Pokemon et al.

Chapter 447 Follow-up, Liuyuan and Lujiana!


Although the location of the Spn Gun Pillar is not far from Shenhe Town, it was already night when Liuqing and Sirona returned to the town. After dinner, Liuqing handed the package and the elf ball of the Nianli clay puppet to Kalashina and said: "Grandma, here's your Psychic clay puppet and half a metal monster."

"Don't worry about your work, grandma." Kalashina took the package with a smile, tilted slightly and then smiled even more, stood up and said, "I'm going out for a walk, and I'll leave it to you young people to clean up!" After finishing speaking Then he blinked at Liu Qing, and walked out of the house with three steps.text first text first

"How much did you gain this time, and grandma would be so happy?" After Kalashina left, Sirona asked while cleaning up the dishes.

"There are only three types of elves in the Hunter j organization, big-mouthed bats, armored birds, and metal monsters. I won't talk about big-billed bats and armored birds. I believe you are not interested. I have harvested more than 20 metal monsters in total." Looking at Sirona who looked like a housewife in an apron, coupled with the hint in Kalashina's eyes just now, a fire was faintly ignited in Liu Qing's heart, and she also stood up and helped Sirona pack up together.

"There are three elves on Hunter J in the alliance file, how did you deal with it?" Sirona glanced at Liu Qing who was helping, and she didn't find it strange, after all, this was a common occurrence in the days when the two lived together. , From these little things, you can feel the evocative warmth and sweetness. [

"Of course I don't want Alidos and the poisonous dragon and scorpion. I have already sent them back to Kanto. I don't know whether to sell them as gifts or as event rewards, but the violent salamander has become mine." Liu Qing Hehe smiled.

"Will that storm salamander listen to you?" Sirona glanced at Liu Qing and teased, "Don't forget that the three-headed dragon you caught from Hezhong was not redeemed by its master in the end. back?"

"I can't help that three-headed dragon. After all, I beat its original owner so badly in front of it. Even if I went on a hunger strike, I wouldn't listen to my words. But I don't lose money if I get redeemed. In addition to what his master paid for the redemption, the family also took measures to urgently cultivate a few elf eggs. And relying on the benefits I brought to the family in the past, my family and I asked for two of the elf eggs, together with the The Yuanlu Shark I caught, these three elves are going to be given to Liuyuan, Xiaochun and Lujiana. Liuyuan has not used the ground-type elves yet, so I have already chosen Yuanlu Shark, the remaining two eggs haven't hatched yet, I think it will be almost there in a while, when it happens to be a competition, they can be handed over to Xiaochun and Lujiana to cultivate!"

"Lujana will be very happy if she knows that you have prepared a three-headed dragon's elf egg for her!" Sirona was also a little surprised that Liu Qing would actually give Lujana a three-headed dragon's elf egg, after all The three-headed dragon is a sub-divine beast belonging to the western hemisphere, and it must be an extremely rare existence in the major families in the eastern hemisphere. I think that even the Bofeng family did not breed many elf eggs at one time. I did not expect to give it to Lujana now. Only.

"It's nothing, I can see that Liu Yuan and Lu Jiana are very destined, and maybe they will get closer in the future, won't the investment now be recovered?" Liu Qing joked.

"I want our two sisters to marry your two brothers respectively. It's a beautiful idea!" Sirona still didn't understand what Liu Qing meant. Although she knew the relationship between Liu Yuan and Lu Jiana in her heart, she still gave Liu Qing a supercilious look. Seeing this, Liuqing smiled embarrassingly, without refuting.

"Speaking of hunter j's violent salamander, you don't know it yet. When hunter j attacked me, my violent newt fought with it. From the way it looks, I admire the violent newt very much. My violent newt The salamander didn't hit it hard either, or you thought the salamander still had the stamina to take Hunter j back to the airship at the end?!" Liu Qing smiled mysteriously, "What's more, now that Hunter j has already Dead, I believe that as long as I work hard, I will succeed in commanding this storm salamander."

"You really are..." Sirona looked at Liu Qing with some words, but she didn't expect Liu Qing to want her violent salamander to sell her lust* to make the hunter j violent newt obedient, but I have to say that this is really true This is a good way, after thinking for a while, he asked again, "What about those elves in the galaxy group, what are you going to do with them?"

"Like Hunter J's Poisonous Dragon Scorpion and Alidos, these elves who have followed their masters for a long time and whose strength has reached the elite level will be difficult to control once they change masters. Even absolute strength suppression may not be successful, unless it is They are voluntarily obedient, not to mention that most of them are not flying, so naturally they can deal with it at home. But I guess most of them may be handed over to the alliance. After all, the Galaxy team incident is different from the Hunter j incident. No one in my family knew that I had entered Hunter J's airship before it was hit by Future Sight. I think the entire league now knows that the Poké Ball of the three major soldiers of the Galaxy team fell into my hands." Liu Qing thought about it.

"By the way, speaking of elves, do you like the golden monster I gave you?" While speaking, both Liu Qing and Sirona had already packed the dishes, and after Liu Qing wiped off the water on his hands, asked.

"I didn't expect you to remember that promise, I like it very much!" Sirona said with a sweet smile, and paused, "But you can find a glitter elf, and it's also a golden monster, luck is really good It's better."

"That's because God was also moved by my heart for you, so he sent an elf to give me a chance to fulfill my promise!" Liu Qing looked into Sirona's eyes, said gently, and hugged her slowly but forcefully. Holding Sirona's slender waist, he lowered his head and kissed those red lips affectionately, naturally not mentioning the passion all night.

Because of the sudden collapse of Sinnoh's strongest underground organization, the Galaxy team, all the underground forces of Sinnoh fell into panic. After returning to the alliance to explain the details of the Galaxy team's collapse, Sirona also took time off. Liu Qing did practice battles, with the purpose of going to Luyuan City to participate in the friendship competition, and drove to various places to play and live in the world of two people. Such days passed quickly, and after half a month, Liu Qing received the news from home.

In the large-scale celebration in the Johto area, Lujana, who used the combination of Mekayangma and Yuxiang Seeds, lost to Saori, who used the combination of Bidiao and Chenglong, and stopped in the top eight like Harry who lost to Liuyuan; Liu Yuan, who used the combination of Moth and Pixie, lost by a narrow margin to Xiao Shun, who used the combination of Desert Dragonfly and Ba Dahu, and Xiaoyao, who used the combination of Ice Elf and Hunting Butterfly, lost to the combination of Silly Hippo and Bi Diao In the hands of Saori, he stopped in the top four; in the end, Xiaoshun, who used the combination of Roseredo and Absolu, narrowly defeated Saori, who used the combination of Ba Dahu and Bi Diao, and won the final championship.

Although it was a pity that Liu Yuan did not win the championship, but fortunately Liu Yuan was not discouraged, and began to train Yuan Lu Shark in a gorgeous battle at home, which made Liu Qing feel relieved.A few days later, the large-scale grand ceremony of the Sinnoh area also ended, and Ruuyuan rushed over from Kanto to participate in the Sinnoh area gorgeous contest. A few days later, the large-scale celebration in Johto has been traveling Lujiana also returned to Sinnoh, and together with Liuyuan broke the warm two-person world of Liuqing and Sirona.

"I've tried it, and the general metal coat can't make the crystal rock snake evolve at all, so I went to the cave on the Ponkan Island where it was captured, and I didn't expect that it really let me find the key to evolution. Now the crystal rock snake has Evolved into a big steel snake!" After Sirona asked where Lujiana went after the game, Lujiana couldn't wait to explain, and took out the poke ball, opened it, and as the golden pink light dissipated, a A big steel snake whose whole body is made of spar and emitting bright light appeared in front of several people.

"It's so beautiful, it looks like it's made of crystal!" Liu Yuan stared at the big steel snake and said in shock.

"Hee hee, you are so stupid, it's not like, but it is, I named it the Crystal Steel Snake!" Luciana said happily, and took out another elf ball and continued, "In addition, I also got a new partner this time, come out, Gotha Duck!"

As Lujana's elf ball opened, a blue elf appeared. After looking at the four people in the field, he jumped directly in front of Sirona, showing off his strong body, and the pose he posed was amusing. Sirona smiled immediately: "It's a very lively Gotha Duck!"[

"Really, what a shame!" Luciana couldn't help covering her face as she looked at the Gotha Duck who was posing more attentively in front of Sirona.

"It seems that this Gotha Duck likes beautiful women!" Liu Qing commented with a smile, "But aside from this point, in terms of fur, eyes, body shape and other aspects, he is a very good elf!"

"It's really a beautiful elf!" Liu Yuan admired it from the coordinator's point of view, and then asked, "Lujana, please tell me where you met this Gotha Duck, why are you so lucky? I always meet such unique elves, this Gotha Duck is, and so was the Nine-Tails last time!"

"Hee hee, this is a good character, you can't envy it!" Lu Jiana was also very satisfied with being able to subdue Nine Tails and this Gotha Duck, and explained, "This Gotha Duck is I met it when I was passing Hasa Island, and it appeared in front of me like this at the time, and I fell in love with it at first sight, so I tried to tame it, but this Gotha duck is not only powerful, but also far smarter It was super ordinary of the same kind, so it failed the first time, until I chased it for a week before successfully conquering it!"

"Wouldn't it be you who promised it that as long as it follows you, it will get more girls' likes and cheers, so it will follow you!?" Liuyuan and Lujiana are used to running on each other. Suppression, and now immediately launched a counterattack.

"You...huh, that's not the case!" Lujiana blushed and said in shame, but Liu Yuan couldn't help being stunned by this appearance. Laughed out loud.

Apart from talking about love, Liuqing and Sirona are together for elf battle training, while Liuyuan and Lujiana get together to watch the battle between Liuqing and Sirona, and they quarrel all day long. But whoever starts to talk about victory and defeat with gorgeous battles, Picosi of Liuyuan, Leaf Fairy, Sun Coral, Dream Demon, Elle Duo, Tanabata Blue Bird, Zoroya, Menus, Last Moth and the newly added Round Land Shark and Lujana's Crystal Steel Snake, Yuxiang Seed, Snow Boy, Nine Tails, Meka Yangma and the newly added Gotha Duck's gorgeous collision of various unique skills, such a life is also rich Colorful, not to mention who will win the battle between Liuyuan and Lujiana, just from the fact that the two new partners quickly adapted to the battle mode of the gorgeous competition and the charm of the old partners in the past is more eye-catching. It can be seen that the strength of both of them has improved significantly during this period of time.

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ps: Next is the friendship match. This is written to make up for the lack of the Hezhong area. I hope you will like it!

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