boss Kedora Going down, with Boscodora's last cry of pain, he fell to the ground and lost his fighting power!

"Boshi Kedora lost the ability to fight, Sanlong Z won!" The referee raised the flag and said.

"Ah, player Liuqing launched a powerful counterattack as soon as he entered the field and defeated his opponent with one blow. Since player Ye Yue has lost three elves, now there is a 5-minute intermission!" The commentator said, Liuqing also took back three Long Z returned to the rest area.

"Brother, Ye Yue is using elves from the Fangyuan area. He must have just come out to travel and subdue them. The training time is several years longer than the elves you use in the Chengdu area. If I had known earlier, Just use the little elves that my mother took care of at home, although the time is not long, but it is better than now." Back to the rest area, I heard Liu Yuan complaining.

"You little guy, who told you that the longer the training time, the better the elf? Or do you want the elder brother to travel about the same time as Ye Yue to "touch" the threshold of the quasi-king?" Liu Qingyang was angry. road.

"Tch, big brother is too immodest. I heard from my mother and Cousin Kona that you have already reached the level of a heavenly king after traveling for a year." Liu Yuan turned his head and said, "Let me learn more from you."

"Hehe!" Liuqing rubbed Liuyuan's blond hair and said, "Since you know what you're doing, what's the big brother to suffer? The little elves have been poor for a few years, and besides, doesn’t the elder brother still have two veterans, the Gyarados and the Gyarados?”

With a sound of "beep!", Liu Qing ended the conversation, and Ye Yue, who also stood up, walked up to the venue again and took a good position.

"The second round of the Silver Conference Finals Tournament, the two contestants are in the second half of the competition for the right to participate in the semi-finals, and it's about to start!" the commentator said loudly.

"Go, Night Giant!"

"Ice Elf, it's you!"

As the two threw the elf balls one after another, the elves from both parties appeared together in the field.

"It's appeared. The little elf used by Ye Yue is a night giant, and Liu Qing also released a fourth little elf, ice elf!" said the commentator.

"A night giant of the ghost type? It seems that Ye Yue is planning to use the weirdness of the ghost type to regain the disadvantage?" Liu Qing looked at Ye Yue and said.

"That's right, I've thought about it for a long time in order to deal with you, and it's time for me, the night giant, to come out when your gentleman crow loses its fighting power!" Ye Yue said to the night giant, "night giant, hide !"

"Ice elves, hail!" Liu Qing ordered at the same time.

"Ye Yue wanted to use the night giant to surprise the ice elf, but it seems that he made the wrong idea!" Xiao Gang said in the audience.

"Yes, it can be seen from the fact that Liu Qing didn't continue to use Sanlongz." Xiaoxia nodded. [

"I remember when Liu Qing used ice elves to deal with Xiaosong's ghost-type elves. At that time, Liu Qing used the hail to find out the location of the hidden elves. It's really similar to the current situation." Xiaozhi recalled for a while and said.

The night giant was completely hidden in the arena at this moment, but as the ice elves used hail, the sky was overcast, and hail began to fall.

"The hail will inflict damage to the night giant every round, and the ice elf must be dealt with as soon as possible!" Ye Yue thought in his heart, and immediately ordered, "Night giant, flame fist!"

"Ice elf, avoid, shadow ball!"

In the eyes of the ice elves, the position of the night giant has always been very clear, so when he heard Liu Qing's order, his body jumped into the air, and at this moment a flaming fist just passed through the position of the ice elves just now, and then the ice A shadow ball quickly gathered in the elf's mouth, and it was fired directly to the left. After a "bang", the night giant's body was directly blasted out.

"What?" Ye Yue was shocked when he saw this. Seeing that the ice elf was about to use a blizzard to continue attacking, he quickly took out the elf ball and shouted, "Come back, night giant!"

"The night giant's invisibility is completely useless against the ice elves. Facing the continued pursuit of the ice elves, player Ye Yue took the night giant back!" said the commentator.

"I understand!" Looking at the falling hailstones, Ye Yue put away his shocked expression and looked at Liu Qing, "As expected, he is indeed a former quartz champion, playing tricks can only ask for trouble, but this Guy, what are you going to do? Go, steel snake, sandstorm!"

As soon as the big steel snake came out, two protruding parts of the second part of its body spun rapidly, a sandstorm spread out immediately, collided violently with the hail, and then both disappeared, returning to normal weather.

"Without the hail, the ice elf is like a broken arm. Big steel snake, attack, Steel Tail!" Ye Yue ordered immediately after achieving his goal.

"Do you think that because the ice elf has the help of hail, I will not exercise the ice elf's evasion ability in normal weather because of the characteristics of the snow concealment technique?" Liu Qing said flatly, "Ice elf, avoid Go, Blizzard!"

The big steel snake's huge tail swept towards the ice elf with a metallic luster, but was dodged by the sensitive ice elf, and hit the ground with a "bang", and then a blizzard burst out instantly, along the big steel snake The body went upwards, directly hitting the bottom of the big steel snake's neck, showing a painful expression.

"Big Steel Snake, quickly avoid it by digging a hole!" Ye Yue shouted anxiously.

"Roar!" The big steel snake resisted the chill brought by the blizzard, and quickly got into the ground with its head down.

"Can you escape? Ice Elf, catch up!" Liu Qing chased after him.

After the ice elf stopped the blizzard, he immediately came to the hole dug by the big steel snake, and the blizzard blew out again. Bitter cold wind raged in the hole dug by the big steel snake, accompanied by the wailing sound of the big steel snake underground, With a "boom", he came out of the hole directly, and the ice elf who was guarding once again sent a blizzard to the big steel snake that broke out of the ground.

"At this moment, the Big Steel Snake is really on its way to the sky, and is being attacked by the ice elf that has been chasing after it. Can Ye Yue find a way to break through?" the commentator said excitedly.

"Big Steel Snake, dig a hole again!"

"What, player Ye Yue asked Big Steel Snake to continue using digging holes, what exactly do you want to do?" The commentator's doubtful voice came from the radio.

"Roar!" The big steel snake roared, and once again quickly burrowed into the ground, the ice elf didn't even need Liu Qing's order, and once again ran to the ice dug out by the big steel snake, and was about to blow out a blizzard.

"It's now, the big steel snake uses a binding attack!" Suddenly, Ye Yue shouted loudly.

Following Ye Yue's voice, the big steel snake's huge body suddenly came out of the hole dug just now, its long tail wrapped around the ice elf who couldn't avoid it, and followed Ye Yue The command opened his bloody mouth, and bit the ice elf. [

"The ice elf was caught by the big steel snake. It seems that the big steel snake has been hiding there after digging the hole just now, waiting for the opportunity to catch the ice elf and counterattack!" the narrator said excitedly.

"It's a good strategy, but this time the ice elf is closer to the big steel snake's mouth, the ice elf, output with all its strength—blizzard!" Liu Qing shouted calmly.

The ice elf, who was being entangled in great pain by the giant steel snake, immediately opened his eyes, and began to gather energy in his mouth facing the giant mouth that was getting closer and closer.

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