Pokemon et al.

Chapter 310 Official competition, start!


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ps: Dangdang~'The little flower that people care about', 'Bing Yu' and 'I'm a pig' have appeared!

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"Everyone, did you sleep well last night? Today, you have to be active, nervous, and watch closely!" The main venue where all the official competitions are arranged, Lilian stood in the middle of the stage and sent out a full voice to everyone. Greetings from Vitality, "Okay, the official competition starts today, the first round of review is first, and only... 16 people can enter the second round of review tomorrow, and the first one to appear is this person... Xiao Shun!"

I don't know how the first round of review of the official competition is in order. It doesn't start from the last place in the preliminaries. It seems to be randomly selected, but Liu Qing is just a little strange, so he doesn't care anymore. After watching Small instant performance. [

Xiao Shun's elf is Absolu with pure white hair and color. It is very difficult for Absol to achieve pure white fur, but Xiao Shun is perfect Instead, he used this advantage to use a flashing trick to show the charm of his own hair, and then used the whirlwind-shaped water fluctuations, using the sharpness of the sickle weasel to split the water fluctuations instantly, Showing strength, he won the full house in the first game of the official game.

"Okay, the next one will be the green beauty, Mr. Harry!" After Xiaoshun left the stage, during Lilian's introduction, Harry, who had restored his original Mengge Naia's costume, walked out of the contestant channel and appeared on stage.

Although Harry is not very good, his strength is beyond doubt. The elf he used was the octopus barrel, and he used the big character fire trick, and then jumped into the fire by himself, waving his tentacles domineeringly, revealing his terrifying beauty. .

"Next is... contestant Xiaoye!" Amid Lilian's introduction, another coordinator ran out from the contestant passage.

"Come on, Flame Horse, move at high speed!" Xiao Ye brushed her wavy bangs on her forehead, and threw the elf ball with her hands. Hooves, ran fast, showing a vigorous figure, and the long flame mane was dragged away because of the rapid running, and the flames became more and more prosperous, as the speed became faster and faster , In the end, it has become one piece.

"So fast, so fast, the flame horse is indeed an elf supported by a sprint champion, and the flame horse moving at high speed is really too fast!" Lilian commented, suddenly Lilian seemed to realize something, and her eyes couldn't help but roll. Liang suddenly screamed, "Oh my God, this is... a six-pointed star, a six-pointed star made entirely of flames from the flame horse's own flames!"

"It's not over yet!" Xiaoye smiled confidently, raised her right hand and clenched her fist slightly, "Leap!"

In the sound of Xiao Ye's order, the flame horse also ran to the center of the six-pointed star, raised its head to the sky and let out a long hiss, and jumped up, its long flame mane fluttering, dragging the flame light belt, and its strong muscles surged like waves It moves, like an arrow that leaves the string and flies towards the sky.

"Wow, this is really handsome!" Lilian exclaimed, and the eyes of the audience followed the flame horse, and they involuntarily let out admiration.

"Flame horse, flame collision!" When the flame horse was about to reach the highest point of the leap and under the bright sun, Xiaoye's order came again, and I saw flames rising from the whole body of the flame horse, making the flame horse completely become a mass of fierce burning The flames seemed to be competing for the glory of the sun, and the flames shimmered and turned into emerald blue again, falling rapidly towards the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the long-lasting flaming hexagrams on the field, the emerald blue flames colliding with the flames swept the four directions like waves in the shaking of the field, and the fine sparks scattered, slowly appearing. Showing the vigorous figure of the flame horse.

"The combination of speed, strength and its own flames perfectly displays the characteristics of the flame horse!"

After Lilian made a comment, it was Saori's turn to play. The little elf who performed was a hippopotamus, who used his tail as a support point to interfere with his mind. He danced in circles on the stage upside down, and finally stopped in the middle of the stage. , Relying on his own excellent sense of balance, he used the trick of a spiraling water gun, which also won the cheers of the audience.

"The next one will be the contestant from Jinhuang City in Kanto——Liu Yuan!" After more than a dozen people finished their performances, it was finally Liu Yuan's turn to make his debut.

"Let's go on stage, Pixy!" After Lilian's introduction, Liu Yuan had already run out from the contestant passage, and threw the elf ball in his hand. As the elf ball opened, Pixy flapped the little wings on his back and flew around. to the stage.

"Fascinated!" Following Liuyuan's order, Pixie blinked, and a large number of pink hearts danced around Pixie, and as Pixie flapped his wings, his body rotated As it rises, the pink love also spreads and falls towards the ground first, then after touching the stage, it immediately explodes and flies towards the surrounding auditorium.

"This is Picosi's cute "fascinating" trick, everyone present is "fascinated"!" Lilian also shouted excitedly with love in her eyes.

"Pikesi, the light of the moon!" Liuyuan issued a second command when Picosi rose to the sunlight shining from the top of the stage, and immediately saw a soft light from Picosi's body, Under the light of the moonlight, those pink love hearts that hadn't dissipated were also soaked in the soft luster of the moonlight, and as the light of the moon blazed, Liu Yuan made the closing action, "Comet fist! "

Pixie let out a soft cry, and clenched his right fist, shining like a comet, hitting down on the pink hearts that hadn't completely drifted towards the auditorium. With a bang, The comet boxing hit the stage, and the power contained in it shook all the remaining love to the audience. After the comet boxing hit the ground, it flew towards the auditorium together with the orange-yellow meteor-like arcs that exploded in all directions. It is very beautiful. [

"It's so beautiful. The Comet Fist concentrates on the light of the moon, combined with the "fantasy" to exert a powerful and beautiful move effect, as if countless meteors are flying around us. This is a high level of strength and softness. Show!" Lilian couldn't help showing an intoxicated look.

As the performances of the contestants ended, it was soon Xiaoyao's turn to perform again, using Gangbi. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he used the sun and flames, gathered power in a ball shape, and then launched it high into the sky, He used Qihequan to attack, and released a wonderful sound to show the power of Qihequan. Although the theme of the performance was different from Liuyuan, the intention was very similar, and it also won the praise of all audiences and judges.

"The next one is Miss Bingling!" During Lilian's introduction, a girl wearing a light red blouse and ponytail, full of vitality, walked onto the stage.

"Dianlong, it's time to perform!" Bingling threw the elf ball in the air, and in a burst of white light, the figure of Dianlong appeared.

"Dianlong, get ready!" Bingling and Dianlong synchronized, crossed their hands in front of their chests, under Bingling's command, Dianlong closed his eyes, and the orbs on his forehead and tail gradually emitted light, first a little, then more and more The stronger it gets, the brighter it becomes, until the light reaches its dazzling light, Bing Ling's order also comes at the same time, "Electric Dragon, Cotton Defense!"

Immediately, Dianlong opened his eyes, amidst the joyful cry, the moment he opened his hands, countless cotton-like fluffs flew out, and spread out in a spiral, dense but patchwork. Covered the entire venue!

"At this moment, everyone in the venue is wrapped in warm cotton!" Lilian said in a dreamlike voice.

"It's not over yet!" Bing Ling gave another order with a confident smile, "Dianlong, electromagnetic waves!"

Following the order, the electric dragon quickly gathered golden electric light clusters all over its body, shooting waves like waves, sweeping across the cotton fluff all over the sky, and even all the audience, it was so frightening Those who were less timid were all pale, and almost wanted to run away immediately, but when they felt that the electromagnetic wave did not affect them, they were slightly relieved.

"It's so beautiful, the electric dragon's electromagnetic waves light up all the cotton fluff, like stars shining in the dark night, twinkle, twinkle..."

Regarding Lilian's evaluation, Bingling showed a slight smile, secretly thinking in his heart that this is not just for looking pretty, and said to Dianlong: "Dianlong, distribute them to every audience!"

Dianlong heard that the electromagnetic waves emitted were more powerful, and all the cotton fluff fell from the air, and fell one by one in front of everyone present.

"Please accept Dianlong's kindness, and there will be surprises for you!" In Bingling's slightly playful voice, every audience involuntarily stretched out their hands and spread the golden ball in front of them. The fluff of light is held in the palm of your hand.

"Boom~" The moment the fluff touched the palm of his hand, it exploded lightly, and a trace of electric sparks flowed out, spreading all over the body in an instant. At this moment, Liu Qing obviously felt a tingling in his body, But it was only for a moment, and then it was an extremely comfortable feeling, as if the body had been washed from the inside out, and the rest of the audience seemed to have discovered this, everyone's faces were filled with joy. color".

"Using the electric dragon's naturally conductive fluff and then rationally distributing the current contained in it, to achieve the effect of electrotherapy on the human body, this electric dragon has such a high control power, and it is also a formidable enemy!" Standing at the end of the venue Fang's Liuyuan, Xiaoshun and others were also taken care of, and they all saw caution in each other's eyes.

The coordinators performed one by one, and soon the last one appeared on the stage. Different from the previous coordinators, this one can be described as "beautiful". Holding a large bouquet of roses, looking at the roses in his hands with slightly lowered eyes obsessively, he walked solemnly into the venue, as if he did not come to participate in the performance at all, but stepped into the wedding hall, and the venue The lively atmosphere was incompatible, and even Lilian, who was 'eloquent and eloquent', was caught off guard. After a while, she introduced: "This is the last contestant to appear today, contestant Xiaohua!"

"Naughty, go!" Under Lilian's introduction, Xiaohua seemed to come back to her senses, and threw the poke ball with a flick of her hand, releasing naughty.

"Naughty, electromagnetic floating!" Xiaohua didn't look at the audience, nor at Naughty, and continued to stare at the rose in her hand, "casually" ordered.

Following the order, Naughty's whole body was filled with golden lights, floating up immediately, and Xiaohua's order also came at this time, "Shadow clone!"

"Shua!" With a flash of light all over Naughty Naughty's body, six shadow clones appeared in an instant, and they were arranged in the six directions of the southeast, northwest, up and down. The contemptuous heart of the coordinator who appeared on the stage awaits the performance of this coordinator.

"Noise!" Under Xiaohua's order, all the naughty bodies trembled slightly, and the noise that should have been transparent actually emitted a golden light under the influence of the electromagnetic floating current. This was not the only thing that excited all the audience. The naughty noise It's not an annoying noise, it's the tones of 'o, re, m, f, so, l, s', each one at first, but soon they can be linked together, and Xiaohua also uses the tip of her shoe Click on the ground to beat the time. It seems that after trying out the sound, I snapped my fingers, and just held the rose like this, and sang a love song. The voice was low and magnetic, and the expression was focused and affectionate, which was very moving. There were a large number of unmarried women on the scene.

"This guy... treats this stage like a personal concert with emotion!" Liu Qing endured the frantic screams of the female "female" creatures around him, a little dumbfounded. [

"It's another strong enemy, and it seems that he is also here for eugenics!" Saori said casually, holding on to the railing with both hands, looking at Xiaohua who sang the climax in the center of the stage.

"It's indeed a strong enemy, but it's too "sexy"!" Liu Yuan shook his head slightly. Originally, Saori let Dai Hippo treat the stage as a real stage, which is already amazing enough. At the solo concert, although the singing voice is really good, the naughty dubbing sounds even better...

"Prince of Love Songs, Prince of Love Songs..." Amidst the cheers of the women, the first performance of the competition also came to an end.

"Liu Yuan, let's work hard for the second round of review tomorrow!" Although the list of promotions has not been announced after the first round of review performance, Liu Qing has no doubts about Liu Yuan, and patted Liu Yuan after walking out of the venue. shoulder Road.

"Well, I will try my best to win the championship!" Liuyuan nodded vigorously and said, Millie smiled sweetly when she heard the words, and Luciana also said "Come on" afterward. if.

With the arrival of the second day, the salute exploded over the venue, and the venue was full of guests at the moment. The 64 contestants in the first round of review all stood on the stage, looking at the big screen hanging in the air in the middle of the stage, Lilian watched After looking at the tense, calm, or confident expressions of the 64 contestants, he said, "Finally, the results of the contestants who have passed the first round of review have been announced. There are 64 strong players who will grow up one day, but they will be able to appear on the stage." The second round of review will be... these 16 people!"

Speaking with the sound of "beep beep~" on the big screen, the photos of the advanced contestants were revealed, eight in a row, two rows in total, showing the familiar Harry, Xiaoshun , Xiaoyao, and Saori who used Chenglong and Hippo, Prince of Love Songs, Electrotherapy Girl, and the coordinator who used Flame Horse, who had been paid special attention by Liuqing, also advanced as smoothly as Liuyuan.However, the son of the Banmu family failed to advance in this round, which is really a pity for his No. 1 result in the qualifiers.

"Then, arrange the list of these 16 players randomly, and decide the battle list for the second round of review!" As Lilian continued to speak, the list of players on the big screen was also quickly arranged, and with a 'beep' It stopped with a bang, and Liu Qing noticed that the first match was between Harry and Xiaoyao, the second match was between Liu Yuan and the Prince of Love Songs in the first round of review, and the third match was Xiao Shun's first match. The female contestant who ranked sixth in the round of review scores, and the last round was Saori and the contestant who ranked one place ahead of Xiao Shun in the first round of review scores.

As the battle list was arranged, all 14 contestants except Xiaoyao and Harry walked off the stage. Ding and Meng Ge Naiya.

Facing Harry, Xiaoyao immediately asked Gambit to perform a Qi He fist, and Ibrahimovic used a hit, but Harry made Fat Keding inhale and grow bigger, using Fat Keding's "sex" very cleverly The superior body not only defended against the attack, but also successfully pushed Gambit and Ibrahimovic back, and then Harry made Fat Keding jump up again. Xiaoyao thought that Harry wanted Fat Keding to attack, but he didn't expect Harry's The intention was that Mengge Naia, who was behind Fat Keding, used the poisonous needle trick, directly hit Gangbi and Ibrahimovic, knocked down the two elves, and then used the acupuncture arm to rush towards Xiaoyao. Come.

However, Xiaoyao's fighting intuition is still very strong, and he immediately seized the opportunity, using the combination of Ibrahimovic's shadow ball and Gangbi's Qihe fist, and sent out a super fast trick, colliding with the rushing Mengge Naia Together, with one blow, Meng Ge Naia was knocked out of combat effectiveness.

But Xiaoyao also relaxed at this moment, and was seized by Fat Keding who was still in the air. After landing, he caught Gangby and Ibrahimovic who had not escaped by his ears, and threw them into the air. The elves used a series of slap attacks together, greatly reducing Xiaoyao's score.

Although Xiaoyao was injured, he didn't give up, and made Gangby use the sun flame, and Ibrahimovic used the shadow ball to attack, but they were all avoided by Fat Keding and flew into the air flexibly. At the critical moment, Xiaoyao realized that although Fat Keding could fly, his body was full of air, so the sun flames and shadow balls collided and exploded behind Fat Keding, using the flow of air to drive Fat Keding to fall from the sky At this time, Xiaoyao will naturally not let go of the opportunity to attack. With Ibrahimovic's impact, Gangbi is lifted into the air, and with a combined fist, he defeats Fat Keding with one blow, and successfully advances to the second round.Please remember: (), strive to provide the most refreshing reading experience!

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