Pokemon et al.

Chapter 268 How a Champion is Made!


spn "Then I think elves are trainers, and trainers are also elves!" Liu Qing continued.

"Okay, okay!" After a moment of deep thought, the elder clapped his hands, "Well said! The little elf has been trained by the trainer, got used to the trainer's fighting style, and has deep feelings. The little elf at this moment is the trainer. A close friend. The trainer has trained the elf and is familiar with everything about the elf. When the habit becomes natural, the trainer can naturally be regarded as an elf!" txtxz

"It's like the wind is sometimes calm and sometimes bursts, but as long as we blend in, we can play a huge role!" The other elders also expressed their understanding after the first elder finished speaking.

"Good boy, is there any more?" Guanglang asked with a smile, and the conference hall fell silent, and everyone looked at Liu Qing expectantly.

"There is one more!" Liu Qing nodded, hesitated for a long time, a little uncertain, and a little embarrassed, "The elf is still the elf, and the trainer is still the trainer!" [

"What does this mean?" Except for the elder, Bo Fengyu and Guanglang who frowned slightly and showed contemplation, the rest of the people all looked blank and started discussing one after another.

"Cough, it's really profound!" After a while, Yanglang coughed and said embarrassingly.

"Oh, I'm getting old, and I don't have enough brains!" The Great Elder also shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Bo Fengyu asked directly.

Liu Qing thought for a while, picked up a document on the table and tore it into pieces, everyone knew that Liu Qing would not do anything relevant now, so looking at the pile of shredded papers, they were puzzled. Seeing this, Liu Qing picked up the teacup again and poured the water on the ground. Seeing that everyone was still confused, he dropped the teacup on the ground and smashed it to pieces.

"Awesome!" Suddenly, Guanglang smiled bitterly and said to Bo Fengyu, "Brother, your son is amazing, and his future achievements will definitely be higher than mine!"

"It must be taller than me!" Bo Fengyu showed a very satisfied look, and of course he was proud.

"The back wave is the front wave, and one wave is stronger than the other!" the Great Elder said gratifiedly.

"What exactly does this mean?" Seeing the appearance of Bo Fengyu and the others, they obviously knew something, and a group of elders asked one after another.

"The artistic conception is far-reaching, beyond what words can express!" The Great Elder sighed, and said to Liu Qing, "Please explain your own insights to everyone."

"Yeah!" Liu Qing responded, pointing to the puddle of shredded paper, "It was an important document just now, but now it's just waste paper when it's torn up." Pointing to the water stains on the ground, "This water is in the quilt It’s tea, and now it’s water on the ground.” You pointed to the broken teacup, “It was a teacup before it shattered, but now it can only be said to be broken pieces of porcelain…”

"Okay, that's all for now. If you can understand clearly, you will understand. No matter how much you say, you still can't understand!" The great elder waved his hand and interrupted Liu Qing to continue speaking. Naturally, Liu Qing would not Going on, he shut his mouth immediately, and then the Great Elder looked at all the elders sitting down, "Who else has any objection to Liu Qing's seat?"

"No, no!" The elders shook their heads one after another.

"Well, from today onwards, Fengliuqing has been formally nominated as the candidate for the next patriarch. Do you have any objections?"

The candidates for the patriarch of the Bofeng clan are actually the family members who become champions before the age of 40 in each generation. No matter how many people there are, they are all candidates. Naturally, it was the new patriarch, and no one objected to the nomination of the Great Elder at this time.

"Father, Great Elder, Uncle, what's going on, I won't be qualified to sit here just because I said these words, I'm not old yet! Let alone a candidate for the patriarch!" Liu Qingzheng Be confused.

"Originally, even if you are still you, as long as you reach the age, this position must be yours, but now you are qualified for this position in advance." The Great Elder said.

"Stupid boy, can a trainer at the level of a heavenly king say your third sentence? You are already qualified to sit on an equal footing with us!" Guanglang followed the elder's words.

"That's right, the silver feather on your elf ball has turned into a golden feather last night." After Liu Qing looked at Bo Fengyu, Bo Fengyu also said. [

"So that's how it is!" Liu Qing suddenly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said flatly after exhaling, "So I'm on the right path, no wonder it felt so strange to be with Lucario yesterday. "

"Liu Qing, you are qualified to understand the operation of the clan more clearly after breaking through the Golden Feather." Bo Fengyu said, "Besides allowing you to join this meeting, there is another important matter to discuss. According to the alliance and Our family’s agreement: One champion, one continent! Before you became the champion, our family’s power was only in the three continents of Kanto, Johto, Fangyuan, and Sinnoh. Now that we have you, it’s time to start expanding.”

"As far as I know, only these three continents are the largest and most valuable in the Eastern Hemisphere, so are you planning to expand to the Western Hemisphere?" Liu Qing asked.

"That's right!" When Bo Fengyu was talking, he pressed the button on the table, and a floating light curtain was displayed, showing a continent, "The Hezhong area, located in the western hemisphere, is our goal this time! You should also be familiar with this area, the Flamewing Moth is a unique elf there." Liu Qing nodded upon hearing this.

"Because it's from the Western Hemisphere, the people and elves over there are brand new to us. The purpose of the family in the past was to increase the influence of the family and establish a branch group, and to capture the flying elves over there. , floating elves, and elves with the ability to fly come back to cultivate and supplement the family heritage." The elder followed Bo Fengyu's words, "In order to ensure the smooth progress of all this, there must be champion-level training. Lead the family and sit in the town."

"I have just made a breakthrough, and I need experience. If you can, leave it to me!" No matter how stupid Liu Qing is, she knows that this task will be handed over to herself in all likelihood. Rather than letting others force it on her, she might as well be honest. Click yourself next.

"Since you said so, I'll leave it to you!" Bo Fengyu nodded and said, "In addition, the family will arrange for two elders to go with you, and the company's operating personnel will also arrange for you. Your task is a— —Anything that dares to stop the expansion of the Bofeng clan must disappear!"

Although Bo Fengyu's words were plain and simple, Liu Qing seemed to feel a chilling aura coming towards him. If he guessed right, this should be the so-called murderous aura. What kind of bloody storm did you experience when the region expanded? !

"We will first try to get in touch with a family over there to carry out a cooperative project. During this period of time, you can prepare well, and the specific arrangements will be printed out in the form of documents." The Great Elder said, Liu Qingwen Yan nodded, and the next meeting lasted for another hour, and the meeting ended after the trainers who went with Liuqing were finalized.

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