Pokemon et al.

Chapter 485 God Hunter vs Zuo Jie!


spn "Rage crocodile, continue to attack!" In the field, with a successful blow, God Hunter launched a pursuit again, and Rage crocodile also rushed out of the sand screen, heading straight for the red-faced dragon.

"Dragon's Tail!" Zuo Jie gritted his teeth. The continuous damage from the sandstorm and the surprise attack from the sand hell made the red-faced dragon's original advantage instantly reversed. At this time, he had to change the way to restart the battle.

Following the order, the moment the red-faced dragon landed, its tail glowed blue, its body spun, and its tail directly hit the attacking violent crocodile. The violent crocodile roared in pain and was thrown out, turning into a ball The red light returned to the God Hunter Ball, and then a white light appeared, and a diamond mole appeared in the field.

The rocks in the God Hunting Field suddenly soared into the air, and suddenly closed towards the steel drill mole, making a loud "boom", and the steel drill mole let out a cry, from the pincers of the hidden rocks Jumped out, seemingly unharmed.

"Concealed boulders have little effect on steel-type and ground-type steel drill moles. It seems that there is something wrong with Zuojie's skill arrangement!" Liu Qing thought to himself. [

"The dragon tail of the red-faced dragon forced the hunter to exchange the elf, and the second elf of the hunter is the diamond mole!" Zhu Guang also began to introduce at this time.

"Red-faced dragon, brute force!" Looking at the panting red-faced dragon, Zuojie knew that it didn't have much energy left, and now it had to fight quickly.

Following Zojie's first attack, the red-faced dragon roared and emitted blue light again, and charged towards the steel diamond mole, but when the attack was about to hit, the steel diamond mole dragged out an afterimage for an instant It disappeared in front of the red-faced dragon and appeared behind it.

"So fast!" Zuojie's expression changed drastically, and he was shocked.

"Steel Claws!" Under the timely order of the god hunter, the steel diamond mole jumped up, spread its claws, exuding a metallic luster, and ruthlessly aimed at the red-faced dragon whose center of gravity was unstable due to a single blow. Grabbing hard, the red-faced dragon fell to the ground with one blow, and flew forward.

"Continue to attack, hit directly with the drill!" Shenhun was in high spirits, chasing after the victory.

"Stand up, red-faced dragon, stand up!" Zuojie shouted anxiously seeing his arms and head folded together, spinning like an oval steel diamond mole.

"Why is that steel drill mole so fast?" Minato asked curiously.

"It's the ability to dig sand!" Liu Qing explained, "One of the characteristics of the steel diamond mole is that the speed doubles in sandstorm weather; the other characteristic is the power of sand, which is a ground-type, steel-type and rock-type unique skill in sandstorm weather. The power of it will be enhanced to a certain extent!"

"What a steel diamond mole, if it cooperates with the sand stealth skill of the round land shark, it must be very gorgeous to use the sandstorm to play doubles!" In the audience, listening to Sirona's same explanation, Liu Yuan has already thought of the gorgeous contest superior.

Looking at the red-faced dragon struggling to stand up, not to mention the exaggerated speed of the steel diamond mole, it is the current physical strength of the red-faced dragon, it is obviously unrealistic to dodge, it is better than a hard screen, Zuo Jie clenched his fists, gritted his teeth decisively Commanded: "Red-faced dragon, use brute force!"

"Roar" the red-faced dragon roared loudly, with blue light all over his body, stretched out his hand to catch the oncoming drill bit directly, the high-speed rotation made the red-faced dragon's hands steam up, and the powerful force moved the red-faced dragon to keep retreating , but it was just a few breaths, the red-faced dragon looked ferocious, and squeezed his hands to the middle. After a bang, the steel drill mole's drill bit was finally broken by the red-faced dragon, and was severely smashed by the red-faced dragon. It hit the ground with a muffled 'bang'.

"What?" Shenhun's complexion suddenly changed.

"Well done, Red Faced Dragon, now is the time, Flame Fist!" Zojie God had only tried to make Red Faced Dragon use brute force before, after all, the steel diamond mole that God hunted was not weak. Unexpectedly, the red-faced dragon broke through the opponent's attack with so much effort, which made Zuo Jie feel guilty for his distrust, and also happy for the red-faced dragon!

The red-faced dragon closed his fist at his waist, surrounded by the power of flames, and punched like lightning, directly hitting the steel diamond mole who had just stood up staggeringly. A long path of fire was dragged out, and then the flames spread all over the steel drill mole's body!

"The red-faced dragon's flame punch hit the steel diamond mole, the effect is outstanding, and there is an additional effect, the steel diamond mole is in a burn state!" Zhu Guang immediately explained.

"What a tenacious red-faced dragon!" Seeing the red-faced dragon working so hard, Liu Qing couldn't help but look up a few times, but at this time the red-faced dragon was really at the end of the mast.

"Diamond Mole, get rid of it, climb the rock!" Godhunter ordered angrily, he didn't expect that the red-faced dragon who couldn't stand still at this time would put the Mole Steel into a burnt state, which is very important for Mole Steel Definitely a huge hit.

The steel diamond mole moved in response to the sound, its claws glowed white, and it slapped the ground fiercely. The ground shook suddenly, and the ground under the red-faced dragon's feet suddenly rose from the ground, and the steel diamond mole's right paw Stretched, and directly attacked the red-faced dragon raised from the ground. [

"Red-faced dragon, attack with the tail of the dragon!" Under Zuojie's quick order, the red-faced dragon cheered up, its tail glowed blue, and swiped at the diamond mole.

"Boom~" The steel diamond mole's rock climbing and the dragon's tail collided together, a strong force surged, and then it exploded suddenly, and the steel diamond mole directly turned into a ball of red light and flew back into the spirit hunting ball , while the red-faced dragon was thrown directly from the raised ground, and when it fell on the ground, it lost its fighting power directly.

The raised ground was recovered, and the violent crocodile reappeared in the field. Without exception, the hidden rocks also gave the violent crocodile a blow. Although the effect was negligible at the same time, it still played a role for the violent crocodile, which was not at its peak physical strength. slight influence.

"The red-faced dragon has lost its fighting power!" the referee announced.

"In this battle, I don't know whether it should be said that Shenhun has the upper hand, or Zuo Jie has the upper hand!" Liu Qing murmured in a low voice.

"How to say?" Although Liu Qing said in a low voice, Mina heard it and asked curiously.

"It is said that God Hunter has the advantage because of a sandstorm, which is beneficial to the two elves he uses; it is said that Zojie has the advantage because the characteristic of the red-faced dragon is shark skin. Unfortunately, the opponent's two elves are both It is a physical attack type, so every time the red-faced dragon is attacked in close quarters, the attacker will also be injured!" Liu Qing explained.

"However, I think it seems that Zuojie is better overall!" Han Ye said suddenly.

"Why?" Liu Qing asked strangely.

"Because his second is the moat dragon, in sandstorm weather, his own special defense will be enhanced!" Han Ye pointed to the middle of the field.

"Rage crocodile, use an earthquake!" God Hunter issued the order first.

Following the order, the violent crocodile jumped high, and then landed heavily. With the vibration of the ground, a strong ground wave spread instantly, and went straight to the moat dragon.

"Iron wall!" Facing the strong shock, Zuo Jie looked very calm, and he became more calm in his composure.

The moat dragon also appeared calm and unflappable on the shaking ground, with metallic luster shining all over its body, its limbs firmly grasping the ground, enduring the strong earthquake.

"Terrible defensive power!" Godhunter frowned and changed his order, "If you can't do it from the front, then break through to the rear and attack, violent crocodile!"

As soon as the voice of the god hunter fell, the violent crocodile had already run out in the sandstorm, and the moat dragon remained motionless, watching the violent crocodile coldly, and the violent crocodile obviously understood the meaning of the god hunter, and did not attack directly, but It was a sudden turn around to pass the moat dragon, rushing past it from the side, and then a drift appeared behind the moat dragon.

"It's now, quick strike!" God Hunter shouted immediately.

"Naive!" Zuojie sneered and ordered, "Metal blast!"

The moat dragon moves very slowly, but how much time does it take to turn around on the spot? Before the violent crocodile attack arrives, the moat dragon has already turned around, opened its mouth and released a metallic light ball, hitting As if the violent crocodile was delivered to the door, it flew out directly against the violent crocodile. In the middle of the way, there was a violent explosion, and the strong impact force swept across, throwing the violent crocodile out and hitting the ground Nothing happened.

"The violent crocodile cannot fight!" the referee announced.

"The moat dragon blasted with metal, and vigorously returned the earthquake damage it received to the opponent. Contestant Zuojie and Contestant Hunter have a draw!" Zhuguang shouted loudly, and the audience also burst into enthusiastic cheers.

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