Pokemon et al.

Chapter 348 Heart Fist!


spnh1 Pokemon and its like clear Chapter 340 Eight Heart Fist! (2)-h1


"Use this heart fist to solve it, Lightning Fist!" Under Yinghao's timely order, the sucker puppet clenched its fist with its right hand, gathering strong golden lightning power, running and jumping towards the queen of the ancient winged bird that had not yet flown far away. The back fell down. (sumeng)[~]

"Will you succeed so easily?!" Liu Qingqing laughed, watched the changes in the field, and shouted, "Ancient Wing Bird!"

Although it wasn't long before Liu Qing subdued the ancient winged bird, he was able to achieve perfect coordination with it. The ancient winged bird moved in response to the sound, turned its body 180°, and faced the sucker golem again. [

"Boom~" In the blink of an eye, the Yan Fan of the ancient winged bird emitting white light bands all over his body collided with the Lightning Fist. Strong energy was intertwined, and a 'bang' exploded, and the shock wave of the explosion Sweeping, both the ancient winged bird and the sucker puppet involuntarily flew backwards.

Liu Qing's eyes flashed. Just now, the ancient winged bird's original intention was to wipe the sucker puppet's lightning fist to attack its abdomen. Who would have thought that the ancient winged bird changed the angle, and the suction cup puppet's fist also changed: "It really deserves it!" It's Xinquan, the instantaneous change of flight angle made by the ancient winged bird can't hide from the opponent!"

"Ancient-winged bird, rock sharp blade!" Liu Qing's expression was serious, and under the quick order, the ancient-winged bird immediately understood, flapping its wings again and again, stabilizing its figure, and the white light turned into a Two cross-rotating sharp stones broke through the air and went straight to the sucker puppet.

"Sucker puppet, mental disturbance!" Yinghao responded equally quickly.

As a super power elf, the sucker puppet still has unparalleled control over its own balance, its eyes immediately glowed blue, its hands blocked in front of its body, and the cannon-like rock blade was under the influence of mental interference. Under control, it stopped in front of the sucker golem, and with a wave of the sucker golem, it turned back to the ancient winged bird again. (·~)

"Qi He!" Liu Qing had already been prepared for the reaction of the rock blade, and under the quick command, the ancient winged bird uttered a loud cry, quickly gathering energy emitting a pale "white" halo and shooting it out.

"Boom boom boom~ boom boom!" The explosion was shocking, and a large amount of smoke and dust dispersed in the place where the gas and the rock blade collided, and spread all over the venue. At this time, the ancient winged bird also spread its wings and flew into the sky. Out of the range of smoke and dust.

"Rock blades, regular strafing!" Under Liu Qing's order, the dense rock blades fell like a torrential rain under the control of the ancient winged bird, breaking through the smoke and dust, and launched an attack.

"Bang bang bang bang~" A series of explosions continued, and in just a moment, the sucker puppet screamed in pain, Liu Qing's eyes flashed, and he immediately shouted: "Dragon's breath!"

Following the order, the ancient winged bird spread its wings, opened its mouth to gather strength, and blew a strong breath directly at the position where the sucker golem just made the sound.

"Use the rock blade to find out the position of the sucker puppet!" The flames of fighting spirit in Yinghao's eyes were burning, but he was not calm, "Sucker puppet, avoid it!"

Amidst the smoke and dust, the sucker puppet was still keeping its hands on its head. Hearing Yinghao's order, and seeing the blurred light and shadow falling rapidly above his head, he bent his legs, jumped up instantly, and dodged the dragon. The attack of the breath rushed out of the smoke. [~]

"Can it be avoided?" Liu Qing chuckled, and saw that the sucker puppet had just jumped out of the range of smoke and dust, and the breath of the dragon followed closely.

"Yan Hui!" Responding to the order, the ancient winged bird retracted its wings, like an arrow off the string, dragging several white light bands all over its body, and came straight to the sucker puppet.

"Come on, it's a trap!" If Yinghao doesn't know Liu Qing's intentions at this time, he can really find a piece of tofu and kill him. The dragon's breath is clearly to "force" the sucker puppet to appear, and change it when it reaches the bright spot Yiyan returns to fast attack.

It's just that Yinghao reacted, but it was too late. The distance between the ancient winged bird and the sucker puppet was not far, coupled with Yan Hui's speed, and in the blink of an eye, the ancient winged bird's attack hit the sucker golem's abdomen, Under the action of a powerful force, the sucker puppet suddenly let out a cry of pain, and fell backward and downward.

"Qihe!" The ancient winged bird flapped its wings to stabilize its figure, opened its mouth to gather strength, and then directly chased down the sucker puppet.

"It's such an exquisite layout, I fell into it unknowingly, this boy is really scary!" Yinghao glanced at Liu Qing, at this moment he had realized from the series of fast attacks of the ancient winged bird that he had fallen into the opponent's fighting rhythm, If you don't want to find a way to get rid of it, then you are not far from defeat.

"Sucker puppet, cheer up, shadow clone!" Seeing Qihe getting closer, Yinghao responded quickly. [

Hearing Yinghao's voice, the Sucker Puppet, who had its eyes tightly closed, opened its eyes immediately, with a flash of light on its body, and four clones were formed around it, and in an instant it dodged Qihe's pursuit. The attributes of energy and fighting skills stabilized his figure.

"Good job, sucker puppet, it's time to fight back, mental interference!" Yinghao commanded with high spirits and majestic momentum.

There was a lot of blue light in the eyes of the sucker puppet, and through the scattered smoke and dust, it controlled the figure of the ancient winged bird in an instant.

"Smash it down like this!" Yinghao didn't give the ancient winged bird a chance to break free this time, and quickly ordered the sucker puppet to pull down with both hands, directly smashing the ancient winged bird from the sky, with a 'bang' on the ground on the grass.

"Let's decide the outcome here, Sucker Puppet, Heart Fist, Frozen Punch!" Up to now, the Sucker Puppet's physical strength is not much left. , the ice blue light of the right fist spirally rotated, converging on the right fist, the ice blue light was bright, running fast, and came straight to the ancient pterosaur standing up shaking its head.

At this time, the distance between the ancient winged bird and the sucker golem is enough for the sucker golem to store its power, and the power is also accumulated to the maximum when the attack arrives. On the other hand, the ancient winged bird wanted to fight back after standing up, but it was too late , if you want to fly, you must run up first. It can be seen that Yinghao and the sucker puppet obviously calculated the distance, and saw through the weakness of the ancient winged bird's flight.

But is the halal law fighting back? The answer is obviously no.

"Rock blade!" Under Liu Qing's order, the ancient winged bird raised its head to the sky and screamed loudly, and the strong white light formed two cross-rotating white lights around its body. The light belt and the frozen fist rubbed against each other, and the intense energy intertwined like lightning, making a 'zzzz' sound.

The light belt of the rock blade retracted under the pressure of the frozen fist, but it stretched out under the control of the ancient winged bird. At this moment, the two sides refused to give in to each other. There was a violent explosion, the strong shock wave turned into a storm and swept the ground, the two elves screamed and fell backwards, hitting the tree trunks on both sides with a 'bang bang'.

"Ancient Winged Bird (Sucker Puppet)~" Liu Qing and Yinghao shouted at the same time, looking at their respective elves, and both the Ancient Winged Bird and the Suction Cup Puppet had lost their fighting power!

"At the same time, we can't fight at the same time. It's referred to as 'fighting with'!" Yinghao couldn't help saying his own catchphrase at this time, which made Liuqing quite speechless.

"Well, forget it, the ancient winged bird has also worked very hard to be able to draw with the strong man at the peak of the quasi-king!" Liu Qing walked up to the ancient winged bird, picked it up, and showed satisfaction look".

"Qingguyi, using the trainer's own level to drive the elves to show strength beyond their own level, this is the true meaning of the trainer's battle, it is really exciting! I hope to see a stronger combination of Qingguyi in the future, come again It's a showdown, referred to as 'Fight Again!'" Yinghao said solemnly before taking back the sucker puppet and walking in front of Liuqing.

"Hehe, such an abbreviation is really unbearable!" Liu Qing couldn't laugh or cry, and muttered secretly. p

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