Pokemon et al.

Chapter 20 Mewtwo's Counterattack


The spn Bofeng family is indeed a top-level family with abundant manpower. It only took one day to complete the task of clearing up the young man, and found a metal coat, and this metal coat is also a special evolutionary prop in the family, with light metal Even if it evolves into a giant pincer mantis, it will not be affected by the weight after evolution, and it can still fly.After wearing the metal coat, the flying mantis successfully evolved into a red giant pincer mantis, and because of the evolution, the speed was even faster, almost comparable to the red lightning.

A month passed in a blink of an eye, and on this day Liuqing was still training the seven elves at home as usual, but when Liuqing commanded Ghost Stone to fight with Coconut Egg Tree, a strong wind pressure suddenly came from From a distance, several little elves stopped their training involuntarily, and made a cautious gesture towards an orange figure that flew over quickly, and more were released by the defense force of Liu Qing's home. A large number of flying elves chased this orange figure, but the speed of the orange figure was too fast. How could those little elves catch up until the orange figure landed not far in front of Liu Qing When they got together, everyone realized that this figure was actually a fast dragon with a brown satchel on its back, and it could be seen that it was an elf with an owner.

"The post office is so high-end now, do you already use Kuailong as a postman?" Watching Kuailong take out a letter from his bag and hand it over, Liu Qing signaled the guards who surrounded him to leave, and took it with a murmur letter.

After opening the letter, it was a small electronic disk. After being cleared and the envelope was taken out, a blue beam of light rose in the center of the disk in the shape of a poke ball, revealing a woman in coffee The woman in the "color" top hat and dress, after a lady's salute, said in the voice of Furui Bo: "Please forgive me for writing to you, you are considered to be the most promising elf trainer, so I would like to invite everyone to join me. The strongest elf trainer party held by the master, the location is Niijima · elf city!" Speaking of this, the location of Niijima appeared in the blue beam of light, "I don't know if you would like to come, please post a postcard Tick ​​it, this is an invitation from the strongest elf trainer, please be sure to participate!" After speaking, the woman saluted again, and the blue light dissipated.

"Interesting, although the memory of my previous life began to be blurred by unknown influences after I came to this world, I still remember this important event clearly. It should be the invitation made by Chaomeng! I learned from my family earlier A powerful and mysterious elf escaped from Banmu's hand in the Viki Pan Gym, thinking that he had no chance to see Chaomeng, eh~ Although I don't know how I was noticed by Chaomeng, but I can go to see Chaomeng and Chaomeng. It would be an extremely rare experience for me and the elves to fight against Dreams, and even have the opportunity to ask Chaomeng for advice!" Taking out the postcard from the letter, Liu Qing ticked it without hesitation, and then Handed it back to Kuailong, watching Kuailong's disappearing figure in the sky, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and murmured, "And I also wonder how Xiaozhi, who was attacked by Mengmeng and Chaomeng at that time, was resurrected. I believe that the tears of those ordinary elves will have this effect of bringing the dead back to life! I really look forward to it~” [

The location of the new island invited by Chaomeng started from the harbor of Qianhong City, which belongs to the ocean near Honglian Island. When Liu Qing arrived at the harbor, the entire sky was covered by thick dark clouds. A gust of wind blew up, and the whole world was instantly covered by rain curtains.

"It's really terrifying energy!" After Liu Qing's reincarnation, it may be because of the superposition of the soul that he has a magical ability. It was not very obvious when he first woke up, but after such a long journey, this ability has already been developed. At this time, you can vaguely perceive that the unnatural power contained in the dark clouds in the sky is continuously instilled in it, making the weather more and more violent, and this violent power also makes some relatives The weak elves became restless and irritable. Not far from Liuqing, a Lada and a giant claw crab were affected, and they barely stopped without fighting under the comfort of the masters of the two elves.

"Passengers, please pay attention. Due to the storm, the ferry to Xindao has been temporarily cancelled. I will inform you again..." After a short while, Liu Qing saw the group covered in rain again. Three people ran in from the outside, it was Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang that Liuqing had met in the Grand Canyon. At this moment, the voice of the broadcast sounded in the cabin, and suddenly it seemed to explode. Like a pot, almost all the trainers surrounded the woman who was holding a loudspeaker to announce the announcement, and questioned her.

Faced with the dissatisfaction of all the trainers, Bo Yijia, the person in charge of the port, also made an introduction, telling the horror of the storm.However, the trainers are a group of adventurers. How can this storm stop the enthusiasm of the trainers for the strongest elf trainer party, so they came to the port one after another, and one of them was a black-haired man in red clothes. Riding on Bi Diao; a man with brown hair and a strong man in light blue clothes released a tyrannosaur; a woman with long brown hair and black clothes A toucan was released; a woman with short brown hair and a poke ball around her neck released a white sea lion...

"Storm salamander, please!" Liu Qing also threw the poke ball of the storm salamander when he ran to the port, jumped onto its back, and with the powerful roar of the storm salamander, pierced through the rain curtain , went straight to the new island.

The speed of the storm salamander is extremely fast. Although the storm is powerful, it can't stop the storm salamander. Soon Liu Qing surpassed all the trainers who rushed to the new island. After passing through the storm, he came to a stormy area. There is a brilliant starry sky above the head, and when you look back, you can see thick dark clouds revolving around this area, and in the center of this area is the destination of this time—New Island, on which stands Looking at the majestic buildings, I think it is the elf city built by Chaomeng.

Seemingly feeling the strong pressure emanating from the island, the stormy salamander hesitated, and Liu Qing faintly felt that there was a strong energy occupying the highest point of Elf City. He couldn't help getting a little excited, and comforted the storm salamander, approaching the landing place of the new island and landing.

"Welcome! Please let me see the invitation letter." After Liuqing passed through the storm, he had already seen the woman standing here. At this time, he looked closely and found that the woman was actually the missing person posted by the port. Miss Joy, but Miss Joy's eyes at this time were obviously manipulated.

"Okay!" Liu Qing nodded and took out the floppy disk from the travel bag, and immediately saw the blue light blooming, showing the figure of Miss Joy, with the same voice as Gu Jingbo: "This person is indeed the trainer we invited!"

"Misconfirmation, come here, please, other trainers with invitation letters will arrive soon!" Miss Joy said, holding the oil lamp, turned around and walked in, after Liu Qing took back the storm salamander, quickly Step up to follow.

After a long rock tunnel, Liu Qing followed Joey to a gate. As the gate opened confidently, it revealed an extremely vast interior with small bridges, flowing water, and brilliant lights.

"You are the first trainer to arrive, please wait here now, other trainers who pass through the storm area will arrive soon, and my master will also appear at that time!" Miss Joy said after turning off the oil lamp After a pause, he turned his head, God's eyes fixed on Liu Qing, "Please release the elf from the elf ball and take a seat, you are the chosen trainer!"

"Ghost Stone, come out and play!" Following Liu Qing throwing the elf ball, Ghost Stone appeared in a burst of black light. It was rare that he did not make a piercing smirk, but was a little puzzled Flying around Joey, holding his chin with one hand and making a thoughtful gesture, he kept muttering, "Strange, strange~"

"Okay, don't be weird!" At this time, Liu Qing couldn't help admiring that Ghost Stone is indeed an old ghost who has lived for thousands of years. He actually discovered Miss Joy's abnormality. I can't tell what is really strange, but it is also commendable. Hearing what Liu Qing said, Ghost Stone also gave up on being elegant, and Joey seemed to have received the order at this time, made a gesture of invitation, and returned the same way .

"It seems that a new trainer is coming. Chaomeng's perception ability is really terrifying!" Liu Qing thought to himself, walked to the table made of stone, pulled out a chair and sat down, while Guisi Tong Tong picked up the fruit on the table and ate it.

Soon Joey led the trainer riding a Bi Diao in, and after hearing what Joey said, the trainer released all his elves, including Bi Diao and the Frog Flower , Iron Armored Rhinoceros, Chuanshan King, Shawarang, and Flying Mantis.

Immediately afterwards, two trainers, a man and a woman riding a Gyaradosaurus and a white sea lion, also arrived, and they respectively released the water elf, the stinging jellyfish, the sea thorn dragon, the Gotha duck, Nido queen; the nine-tailed, flame horse , Water Arrow Turtle, Fat Keding, Overlord Flower.

The last ones were Xiaozhi and his party, who released the Frogseeds, Squirtle, Six-Tailed, and Kodak except for Pikachu and Bokby.

"That... did we meet in the Grand Canyon!?" After the other three trainers and Xiao Zhi finished their introduction, Xiao Zhi looked at Liu Qing and asked with some uncertainty. [

"That's right, I remember you were pressed under the rock!" Liu Qing nodded slightly and greeted Xiaozhi, and when Xiaozhi was about to have a conversation, the lights in the entire hall suddenly went out, and a blue The beam of "color" landed in the middle of the spiral staircase directly in front of everyone.

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