Pokemon et al.

Chapter 297 VS Xun Chaoze!


spn "Excitement!" Xun Chaoze took this opportunity to order immediately, and Keludio, who was rolling, did not panic, and a red light began to emit from the sharp corner of the top of his head!

"Want to increase your strength? Latios, purify the light waves!" Hearing Liu Qing's order, Latios flapped his wings suddenly, and the strong air waves forced the water waves on the ground to roll in all directions, and he stabilized his figure to face Looking at Keldeo's tumbling but still glowing body, he opened his mouth and gathered pink power in an instant, rippling in a circle, emitting a gorgeous pink light, hitting directly, and there was a violent explosion with a 'bang' A cloud of pink smoke, Keludio's body fell directly from midair.

"Keludeo~" Xun Chaoze suddenly exclaimed, his voice full of worry.

"Latios, Dragon Stars!" The legendary elf's physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary elves. Even if the purified light wave restrains Keludio, it is impossible to defeat Keludio with this blow. Liu Qing immediately issued the order to pursue.

Following Liu Qing's order, Latios' abdomen quickly glowed with orange light, and he rose rapidly and launched it towards the sky. After rising to the highest point, it exploded like fireworks and scattered into several small energy clusters , falling down like a comet dragging its long tail of light. [

"It's so fierce!" Seeing Liu Qing's continuous attacks without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, Xiao Ju'er muttered with a smile on her face.

"Keludeo!" Seeing the dragon star group descending from the sky, Xun Chaoze did not doubt the power of it at all, seeing Keldeo who was about to fall to the ground, he immediately called out.

"Swipe~" At this moment, Keldeo also opened his eyes suddenly, and with a movement of his hoof, the rain seemed to be attracted, just like a sea wave turning over, dissolving the force of Keldeo's descent, the moment Kailudio landed. Rudio has already jumped out in an instant, and after dodging a group of dragon stars, he shuttled like lightning, ran like thunder, and approached Latios in constant explosions.

"Water jet!" Keludio's speed was fast, and he was not far from Latios in an instant. Following Xun Chaoze's order, he stomped his hooves on the ground, and his body was wrapped in water, like an off-string arrow passing through in an instant. Coming, the speed of lightning directly hit the abdomen of Latios who had just taken precautions and was rising. With huge force, the surging water flew backward against Latios.

"Now, cross scissors!" Xun Chaoze's order came, and Keludio's body's water light just dispersed, and the front hoof emitted a white light, and he hit Latios hard, It fell to the ground with a bang.

"Keludeo, water jet!" Although the cross scissors hit Latios, the reaction force also caused Keldeo's body to slide backwards in the water the moment he landed, but this did not affect the darling in the water. On the contrary, Keludio, like a wave hitting the shore, retreated and curled up with four hooves, surrounded by a huge amount of water, and hit Latios again at a faster speed.

"The speed is not much slower than Latios!" Liu Qing's eyes were dark, and the figure of Keludio's rapid attack was reflected in the sky blue eyes. It was really as fast as lightning, and at this time Latios had just He floated up, was hit in the chest by another blow, let out a muffled roar, and his body flew back involuntarily.

"Awaken the power!" Under the compact command, the watery light from Keldeo's whole body dispersed, and bubbles floated on the surface of his body, emitting an ice blue light and rapidly growing in size.

"Lattios, purify the light wave!" Just now when Latios fell to the ground, Keldeo had a chance to make a preemptive attack. At this time, Latios was in the air, and the moment his wings spread, he had already adjusted his body shape. Seeing this, Liu Qing immediately issued an order.

Following the order, Latios let out a soft cry, and the pink light quickly gathered in front of his mouth, almost simultaneously launching it with Keldeo's awakening power.

"Boom~" A violent explosion exploded between the two, and the pink smoke spread, covering the space between the two elves.

"Lattios, self-regeneration!" Seizing the opportunity, under Liu Qing's order, while Latios was rising, his whole body gradually emitted a light yellow light like glass, like water waves flowing and washing away!

"Keludio, don't let your opponent succeed, awaken your strength!" Seeing Latios regenerating himself, Xun Chaoze's expression changed slightly. He didn't want to fight with Latios who had recovered his strength, so he immediately The order was issued.

Following Xun Chaoze's order, Kailudio's whole body floated with blisters again, and after quickly growing in size, they were launched straight out, breaking through the pink smoke, although the height of Latios was slightly higher than before , so some of them failed to hit, but the rest completely hit Latios's body. The awakened power of the ice attribute immediately made Latios look painful, and the light flowing all over his body became more, er, brighter.

"Keludio, you know the opponent's position, water jet!" Xun Chaoze yelled, also not wanting to waste time, and Kailudio also passed through the smoke at the moment when Xun Chaoze's voice fell. Surrounded by the turbulent water, it came straight to Latios.

"Lattios, I believe in you!" Liu Qing looked indifferent, and Latios also opened his eyes at this time, the light of his whole body converged, and he looked at Keludio who was rushing forward, his body was 360° wide in the air. Turning around, dodging the water jet attack beautifully.

"Keludio, cross scissors!" Xun Chaoze yelled suddenly, and Keludio turned around again the moment he landed, the water all over his body faded, and he jumped up towards Latios, who was showing his back in the air, The front hooves gradually glowed white.

"Is it that simple?" Liu smiled lightly, and Latios' body suddenly lowered at this moment, getting out of Keldeo's cross scissors, and looked up at Keldeo passing above him, And Keldeo also looked at Latios under his body at the same time, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

"Dragon Star Group (Awakening Power)!" At this time, Xun Chaoze's face was very exciting, I saw Keludio in the air was still flying forward due to inertia, and Latios was also moving with Keludio As for the move, the command was issued almost at the same time as Liu Qing. [

The orange-yellow power gathered quickly, rising from Latios's abdomen to his mouth, and this is Keludio's whole body bursting with blister-like power again, but before it could be sent out, a huge force had already pressed against it Rapidly lifted into the air, exploded violently at high altitude, turned into meteors and crashed to the ground, with loud explosions, Keludio was also among them, and fell to the field with his whole body steaming.

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