Pokemon et al.

Chapter 535 Finals!


spn "It's really amazing, it has completely defeated the opponent's three elves!" Xiaochun was very excited at the moment.

"Looking at it this way, it's very likely that Liu Qing will win the final!" Xiao Gang agreed.

"Liuqing's three elves so far have suppressed their opponents in terms of speed and strength. They are really strong!" Xiaozhi continued.

"So, facing the oppression of the powerful Liuqing player, what will be the next elf of Dakoto player, will it still be the legendary elf?" After Dakoto took back the frozen bird, the commentator opened the mouth.

"This guy sees what you do!" Dakdo said and took out a poke ball and threw it out. As the white light dissipated, a Xidoran landed on the field with four claws grabbing the ground with a 'bang', and opened his mouth Thick smoke from Mars spewed out. [

"Dakdo's fourth elf is Seadolan!" The commentator dragged his introduction amidst the cheers of the audience.

"Sidolan, the elf of the crater, the elf living inside the crater, one part of the body is made of lava, and the other part is high-temperature resistant steel. It is said that it was born in the period when the planet was just formed, in the ancient times with frequent volcanic activities. Era. Digging holes with that strangely shaped arm, and it can also crawl on walls.” Xiaozhi looked at the elves in the field and immediately took out the illustrated book to interpret.

"When did the legendary elves become so common? Could it be that this guy has been favored by the creation beasts?" Xiaochun felt a little numb to seeing so many gods and beasts today, and at the same time was a little jealous .

"I have to say that this is another unfathomable enemy after the Frozen Bird!" Xiao Gang also said a little bit, wondering why so many legendary elves were subdued by the trainer. It's easy to say, three is already abnormal, and more than four even an idiot knows there is a problem.

"I don't know what kind of elf Liuqing will use to deal with Xi Duolan?!" Xiaozhi said expectantly.

"It's a good plan to use Xidolan, who has the igniting attribute, to deal with the chandelier ghost with the same igniting attribute!" Liu Qing said calmly, took out the poke ball and took the chandelier ghost back, and threw it high into the sky with his backhand He took out the poke ball, "Gyarados, I'll leave it to you!" As the poke ball opened, a violent roar came out, and the slender purple-red body of the Gyarados was displayed in front of the eyes of all the audience. There was not even the slightest vibration on the ground, and the body was entangled and looked down at Sidolan.

"This Gyarados not only has a special color, but its body is too huge!" Looking at the Gyarados' body that is at least ten meters long, Xiao Guang exclaimed.

"The Gyarados is one of the strongest elves in Brother Liuqing's hands. I didn't expect to even exchange it!" Xiaochun said excitedly. Back then, he was very envious of this Gyarados.

"Liuqing's fourth elf is Gyarados!" the commentator introduced loudly.

"Sidolan, lava storm!" Dakdo first issued an order, and then saw that Sitran's eyes burst into fiery light, and he opened his mouth to shoot a fiery flame at the Gyarados. After hitting A huge flame whirlwind was formed, trapping the Gyarados in it.

"Gyarados is trapped by the quick attack of the Lava Storm of Sidolan!" The commentator immediately introduced loudly, "However, Gyarados is indeed a powerful water elf, and it is still calm under this powerful attack. !"

"Xidolan, the flames of the sun!" Dakoto gave an order again with a confident smile on his face, and Xidoran also supported his upper body, facing the scorching sun in the sky, and absorbed the strength with a big mouth.

"Gyarados, pray for rain!" Liu Qing looked indifferent, unmoved by the attack of the lava storm, following the command, the whole body of the Gyarados immediately emitted a water-blue light, which merged with the lava storm to form a large number of The water vapor rose towards the sky, and in an instant, black cumulonimbus clouds formed, and it began to rain, and Xidolan, who was absorbing the power of the sun, also paused for a while, and as the raindrops fell, his whole body let out a "chi la" 'Voices.

"The Gyarados is praying for rain, it has interrupted the flames of the sun in Sidolan!" the commentator immediately introduced loudly upon seeing this.

"What?" Dakdo's expression changed, and he reacted quickly and counterattacked, "Sidolan, rock blade!"

"Gyarados, Mizuno!" Liu Qing ordered.

Following the orders of the two, Sidolan quickly gathered strength around his body and fired towards the Gyarados, but at the same time, the violently burning flames surrounding the Gyarados spread out from the inside, Then I saw a flash of purple-red light, the Gyarados had disappeared in place, dodged the attack of the rock blade, and appeared beside Sidolan, swept it away with one tail, and then Another ray of light flashed by, and Sidolan was swept away again. At this time, Sidolan was constantly being attacked by the Gyarados like a toy ball.

"What a fast speed, the speed and strength of the Gyarados are playing with Xidolan in the applause, and the effect of the tail of the water is outstanding!" The commentator suddenly shouted excitedly, and the audience also burst into enthusiastic cheers .

"I never knew that Gyarados has such a huge body and such a fast speed!" In the auditorium, Xiaoguang was shocked like many audiences. [

"Mutated elves with special colors generally have a special ability. The Gyarados in Liuqing has dual characteristics, and the other characteristic is briskness, which makes it double the speed in rainy days!" Xiao Gang explained.

"It's amazing, I never knew about this!" Xiaoguang said in surprise, with a look of knowledge on his face.

"Xidolan, the rock blade!" Dakdo's face became ugly at the moment, he didn't expect to hit the Gyarados just now, he was a little happy, and now he was ravaged so hard, he roared and issued an order .And Xidolan was also smashed into the air by a tail again, and quickly gathered strength all over his body, and fired in all directions, but the rock blades that hit the Gyarados were smashed by the Gyarados' tail in an instant. It was shattered, but by this time, Sidoran also landed on all fours again, panting violently.

"Xidolan, destroy the death light!" Duckdo immediately issued an order the moment Xidoran landed.

Following the order, Sidolan opened his mouth wide and quickly gathered strength, shooting a huge beam of light directly at the Gyarados.

"Gyarados, the last blow, Water's Tail!" Seeing that Xi Duolan wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the Gyarados blocking the rock blade to launch the strongest trick, Liu Qing smiled calmly and commanded calmly.

Hearing the words, the Gyarados looked at the destructive death light that rushed towards it with its huge eyes, and showed disdain in a humane manner, but the purple-red light had already flown to the sky in a flash, its body turned over, entwined with the violently rotating water flow The giant tail slashed straight down, directly hitting the center line of Xidolan's body, making a loud 'boom' and splashing a lot of muddy water.

"The Gyarados avoided the destructive death light like lightning, and the tail of the water was about to split in two. What's wrong with Xidolan?" the narrator shouted in a drawn-out voice.

"Xidolan can't fight, Gyarados wins!" As the Gyarados retracted its tail and coiled it up again, the referee also saw Xidoran lying in the puddle, and immediately announced.

"We defeated the legendary Xidoran with just Mizuno, what a terrifying Gyarados, what a terrifying Liuqing player!" the commentator shouted excitedly, and the audience immediately burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"This Gyarados is too strong!" Xiaoguang said in shock.

"Originally, I thought Darkley and Latios of Dakoto were scary, but now I see the legendary elves appearing one by one, but they are all defeated by Liuqing, and I don't know what it is. It feels good!" Xiao Gang smiled wryly.

"Dakdo, who has been fooled by the overwhelming strength of the Liuqing players so far, will the next elf be able to fight back?" The commentator continued after Dakdo took back Sidolan.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

ps: Dakoto's fourth elf, Sidoran, appeared, someone guessed it! ! !Its source is actually the one that appeared in the Sinnoh Alliance registration hall on TV! ! !Correspondingly, the Gyarados, one of the five main forces of Liuqing, also appeared, and the battle ended in chapter one. Have you been moved by the violence and might of the Gyarados? !Are you excited? !Tomorrow is Dakdo's fifth legendary elf, what will it be? !

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