Pokemon et al.

Chapter 430 Yuan Town, withered and desolate!


spn "Jie Mi~" Miss Junsha was in a hurry and was about to rush over immediately, but the "miscellaneous soldiers" of the Galaxy team saw the dawn of victory, but tried their best, and several big-mouthed bats entangled Miss Junsha , the persecuted Miss Junsha had to retreat, and launched a crazy attack together with the crazy townspeople.

"Damn it!" Liu Qing was also in a hurry, he didn't expect the shards of Arceus' power crystallization to be so strong, he just looked at the attack of his six elves, and looked at the two women who were still attacking around him, his heart moved, hard Suffering from Minina's blow, Liu Qing's body spun slightly in the astonished eyes of Minina and Piaoyue, and a whip kick directly hit Piaoyue's arm with a 'click' sound. There was a crackling sound, and the force of the whip legs continued, driving Piaoyue's body to fly horizontally.text first text first

"You've been arrested!" Piaoyue clutched her arms and was about to stand up. At this moment, a rope directly tied her tightly. Looking from the direction of the rope, it was Miss Junsha who was madly attacked by everyone. Next, the "miscellaneous soldiers" of the Galaxy team have been defeated, all of them were tied up and guarded by police officers one by one.After Miss Junsha handed Piaoyue to a policeman, she rushed towards Jiemi again.

"Ah~" In this situation, Shuinai panicked slightly, Liu Qing grasped the opening, turned around and punched the opponent's throat directly, obviously aiming to kill with one blow.

"No, I don't want to be caught, and I don't want to die!" Minina's strong desire to survive supported her to make the fastest response quickly. In order to force the throat, Minna jumped up and down with her feet. [

In Mina's eyes, Liu Qing's ruthless fist was approaching, approaching, and she felt lucky, because she knew that in such a short period of time, Liu Qing had no time to change the direction of the fist to chase her throat, but the next moment Mina, Liu Qing's expression froze, the world seemed to be at a standstill at this moment, only to see that Liu Qing's punch actually hit Minina's huge chest, and gradually sank in with the strength of the fist.

"Jie Mi~" In Miss Junsha's call, she missed out, Jiemi had already left the position that Miss Junsha could reach, and was sucked into the red fragments in Miss Junsha's eyes, It seemed that the whole body turned into a green light at this moment, and that little Jiemi was in Jiemi's abdomen, protected by a green light shield.

"Mimi~" Xiao Jiemi called, crying and struggling, but the green mask was extremely strong and firmly protected it.

"Mi~" Jiemi, who had already fallen into a coma, seemed to hear Xiao Jiemi's voice at this moment, opened her eyes, and uttered an ethereal and long cry, full of love, care, reluctance, encouragement and other emotions With a sound, the green glow all over the body prospered, then suddenly retracted and turned into a small green dot, and then suddenly swelled...

"Boom, boom~" The sky-shattering loud noise was like a thunderstorm in the sky, and it hit everyone's ears and hearts. The people in Yuanzhi Town, from the elderly, middle-aged to children, seemed to be unaffected by that. Affected by the dazzling green light, looking directly at the green explosion light group, he knelt down with tears streaming down his face, crying bitterly, even though Liu Qing and those trainers who helped were not from Yuanzhi Town, at this moment, his mind seemed to be It also becomes empty...

The bouquets that have lost their flowers began to wither, wither, and the fertile soil began to be barren. At this moment, the world turned gray and white. Dr. Cologne trembled with excitement, and drove the aircraft away without anyone noticing. Piaoyue took the opportunity to escape and no one noticed. Nai pressed his chest with one hand, and stared viciously at Liu Qing who turned back to board the aircraft without saying a word, but no one noticed. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the place where the green glow last shined. It was the last bloom of a life. Everyone was full of grief, and there was a drizzle of rain, as if they were also saddened by Jie Mi's passing away.

Intermittent crying came into Liuqing's ears through the rain, Liuqing came back to his senses, looked around, walked to the left, looked at the weak little Jiemi who was curled up in the muddy water and choked, and squatted down. The lower body gently hugged it, stroked its back, and comforted it!

"Mimi~" Looking up and seeing Liu Qing, Xiao Jiemi seemed to have found support, and arched towards Liu Qing's arms.

"Your Ma is dead, did she die to protect you?! It allows you to live a good life, to live happily as before..." Listening to Xiao Jiemi's voice of 'Yu Lunci', Liu Qing understood in her heart He understood what it meant, but he couldn't save Jiemi, and he was blaming himself, so how could he comfort Xiao Jiemi.

"Hey~" Miss Joy came over, looked at Little Jiemi in Liuqing's arms, her eyes lit up, and she sighed again, "Go to the elf center, I'll treat Jiemi, and everyone's little elf I was also injured in the battle just now, and must be treated as soon as possible!"

"Yeah!" Liu Qing nodded and stood up, following Miss Joy.

The only ones who were willing to follow Ms. Joy back were the passing trainers who came to help in the battle. The rest of the townspeople chose to stay, mourning the passing of Jie Mi and Huahai. A person came out of the house and greeted Liu Qing: "Mr. Liu Qing!"

"Lemon, it's you!" Liu Qing looked at the person and greeted him with a smile, but the smile was so forced.

"Mr. Liuqing, we have tried our best!" Seemingly feeling Liuqing's sentimentality, Lemon took a deep breath and said.

"Yeah, we've tried our best!" Liu Qing also knew it, but he couldn't feel happy in his heart, and seeing the surroundings become barren, how could he be happy? He and Sirona are living here for the elderly, but it's a pity that this wish was broken so quickly.

Seeing that Liuqing was not interested, although Lemon really wanted to communicate with Liuqing, he had to give up. After the group returned to the elf center, they handed all the elf balls to Miss Joey, except Liuqing and Lemon. I went to catch up on sleep.

"Lemon, you should go and rest too!" Liu Qing stood outside the treatment room, looked at Jie Mi who was being treated by Miss Joy through the glass door, and turned to Lemon who was dozing aside.

"I'm not tired, Mr. Liuqing, let me talk to you!" Lemon let out a sigh.

"Okay, okay, you go back to sleep first, if you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Liu Qing shook his head slightly, and drove Lemon back to his own dormitory. [

"Jie Mi, you need to recover!" Liu Qing murmured while looking at Jie Mi.

The night gradually passed, and when a ray of sunlight came in from the outside, the lights in the treatment room finally went out, Liu Qing stood up from the stool, and walked towards Miss Joy who came out of the treatment room.

"Miss Joy, how is Jie Mi?" Liu Qing asked eagerly.

"There's nothing else to do. You can recover after a night's sleep. You're tired after waiting all night. Go and rest!" Seeing Liu Qing with a tired face on her face, Miss Joy cared.

"I can still hold on!" Liu Qing rejected Miss Joy's proposal, he felt that it would be better for him to stay here, and Jie Mi must hope that he would see himself after waking up.

"Okay, then you can go in and be with Jie Mi! I also want to see everyone's little elves, and I don't know how the lucky egg is doing!" Miss Joy stopped persuading her, turned around and left.

Walking into the treatment room and coming to Jiemi's side, he could still hear the slight snoring sound. Liu Qing smiled knowingly, found a stool and sat down, and somehow fell asleep. After a long time, he suddenly felt There was a wet feeling on the finger, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Xiao Jiemi was biting my finger lightly. Seeing that I woke up, I seemed to be shocked, like a child who was caught by his parents and did bad things. Too scared to move, he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Jie Mi, you're recovering pretty well!" Seeing Jie Mi's recovery, Liu Qing felt a lot happier. She looked at the time and found that it was already noon. He opened the blanket covering himself, picked up Jiemi and walked out of the treatment room. ^-^

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