Pokemon et al.

Chapter 163 Orange Blossom Gym, VS Li!


spn "Liu Qing, I have accepted your challenge. I have just taken over as the owner of the Orange Gym. I also want to start my career as the owner by fighting with the champions of Kanto and Chengdu. !" Qianli didn't ask Liu Qing how he knew him, and even told Liu Qing's achievements all at once, the flames of fighting spirit in his eyes ignited.

"Ah, Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng, your father is getting serious!" Mitsuko said to the two children.Then a group of people walked towards the gymnasium.

"Liu Qing, since my father agreed to your challenge, can you let me see your Gyarados, although I have seen it on TV, but I still want to see it with my own eyes." On the way, Xiao Sheng looked at it expectantly. Clear the way.

"Sorry, I didn't bring the Gyarados with me when I came to the Fangyuan area."

"Then what elves did you bring? Ice elves? Three dragons? Super iron tyrannosaurus? Gentleman crow..." Xiao Sheng asked. [

"Hehe, I didn't bring these either." Liu Chennai said.

"Hey, then what kind of elves did you bring? My father made a rule to challenge the gymnasium with a 3-on-3 match. Don't you not have enough elves?"

"The number of elves is not a problem. As for which ones I brought, you can see them when I fight your father next." Liu Qing said, and a group of people had already entered the battle field.

"Now the Gym Challenge is about to start. There are three elves, the owner and the challenger. When all the elves on either side lose their fighting power, the game ends. Only the challenger can replace the elves. The game begins! "The referee had already waited by the side of the arena at some point, and said immediately after the two took their positions.

"Then, let me see your strength. My first elf is..." Qianli said and threw the elf ball, "Please, lazy man!"

"A lazy man, I don't know how much Mr. Qianli has overcome the lazy character of this lazy man?" Liu Qing also took out a poke ball and threw it out, "Being the first one I challenged in the Fangyuan area Gym, I will go all out to get the badge no matter what! Pokkigu, it's you!"

"Brother, come on!" Liu Yuan, who was already watching with Qianli's family, shouted loudly.

"En!" Liu Qing nodded towards that side after hearing the words, and her heart that was excited earlier also calmed down.

"It's Pokkigu, a rare little elf. As a challenger, Liu Qing, you should attack first." Qianli said.

"Then I won't be polite, Pokkigu, vacuum slash!" Liu Qing ordered Pokkigu directly.

Pokkisi, who was in the air, immediately flapped his wings on the back, formed two half-moon-shaped vacuum slashes, and cut towards the lazy man, but when he was about to attack the lazy man, the lazy man suddenly swayed from side to side, dodging He opened the vacuum slash, looking very relaxed.

"How come?" Liu Yuan who was watching immediately exclaimed.

"Of course, Dad is very strong. Even if Liu Qing has won the league championship, he is no match for Dad." Xiao Sheng said confidently.

"It's too early to say whether he wins or loses. Big brother hasn't shown his strength yet!" Liu Yuan snorted and continued to look at the field.

"Lazy man, awaken your power!" After the lazy man dodged the vacuum attack, Qianli immediately counterattacked.

The lazy man who was still swaying left and right immediately put his hands on his chest, gathered the power of awakening, and sent it out to Pokkigu. A dozen white light balls made circular movements to wrap Pokkigu , which made Pokkigu nervous, and then the power of awakening suddenly converged on Pokkigu in the middle.

"Pokekigu, protect!" Liu Qing ordered immediately.

Hearing the words, Pokkigu, who was in a panic, immediately stabilized. With a wave of his hands, a light green energy shield was formed to block the explosion of the awakened power.

"Mr. Qianli, I didn't expect you to deal with the lazy man's laziness by shaking his body from side to side, so that he can avoid the enemy's attack and give the opponent a quick counterattack after the laziness is over. It's a good strategy." Liu Qing couldn't help but praise. [

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to see it so soon." Qianli said in surprise that Liu Qing could see his countermeasure at a glance.

"Pokkigu, it's time to fight back, Magic Leaf Slash!" Liu Qing immediately ordered as the power of the awakened power explosion had gradually faded as he spoke.

As Liu Qing's voice fell, more than a dozen green leaves flew out from behind the smoke and dust generated by the explosion of the awakened power, and flew towards the lazy man.

"Lazy man, Blizzard!" Magic Leaf Slash is a must-hit skill, and the lazy man can't dodge it by shaking from side to side. Of course, Qianli knows this and shouted decisively.

The lazy man who was still swaying from side to side straightened his body, opened his mouth and sprayed out a blizzard, which directly froze the flying Moye Zhan, and then hit Pokkigu in the air, and Pokkigu let out a scream immediately. Outstanding, and the blizzard shows no signs of stopping.

"Excellent, actually using laziness to prolong the end of the blizzard." Seeing this, Liu Qing also admired Qianli, and immediately shouted, "Pokkigu, protect!"

Pokkigu in the blizzard heard the words, resisted his body that was gradually freezing, and after yelling, the light green protective cover formed again between waving hands, blocking the continuous attack of the blizzard. attacked.

"Liu Qing, what's the matter, even if you know the secret of the lazy man's body shaking, you can't easily defeat the lazy man." Qianli said confidently.

"It's not certain." Liu Qing was unmoved, and ordered again, "Pokekigu, Demon Leaf Slash!"

"What's the use of an attack that has already failed? Another blizzard from the lazy man!"

Facing the magic leaf chop flying over again, the lazy man opened his mouth again, and a blizzard blew out, freezing the magic leaf chop and blowing towards Pokkigu again.

"Pokekigu, avoid it!" Liu Qing shouted immediately.

Pokkigu suffered a loss once, and of course he would not want to suffer again. He flapped his wings and flew to one side as soon as he heard Liuqing's order, but Blizzard didn't chase Pokkigu after he hit Pokkigu in vain, but It is to continue attacking in that direction.

"Haha, that's true. Although the laziness prolongs the blizzard time, it is also because of laziness that the lazy man will not turn around and attack Pokkigu at all." Seeing that what she was thinking was right, Liu Qing immediately Ordered, "Pokekigu, Bird!"

"Oops!" As soon as Qianli heard Liu Qing's words, he knew that the lazy man's last secret had also been revealed, and immediately knew it was not good.

Hearing the order, Pokkigu immediately raised a light blue light ball in front of his mouth, and fired it at the lazy man. After a "bang", the lazy man lost his fighting power and fell to the ground.

"The lazy man lost his combat power, and Pokkigu won!" the referee announced.

"How could this be, the one who had the upper hand just now lost all of a sudden?" Xiao Sheng stood up and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, it's easy to turn the situation around with my elder brother's strength!" Liu Yuan said proudly.

"Liu Qing, your insight is terrifying. You discovered all the secrets of the lazy man so quickly, but... it seems that Pokkigu still can't learn waveguide?" Qianli asked.

"Ah, my Pokkigu has learned waveguide in advance due to special reasons." Liu Qing said, "Then, what kind of elf will Mr. Qianli's second elf be?"

"My second elf is... go, hyperactive ape!" Qianli threw the second elf ball directly. [

As soon as the hyperactive ape appeared on the stage, people obviously felt a different atmosphere from the lazy man, very active, or irritable, constantly showing sharp claws and a strong body to Pokkigu in the air.

"Come back, Pokkigu!" After taking back Pokkigu, Liu Qing took out the second Pokéball and threw it out, "King Hippo, look at you!"

With the flash of white light, the hippopotamus king appeared in the field, with his hands behind his back, a leisurely look, in stark contrast to the hyperactive ape who was still and moved.

"It's the Hippo King, a rare elf like Pokkigu!" Xiao Sheng couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hey, Xiaosheng, do you know the hippopotamus king? I thought it was a standing hippopotamus!" Xiaoyao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

"Sister, Hippo King and Silly Hippo are both evolved from Silly Beasts, but Hippo King has amazing wisdom and inspiration, and he is calm and leisurely at all times." Xiaosheng said like a treasure.

"Sure enough, it looks really leisurely." Xiaoyao looked at the Hippo Queen again and murmured.

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